Goods and Services Tax : Dive into the intricacies of Composite Supply and Mixed Supply under GST as per Section 8 of the CGST Act, 2017. Uncover the disti...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the scope of supply under GST as per Section 7 of CGST Act, its exceptions, inclusions, exclusions, and Schedules-I, II, a...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand the provisions and tax liability on composite and mixed supplies under GST as per the CGST Act, 2017. Learn how to clas...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand Composite and Mixed Supply in GST with insights on Schedule II of CGST Act, 2017. Learn about tax implications, identif...
Goods and Services Tax : Section 9 of the act, which is charging section, state that taxable person is liable to pay tax on all supplies of goods or ...
Goods and Services Tax : AAAR held that supply of coaching service by the appellant along with supply of goods/printed material/test papers, uniform, bags ...
Goods and Services Tax : Whether supply of Pencils Sharpener along with Pencils being the Principal supply will be considered as the Composite Supply or Mi...
Goods and Services Tax : In order to answer these questions which are related to the issues raised by the applicant they are requested to produce copies of...
Goods and Services Tax : Input Tax Credit on inputs, input services and capital goods cannot be denied merely on the ground that one of the constituent ser...
AAAR held that supply of coaching service by the appellant along with supply of goods/printed material/test papers, uniform, bags and other goods to their students is composite supply and their principal supply is coaching services.
Dive into the intricacies of Composite Supply and Mixed Supply under GST as per Section 8 of the CGST Act, 2017. Uncover the distinctions between these concepts, exploring scenarios where goods and services are naturally bundled. Understand the tax rates applicable to Composite and Mixed supplies, distinguishing the primary supply and item of highest GST rate. Gain clarity with real-world examples, from booking train tickets to renting houses for dual purposes. Equip yourself with insights to navigate GST complexities effectively.
Explore the scope of supply under GST as per Section 7 of CGST Act, its exceptions, inclusions, exclusions, and Schedules-I, II, and III analysis.
Understand the provisions and tax liability on composite and mixed supplies under GST as per the CGST Act, 2017. Learn how to classify composite and mixed supplies and determine the applicable tax rates.
Understand Composite and Mixed Supply in GST with insights on Schedule II of CGST Act, 2017. Learn about tax implications, identification criteria, and examples. Navigate Schedule II’s tabular breakdown of transactions treated as supply of goods or services.
Section 9 of the act, which is charging section, state that taxable person is liable to pay tax on all supplies of goods or services or both, on the value of such supply as determined as per section 15 , at the rate notified by the Government
Explore the nuances of Composite and Mixed Supply provisions under GST. Understand the tax treatment, examples, and differences to ensure compliance in your business. Learn more
Understand composite & mixed supplies in Section 8 of CGST Act. Learn the difference & tax implications of each. Highest rate of tax applies in mixed supply cases.
Whether supply of Pencils Sharpener along with Pencils being the Principal supply will be considered as the Composite Supply or Mixed Supply.
In India, the GST was implemented beginning in July 2017. It is a ‘supply’ tax on goods and services. Identification of the supplier, or ‘classification,’ is essential to the practical workings of GST because it establishes the amount of tax, the duration of tax duty, and other procedural elements like invoicing and compliances.