Income Tax : Treatment of expenditures incurred by an assessee in excess of Rs. 20000/- (wef A.Y. 2018-19 Rs 10000/-) in cash or bearer cheque ...
Income Tax : In this article I have discussed provisions regarding exemption from House Rent Allowance -As per Section 10 (13A) and rule 2A ex...
Income Tax : To discuss the tax treatment of the pension received, comprehensively, the employees have been divided in two types, government an...
Income Tax : In this article I’ll be discussing the valuation of a rent free unfurnished accommodation given to an employee as a perquisite. ...
Income Tax : In the cases given below, the amount of exemption does not depend upon expenditure incurred by the employee. Regardless of the amo...
Treatment of expenditures incurred by an assessee in excess of Rs. 20000/- (wef A.Y. 2018-19 Rs 10000/-) in cash or bearer cheque under section 40(A)(3) of the Income Tax Act, 1961
In this article I have discussed provisions regarding exemption from House Rent Allowance -As per Section 10 (13A) and rule 2A exemption in respect of house rent allowance is based upon the following –1) An amount equal to 50 per cent of the salary, where the residential house is situated at Bombay, Kolkata, Delhi or Chennai, and an amount equal to 40 per cent of the salary where the residential house is situated at any other place.
To discuss the tax treatment of the pension received, comprehensively, the employees have been divided in two types, government and non-government. Even the pension received can be of two types, commuted and uncommuted.
In this article I’ll be discussing the valuation of a rent free unfurnished accommodation given to an employee as a perquisite. The term accommodation includes a flat, farm house (or part thereof) or accommodation in a hotel, motel, service apartment, guest house, caravan, mobile home, ship or other floating structure. For the purpose of valuation of the perquisite in respect of unfurnished accommodation, employees are divided in the following two categories:
In the cases given below, the amount of exemption does not depend upon expenditure incurred by the employee. Regardless of the amount of expenditure, the allowances given below are exempt to the extent of –1) The amount of allowance; or 2) The amount specified in rule 2BB, whichever is lower.On the above basis, exemption is available in the case of the following allowances. It may be noted that in these cases, the amount of actual expenditure is not taken into consideration
1. Fixed medical allowance is always chargeable to tax. 2. The perquisite in respect of medical facility provided by an employer in the following hospitals/clinic is not chargeable to tax – a) Hospital owned/maintained by the employer. b) Hospital of Central Government/ State Government/ local authority.
The provisions regarding the entertainment allowance and its deduction from salary are discussed below – Entertainment allowance as per Section 16(ii) is first included in salary income under the head “Salaries” and thereafter a deduction is given on the basis enumerated in the following points
Basic conditions that need to be satisfied to check if an Individual is a resident in India are as follows:- 1) The person must be India in the previous year for a period of 182 days or more 2)The person is in India for a period of 60 days or more during the previous year and 365 days or more during 4 years immediately preceding the previous year.
If capital is borrowed for reconstruction, repairs or renewals of a house property), then the maximum amount of deduction on account of interest is Rs. 30,000 (and not Rs. 2,00,000).
The general perception when it comes to salaried employees is that there isn’t much scope for saving tax. But that isn’t true. In fact there are many avenues under the head Income from Salary in which tax savings are possible.