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Urja Karia

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SEBI Listing Regulations: Compliance Chart Related to Specified Securities

SEBI : Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) notified on 2nd September, 2015 the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement...

January 21, 2016 2707 Views 0 comment Print

Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting

Company Law : Audit of ‘Internal Financial controls (hereinafter to be referred as ‘IFC’) over Financial Reporting’ is a reasonably adva...

December 30, 2015 114472 Views 0 comment Print

Let Falling Become Flying

CA, CS, CMA : Close your eyes. Now, imagine you are standing on the very edge of a cliff. You are watching the sun set, beautiful orange sky, yo...

November 24, 2015 1903 Views 0 comment Print

Bad Times: A Good Teacher

CA, CS, CMA : The most significant point of your life won’t be when you reach the last step of the ladder. It will be when you fall down while...

November 4, 2015 3727 Views 0 comment Print

Be Kind: Love All

CA, CS, CMA : In a world where we are hustling to make ends meet, everyone is busy fighting their own battles; there is a need, need for move Lo...

October 14, 2015 1709 Views 0 comment Print

Open Your Arms, If You Want to be Held

September 3, 2015 898 Views 0 comment Print

It is human nature to expect things from people. We expect from our loved ones, friends, peers, colleagues and even strangers. Sometimes, people fulfill our expectations, sometimes they don’t. But, is it really their mistake if they are unable to fulfill our expectations?

TODAY is the day to be HAPPY

September 1, 2015 1355 Views 0 comment Print

Self-talk is the best way to come in terms with truths of our lives. We have all heard ourselves talk. I’ll be happy when I get that car, I’ll be happy when I pass my exams, I’ll be happy when I find my true love, I’ll be happy when i…. why is our happiness always planned in future? How are you so sure that when you get that particular thing, it will make you happy?

Why Crawl, When You Can Fly

August 28, 2015 2107 Views 0 comment Print

Many a times in life, we define our self-worth based on how people treat us. If someone is bad to us, we wonder if something is wrong with us. Why should something be wrong with us? Can’t something be wrong with the person who treats us that way? If we keep treating ourselves like others do, we will never know that are worth much more than we know, that we are priceless.

Failures: Don’t Let Them Disable You

August 26, 2015 1427 Views 0 comment Print

In 1879 a boy was born. He was a slow learner and took longer than other kids to speak. His parents thought he would never speak. He spoke his first word at the age of 2. He liked Math but struggled in all other subjects. His teachers said he will keep failing and wanted to disown him.

Retain Your Faith

August 18, 2015 961 Views 0 comment Print

Faith is confidence or trust in a person or thing or a belief not based on proof. It is biggest gifts one can receive. The only thing that can help you survive the hardest of storms is Faith. In simple words, ‘it is nothing but a ray of light in our dark world’.

Don’t Follow, Be Divergent

August 18, 2015 544 Views 0 comment Print

Many times we wonder why life is the same every day. Why is it same for everyone. Getting up every day, doing our chores, going to work, be back home and repeat. It is like we are running a race against time. We want things to change.

Forgive Others – Liberate Yourself

August 13, 2015 1346 Views 0 comment Print

Urja Mahesh Karia I’ve always heard people say, ‘Forgive your enemies but never forget their names’. What I always wonder is, Why not? Why would I want to carry excess baggage with me all my life? Why would I want to feel angry, be sad and create stress in my life? When you hate someone, […]

Getting Ahead is Getting Started

August 13, 2015 1223 Views 0 comment Print

Dreams! The bigger the dreams, the more we try and look into the future, and when we analyze the ways in which we can fulfill our dreams, the end point seems impossible. One thing that I have learned over the years is that big or small, Dreams are dreams.

Self-Acceptance: Ultimate Way to Happiness

August 11, 2015 1055 Views 0 comment Print

Quite a few years back when I first read this word, ‘SELF-ACCEPTANCE’ I wondered what does it really mean. Why would anyone need self acceptance, I thought we as human beings always accept ourselves. But, there’s more truth to it than I knew. Self Acceptance is accepting ourselves, with all our flaws, deficiencies and shortcomings, just the way we are.

Opinions: Accept or Avoid

August 10, 2015 989 Views 0 comment Print

If there’s one thing that people would willingly give- for FREE, that’ll be their opinions or advise. Now, the interesting question which must cross our minds is that, Do these people really follow what they preach? it is very easy to give advise, but to follow the same, not a cake walk.

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