Telangana High Court rules on tax exemption delay for Global Organisation for Development. Case examines condonation of Form 10B filing delays under Income Tax Act.
Assessee was entitled to the exemption under Section 10A as ex-post facto approval granted by the RBI, the competent authority under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999, met the requirements of Section 10A(3).
Telangana HC rules that the assessee failed to discharge the burden of proof for undisclosed investments during block assessment, upholding the addition.
Telangana High Court sets aside GST order against Krishna Automotives, citing reliance on a quashed notice. The department may reinitiate proceedings lawfully.
Telangana HC quashes GST order as the Proper Officer failed to determine tax independently and relied on pending proceedings in another state.
Telangana HC’s ruling in Frontier Information Tech clarifies debt-to-equity conversion as “actual payment” under Section 43B of the Income Tax Act.
Telangana HC examines Rapiscan Systems’ challenge on Income Tax assessment delays and statutory compliance in the 2018-19 and 2019-20 fiscal years.
Telangana High Court held that sole financial creditor cannot entertain request of One Time Settlement once corporate debtor enters in Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP). Accordingly, petition dismissed.
The Telangana High Court addressed jurisdiction and employment status in Godrej Agrovet Ltd. Vs Presiding Officer. Key aspects of industrial disputes analyzed.
Brunda Infra Pvt. Limited and Others. Vs Additional Commissioner of Central Tax (Telangana High Court) In this batch of writ petitions, the petitioners have called in question the legality, validity and propriety of notification Nos.13/2022, dated 05.07.2022, 9 and 56/2023, dated 31.03.2023 and 28.12.2023, respectively. The pari materia/ corresponding notification Nos.118/2023, dated 25.08.2023 and 170/2023, […]