On the Revenue front, the Gross GST Revenue collected for the month of February, 2022 stood in excess of Rs 1,33,000 Crore. GST collections crossed Rs 1.30 Lakh crore mark for the 5th time. My Congratulations to all the field formations for their consistent hard work. I hope that the last month of the financial year will see all of us continue to work with the same zeal and passion.
ITO Vs Arcil Asset Reconstruction Fund II Trust (ITAT Mumbai) ITAT held that appellant was revocable Trust, the provisions of Section 61 to 63 of Income Tax Act, 1961 were applicable and the assessee could not be assessed as AOP. The income was to be taxed in the hands of the SR holders. Since the […]
DCIT Vs Shalaka Infra Tech (India) Pvt Ltd (ITAT Pune) Whether the CIT(A) is justified in deleting the disallowance of Rs.1,68,87,175/- as against Rs.1,88,63,786/- made by the AO on account of labour expenses in the facts and circumstances of the case. Heard both the parties and perused the material available on record. We note that […]
Sukanya Samriddhi Scheme which is a Government of India backed saving scheme, to encourage parents to build a fund for the future education and marriage expenses for their female child. Contribution in this scheme is eligible for deduction U/s 80C and Interest and withdrawal is also tax exempt.
Reference is drawn to the provisions of IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations, 2016 in accordance to which every insurer shall evolve a health insurance underwriting policy covering approach and aspects relating to offering health insurance coverage not only to standard lives but also to substandard lives. Attention is also drawn to provision of The Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019.
a. Triggering of disclosure requirement due to acquisition or disposal of the shares, as the case may be, by the acquirer together with persons acting in concert (PACs). b. Triggering of disclosure requirement in case the shares are held in physical form by the acquirer and/or PACs. c. Listed companies who have not provided PAN of promoter(s) including member(s) of the promoter group to the designated depository or companies which have not appointed any depository as their designated depository.
The Import of only ‘Drosophila melanogaster’ under ITC (HS) 01069000 is ‘Free’ subject to IBSC approval, as per the provisions of the ‘Revised Simplified Procedures/ Guidelines on Import, Export and Exchange of GE organisms and products thereof for R&D purpose’ notified by the Department of Biotechnology vide OM No. BT/BS/17/635/2015-PID dated 17.01.2020. The import of […]
Exploration activities of oil and natural gas fields, infrastructure related to marketing of petroleum products and natural gas, marketing of natural gas and petroleum products, petroleum product pipelines, natural gas/pipelines, LNG Regasification infrastructure, market study and formulation and Petroleum refining in the private sector
March is the significant month as it is the last month of the financial year, there are various due dates relating to ROC compliance, GST, Income Tax filing in the month of March’22. Here are some of the major due date for various compliances for the month of March 2022. MARCH 2022 COMPLIANCE CALENDER FORMS […]
Over the years, many Indians have settled overseas. As a result, they have assets in India and abroad. Having assets in multiple jurisdictions can become difficult to manage and therefore, many prefer to streamline their assets by gradually disposing off their assets situated in India, over time.