Income Tax : Learn how to read tax judgements like a pro. Get tips and advice for navigating complex legal documents and understanding their co...
Income Tax : Understanding the need for a Direct Tax Code - Part II. Explore the conceptual framework of this crucial legislation....
Income Tax : Explore the need for a Direct Tax Code in India. Discover the reasons behind the call for a complete replacement of the Income Tax...
Income Tax : Author, in this article, analyses a supreme Court decision in the case of Northern Operating system dated 19-May-2022 which has un...
Income Tax : It is a routine practice that Pharmaceutical and health sector companies provide freebies such as hospitality, conference fees, go...
Income Tax : The decision relates to deductibility of excise duty u/s 43B of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Section 43-B requires cumulative existen...
Income Tax : Background It is a matter relating to validity of re-opening of assessment on a technical ground in the case of Mayurbhai Mangalda...
Income Tax : A reader should be able to come to his / her own conclusion by applying the legislative enactments and judicial pronouncements to ...
Income Tax : The power to charge fees under the provisions of section 234E of the Act while processing the TDS statements, was dwelled upon by ...
Income Tax : The critical question before special bench: Whether, on the facts and in the circumstances of the case, no arm’s length rate of ...
Learn how to read tax judgements like a pro. Get tips and advice for navigating complex legal documents and understanding their contents.
Understanding the need for a Direct Tax Code – Part II. Explore the conceptual framework of this crucial legislation.
Explore the need for a Direct Tax Code in India. Discover the reasons behind the call for a complete replacement of the Income Tax Act.
Author, in this article, analyses a supreme Court decision in the case of Northern Operating system dated 19-May-2022 which has un-settled an otherwise settled tax treatment of secondment of employees under both direct and indirect tax laws.
It is a routine practice that Pharmaceutical and health sector companies provide freebies such as hospitality, conference fees, gold coins, LCD TVs, fridges, laptops, etc. to medical practitioners for creating awareness about the health supplement ‘ABC’.
Objective Author, in this article, analyses the nuances of exercising revisionary power of CIT / PCIT u/s 263 when the assessee has preferred an appeal before CIT(A) and the matter is pending for adjudication. Text reproduced from judgement/Act is in small font and in Italics. Structure-: This article is based on a judicial pronouncement and […]
Objective The Author in this article discusses two issues namely: 1) Application of section 68 in case of share application money to the web of intermediaries and 2) how one can-not misuse rule 27 of ITAT rules. Both the issues are based on recent judgements of Mumbai tribunal Structure-: The article gives authors own analysis. […]
Author in this article discusses a recent judgement of Mumbai tribunal dealing with question as to whether it is possible that an assessee pays taxes in UK to the UK ex-chequer and claims refund in India from Indian Ex-chequer. The real tussle is interpretation is application of principles laid down in the case of Wipro Ltd
Objective Part – 1 – Impact on domestic trade The Author, in this article, discusses the impact of recent decision of Supreme Court [SC] in the case of Engineering Analysis on domestic laws and concludes that equalisation levy will be payable on import of computer software provided the conditions are fulfilled and some impact due […]
While the author had almost finalised the article, Notification No. 27/2021 dated 27-Feb-2021 the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions) Ordinance, 2020 which was promulgated on 5-Jun-2020 [while later become Act] has extended date of completion of assessment for AY 2018-19 from 31-March-2021 to 29-30-June-2021. But one must note that the […]