WHETHER PERSON RESIDENT INDIA INVEST ON OVERSEAS LISTED STOCK EXCHANGES? As an investor, have you ever wondered if you could diversify your portfolio by holding international shares of companies such as Twitter, Facebook, Walmart, etc.? These companies aren’t listed on the Indian Stock Exchanges. Then how can you add these shares in your portfolio and […]
Accumulation of Input Tax Credit happens when the tax paid on inputs is more than the output tax liability. Such accumulation will have to be carried over to the next financial year till such time as it can be utilised by the registered person for payment of output tax liability. However, the GST Law permits […]
Critical issues in the tax audit report and the interplay of the form OI with the Tax audit report. Of late many assesses are receiving the intimations from the tax department for the mismatches in the tax audit report and the income tax return filing, however when one looks into the matter it is quote […]
Goods transport agency is subject matter of complex taxation. First time taxability of Goods transport agency has been brought in service tax regime which brought a lot of hues and cues in the market as they are not habitual to collect and deposit the Indirect taxes.
When the exporters have declared properly paid IGST on export supplies in their Form GSTR – 3B and the same matches with the liability declared in Form GSTR-1, then the data will be transmitted to the Customs system wherein the GST return data is matched with the shipping bill data.
INCORPORATION OF COMPANY BY FOREIGN NATIONALS? Incorporation of Company by Foreign Nationals/Non Resident Indian/Overseas Citizen Of India (OCI) is a cumbersome process and subject to Regulatory approvals. The laws which here are of concern are: 1. Companies Act, 2013 2. Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. FEMA PERSPECTIVE Starting point of Foreign investment is inflow of […]
When the exporters have declared properly paid IGST on export supplies in their Form GSTR – 3B and the same matches with the liability declared in Form GSTR-1, then the data will be transmitted to the Customs system wherein the GST return data is matched with the shipping bill data.
ANALYSIS OF COMPOUNDING ORDERS ISSUED BY AUTHORITY YEAR 2020 1) Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside India (Inbound Investment) (FEMA 20/2000-RB), Taking on record transfer of shares from resident to non-resident. Applicant M/s W. Hunger Hydraulics India Private Limited Compounding Application Number C.A. No. 126/2019 Amount imposed under Compounding Order Rs. […]
Whether the GST component will be calculated while calculating the Gross turnover for the applicability of the 44AD. Of late many assesses are seeking an opinion that whether the GST component will be included while calculating the threshold limit of the 2 crore as provided in the section 44AD and whether the 8 percent threshold […]
Presumptive taxation is being followed by the huge number of the small taxpayers throughout the country. However ironically they are of the opinion that the government has relieved them with all the provisions of the income tax act and therefore does not take into the consideration the relevant provisions of the income tax act and […]