Query 1: Is further extension allowed in filing of form INC-22 A? Answer: No further extension is allowed in filing form INC-22A and due date will be April 25, 2019. Query 2: should the registered office name board to be in english and regional language as well? Answer: Yes, it is suggested that name board […]
Introduction MCA mandates filing of form INC-22A also known as form ACTIVE (Active Company Tagging Identities and Verification) vide its notification dated February 21, 2019 and further introduced the Companies (Incorporation) Amendment Rules, 2019. It can be also known as KYC of Company. Requirement of filing:- Every company incorporated on or before December 31, 2017 […]
On a brief go through with Section 149 & Schedule IV i.e. Code of Conduct for Independent Directors, it has been provided that the appointment of Independent Director is subject to the approval of members in the general meeting.
Like the KYC in Banks of Customers, Now MCA has introduced a new e-Form i.e. DIR-3 KYC for the KYC of Directors who have been allotted DIN. DIR-3 KYC is an extension to Form DIR-3 whereby the Director has to provide its Identity, Address Proof & other information along with its Personal Mobile No. and E-mail Id etc.
Requirement of Filing: Any Person who is willing to appoint as Director in a Company/Limited Liability Partnership must have a Director Identification Number. DIN is a pre-requisite for becoming a Director. DIN includes DPIN (Designated Partnership Identification Number) Section: Section 153 of the Companies Act, 2013 Rules: Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 […]