In continuation to our earlier article on ‘Risk Management Strategy vs. Risk Management objectives’, let’s understand what is allowed to be hedged as per the Accounting Standard. WHY do we hedge? Simple answer is to mitigate all expected losses or adverse effect on fair values of any balance sheet items (e.g. Investments etc) or an […]
There have been lot many controversies and chatters around about the system/ protocols that are being followed by India’s premier accounting body i.e. ICAI. When I personally visualise myself about the issues that have been discussed a lot in this front, I realised that there are some gaps between what is right and what has […]
Election, election and election…Now a day’s every candidate is trying to lure his/her candidature in such a fashion that he/ she would be the reservoir of all talent/ expertise to take our profession into the next level. Every now and then it seems like we as a professional needs someone who can really understand us […]
Every business list down its strategy to move forward and for that it gears up its executives by providing them some agreed targets which eventually become their performance indicators and based on these targets, these executives would further drill down the same to ensure these TARGETS are actually achieved. There are number of reported/ investigated […]
When an Entity is being acquired by another Entity, it has two way to look at it, first being 100% acquired where all controlling rights will be with Parent Entity only, another could be where the control is less than 100% which arises a situation to have another interested party who has rights in the […]
Often debts include clauses in which either borrower or an issuer can prepay the debt amount earlier than its contractually agreed period or extension of term can be requested. As per the classification of Assets rules defined under as per Ind-As 109 – Financial Instruments which states that after the initial recognition of such financial Assets i.e. on Fair value, its subsequent classification would be based on Business Modal for managing such financial asset & contractual cash flow characteristic associated with these Financial Assets.
Phishing comes from the word FISHING which essentially means to trap someone into a fake identity by using either fake website, links or via spearing etc. This is one of the major areas which need awareness and at the same time it is really crucial for all FORENSIC ACCOUNTANTS to understand the concept who go for any kind of financial investigation so that mindset of FRAUDSTER can be understood easily.
Now a day’s accounting frauds are on rise to be reported related to Payroll in which a FRAUDSTER manages to create some employees master file which actually do not exists and manage to take away their all benefits by way of FRAUD.
While analyzing the control aspect on any investments made by an entity, we usually go by the definition which suggests that while evaluating such rights which provides right to variable returns from the entity in which such investment has been made. In other words the control is usually defined to have power over the investee’s […]
Now a days, using social media sites like Facebook, twitter or some other similar web portals become an integral part for updating our lives within friends and or relatives. Whatever we do, wherever we go, whatever we buy or intended to buy all goes at public domain and it is very easy to find out […]