Income Tax : Depreciation is statutory deduction that allows businesses to set off cost of their tangible & intangible assets over their useful...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn the correct way to calculate and apportion depreciation using the Written Down Value method for accurate scrap value over an...
Income Tax : Explore allowable tax deductions for AY 2025-26, covering salaries, house property, business, and personal expenses. Maximize your...
Income Tax : Rates of depreciation applicable for income tax purposes from assessment year 2003-04 to 2025-26. This guide includes rates for ta...
Income Tax : Learn how to optimize corporate tax planning through depreciation. Explore key provisions, asset considerations, and methods for m...
Company Law : Key Features of Fixed Asset Management Tool with Depreciation Calculator for Companies ♦ Line wise SLM and WDV Depreciation as p...
Income Tax : Addressing the concerns raised by Agriculture Produce Market Committees (APMCs), it has been decided not to levy the 2% TDS on cas...
Income Tax : The proviso to section 32 provides that the aggregate deduction, in respect of depreciation of buildings, machinery, plant or furn...
Income Tax : It was a case where the statutory procedure mandated in section 144C had been attempted to be by passed by merely mentioning the n...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai held that the receipt from parking facilities is to be treated as business income instead of income from other sources...
Income Tax : Assessee being a subsidiary of M/s. Rajasthan State Mines and Minerals Ltd. (RSMML) (a Government of Rajasthan Undertaking). It en...
Income Tax : ITAT Rajkot remanded the matter as lower authority has not exercised their power to enquiry in section 131 and 133(6) of the Act t...
Income Tax : Punjab and Haryana High Court refused to de-freeze bank account of company alleged to have dishonestly induced individuals/ invest...
Income Tax : CBDT inserts new Income Tax Rule 8AC -Computation of short term capital gains and written down value under section 50 where deprec...
Income Tax : Income-tax (9th Amendment) Rules, 2019 – Additional depreciation on motor cars and motor vehicles shall be allowed in certai...
Income Tax : A reading of the agreement between STL and the assessee clarifies that a specific amount, i.e., Rs.9 Crores was paid by the assess...
Income Tax : Notification No. 43/2014-Income Tax S.O. 2399(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 295 read with Section 32 of the...
Goods and Services Tax : In view of this situation, it is necessary that the procedure for the issuing of such certificates should be standardized. Such ce...
The issue under consideration is whether the disallowance made on account of depreciation on payment of brand license fees is justified in law?
Depreciation is a common accounting concept which the accountant comes across in their regular course of employment or in regular course of their business. This article will explore the treatment of depreciation under Companies Act, Income Tax Act and in Indian and internationally accepted Accounting Standard. DEFINITION AND TREATMENT OF DEPRECIATION AS PER COMPANIES ACT […]
The concept of merger and acquisition was not popular until the year 1988 in India. However, in the last five years merger and acquisition has emerged as a very important tool for growth of Indian corporates. Today, many companies are merging with each other in order to generate more revenues that the companies could have earned individually or to improve the financial performance by reducing redundancies, resulting in significant cost reduction. An important aspect in a merger and acquisition transaction is goodwill. Goodwill arises in case of such transactions when the price paid by the amalgamated company to an amalgamating company is more than the value of net assets. Many issues are being faced by the people in the industry before taking the decision of merger and acquisition amongst them one of such issues is described below
The issue under consideration is whether the depreciation at the rate of 60% will be allowed for computer related software?
In this Article we are going to discuss about Higher Depreciation Rate on some vehicle and care to be taken while finalizing books of accounts in this regards for Financial Year 2019-2020.
Whether CIT is correct in allowing expenditure on advertisement & sales promotion of product & brand promotion by considering it as Revenue in nature?
Comparative Study Regarding Treatment of Depreciation As per Companies Act, 2013 and Income-tax Act, 1961 This Article Provides the Comparative Study on Depreciation as per Companies Act, 2013 and Income-tax Act, 1961. Depreciation is calculated by business enterprises for two purposes – 1.) Accounting Purpose: In accountancy, depreciation refers to two aspects – decrease in […]
CIT Vs NCR Corporation Pvt Ltd (Karnataka High Court) Whether the tribunal is correct on facts and in law in holding that ATMs and encoders are computers eligible for 60% depreciation even when they do not provide processing activity and do not contain all features of computers and such cannot be called as computers? It […]
Whether the higher rate of depreciation can be granted to the vehicles used for the display of advertisement under the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
The issue under consideration is whether the leasehold rights is considered as intangible assets and hence eligible for depreciation under section 32(1)(ii)? ITAT hold that the lease hold rights are not eligible for depreciation u/s.32(1)(ii) of the Act considering it as intangible rights and, accordingly, dismiss the ground of appeal of the assessee.