In order to manage finances by saving money on taxes, Tax planning is vital. It is important to develop certain strategies to shrink off the taxes. Tax saving can be easy if done in a correct manner. There are various sharp-witted strategies to stay away from paying excess of taxes and save as much as […]
Due date of TDS/TCS related compliances were extended by CBDT on 24.06.2020 vide CBDT’s notification No. 35/2020, dated 24-06-2020. Here we have compiled due date of filing TDS/TCS statement (Form 24Q, 26Q, 26QB, 26QC, 26QD 27Q and 27EQ) of FY 2019-20 and due date for issue of TDS/TCS certificate (Form 16 and Form 16A). EXTENSION […]
Penalty for non-compliance of Regulation 30 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 SEBI had issued various Circulars from time to time, specifying the uniform structure for imposing fines for non-compliance with certain provisions of the Listing Regulations and the Standard Operating Procedure for suspension of trading in case the non-compliance is continuing […]
Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA 2002): Courts on curbing Financial Terrorism Money Laundering, most commonly understood to as the conversion of black money into white money, has time and again been held to be one of the most serious offences by the Courts in India. The Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 was […]
The issue under consideration is whether the services in relation to issuance of GDRs are covered under the provisions of Section 9(i)(vii) and whether the same liable for TDS under the provisions of Section 195 of the Act?
ITAT states that, it was not disputed that the borrowings were made in earlier years and no disallowance of interest was made in earlier years with regard to the said borrowings and utilization thereon.
The issue under consideration is whether depreciation will be levied on the intangible being CMS software? CMS, which has been developed by the assessee is computer application which supports the creation and modification of content and is often used to support multiple users working in a collaborative environment.
The issue under consideration is whether the long-term capital gain on sale of non-STT paid shares can be set off against long-term capital loss arising from STT paid shares?
Petition has been filed seeking a direction to the respondents to remove technical glitches and enable the TRACES portal so that petitioner can file its refund application for the excess Tax Deduction at Source (TDS) deposited by it.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Pertaining To NFRA-2 Form Q 1. Form NFRA 2 is only available in PDF version as part of the Gazette notification. Since the e-form is not available, we are not able to collate the required information. Considering the timeline for submission of NFRA 2 is November 30, 2019, please advise when […]