Quarterly Return filing & Monthly Payment of Taxes (QRMP) scheme is been launched by Government for small taxpayers under GST system. In thie article we will discuss the Applicability of this Scheme, Salient Features of QRMP scheme, What Registered Person means for this Scheme, When to Register or Opt for this Scheme, When to file […]
I. Applicability of Section 80JJAA:- In order to promote Employee generation, deduction under section 80JJAA is given to all Assesses, whose books of accounts are required to get audited u/s.44AB. II. Quantum and Duration of Deduction under Section 80JJAA:- Where the gross total income of an assesse to whom section 44AB applies, includes any profits […]
In the present scenario, due to arise of Covid-19, many people are purchasing Health Insurance policies. Premiums paid on such policies are eligible for deduction u/s.80D of Income Tax Act, which is discussed in detail below:- In Case of Individual:- (i) Deduction in respect of insurance premium paid for family:- Deduction to the extent of […]
Cases where Income of a Previous Year will be assessed in the Previous Year itself under Income Tax Act, 1961. General Rule:- Income of a previous year is assessed in the assessment year following the previous year. Exception to this rule:- Cases where income of a previous year is assessed in the previous year itself:- […]
Taxability of Gifts {Section 56(2)(x) of Income Tax Act, 1961} To prevent the practice of receiving sum of money or the property without consideration or for inadequate consideration, section 56(2)(x) brings to tax any sum of money or the value of any property received by any person without consideration or the value of any property […]
Article explains about Credit Note and Debit Note under GST, Purpose of GST Credit/Debit Note, Conditions for issuing GST Credit/Debit Notes, Implications on issue of GST Credit/Debit Note, Time Limit for issuance of GST Credit/Debit Note and When to issue Financial Credit/Debit Note. 1) Credit Note under GST:- I. Purpose of GST Credit Note:- During […]
1) Introduction:- ITC means reducing the taxes paid on inputs from taxes to be paid on output. When any supply of services or goods is supplied to a taxable person, the GST charged is termed as Input Tax. The concept isn’t entirely new because it already existed under the pre-GST indirect taxes regime (service tax, […]
(1) General Provision [Section 45(1)]:- Any profits or gains arising from the transfer of a capital asset effected in the previous year, shall be chargeable to Income-tax under this head in the previous year in which the transfer took place. (2) Special Case [Section 45(2)]:- A person who is the owner of a capital asset […]
Article explains provisions related to Treatment of Income from trading of Securities(Business Income/ or Capital Gain?), Securities Transaction Tax (STT) Treatment, Taxation of Capital Gains in case of Shares held for the Purpose of Investment, Taxation of Gains in case of Shares held for the Purpose other than for Investment and Advance tax when you […]
SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR COMPUTING PROFITS AND GAINS OF BUSINESS OF PLYING, HIRING OR LEASING GOODS CARRIAGES [SECTION 44AE] 1. Eligible Business: – Section provides for estimating business income of an owner of goods carriages from the plying, hire or leasing of such goods carriages; 2. Eligible Assesse: – Scheme applies to persons owning not more […]