Income Tax : In business parlance these days, the word ‘TDS’ has become synonymous with ‘tedious’. The deductor and the deductees who...
Income Tax : The Article aims at creating awareness amongst salaried employees about various tax compliance and possible tax planning over the ...
CA, CS, CMA : Here is a small attempt to quickly focus on few important point regarding IPCC and CA Final exams. This is not about what to study...
Income Tax : The King’s Speech Hinting towards global economic slowdown of growth rate of 3.2%; the FM cited towards a tough Budget. On the c...
CA, CS, CMA : CA NIraj Mahajan The day before the result. Unexpectedly I was calm, was with friends..had fund with them and saw a nice move in c...
In business parlance these days, the word ‘TDS’ has become synonymous with ‘tedious’. The deductor and the deductees who are the affected parties in these transactions are having a tough time. They not only have to ensure their role and play it well, they also have to take care that the other party (deductor/deductee ) have played their roles efficiently.
The Article aims at creating awareness amongst salaried employees about various tax compliance and possible tax planning over the year. We are in the month of June wherein the last financial year (FY) 2011-12 has gotten over and due date to file Return of Income stares in the face and also it is time to submit your Investment declaration for FY 2012-13.
Here is a small attempt to quickly focus on few important point regarding IPCC and CA Final exams. This is not about what to study, how to study and from where to study. There is not time for that, whatever I’m writing is all about writing exam papers.
The King’s Speech Hinting towards global economic slowdown of growth rate of 3.2%; the FM cited towards a tough Budget. On the contrary he also mentioned that currently India is the only country behind China and Indonesia when it comes to growth rate throughout the world. And if continued to grow at projected rate, only […]
CA NIraj Mahajan The day before the result. Unexpectedly I was calm, was with friends..had fund with them and saw a nice move in cinema hall.. came night, and the butterflies started waking up.. telling me how can you possibly sleep? Still, somehow passing time on whatsapp and FB, somehow convinced my eyes to droop.. […]
If you happen to see few people roaming regularly on streets at 3 or 4 in the morning in the months of September dressed in formals don’t think it’s a new dress code of dacoits to fool you. Those might be poor CA students returning home after a tough day (read night as well) at work. Yes this malnourished breed is known officially as Article assistants. They can be easily identified specially during the months of September; you can identify them with the ‘I-dont-care look’ they wear always during the year. That’s coz they have already many things to bother about.