Income Tax : PAN 2.0 के बारे में जानें, पुराने PAN धारकों के लिए आवश्य...
Income Tax : Struggling with the Upload a Standard Document error in PAN/TAN applications? Learn the file format, size, and DPI requirements to...
Income Tax : Learn about TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number), its necessity, application process, and the differences between TAN...
Corporate Law : Learn how to surrender or cancel your Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) online. Follow the procedure to avoid comp...
Income Tax : Understand the difference between PAN card and TAN number in India for your business. Tax account deduction number (TAN) and perma...
Income Tax : The PAN 2.0 Project simplifies PAN/TAN management with a unified platform, paperless processes, and faster services. Approved by C...
Corporate Law : Are you all set to dive right into your Start-up? Or are you already running a successful business but still not, sure if you have...
Income Tax : Refer to Circular No.: NSDL/TIN/2018/012 dated Jun 13, 2018, related to Revised PAN application fees . Income Tax Department ...
Company Law : With effect from 6PM of 4th November 2017, stakeholders will NOT be required to upload signed 49A/49B using Submit application for...
Income Tax : CBDT has tied up with Ministry of Corporate Affairs to issue Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN)...
Income Tax : Jammu & Kashmir High Court directs tax authorities to correct PAN errors in challans and release pending refund to Kashmir Tubes. ...
Income Tax : Necessary TDS was deducted and it was deposited in the Government Treasury. All these are on record and only there is a technical ...
Income Tax : Assessing Officer of the contractors have furnished certificate under Section 197 of the Act to the Principal Officer of the Parle...
Income Tax : ITO (TDS) Panchkula Vs. Bharat Electronics Ltd. (ITAT Chandigarh) it is apparent from the record that the assessee deducted TDS co...
Income Tax : Presently, approval is not required from source AO to transfer/release the TAN. But in this change, approval by the source AO is m...
Income Tax : Notification explains Procedure of TAN application through Simplified Profoma for Incorporating Company Electronically (SPICe) (Fo...
Income Tax : Notification No. 38/2015 - Income Tax in case of an applicant, being a company which has not been registered under the Companies ...
Income Tax : INSTRUCTION NO. 2/2011 The issue of processing of returns for Asst. year 2010-11 and giving credit for TDS has been considered by ...
Income Tax : CBDT Press Release No. 402/92/2006-MC (27 of 2010) The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) have amended the Rules relating to TD...
INSTRUCTION NO. 2/2011 The issue of processing of returns for Asst. year 2010-11 and giving credit for TDS has been considered by the Board. In order to clear the backlog of returns, the following decisions have been taken: (i) In all returns (ITR-1 to ITR-6), where the difference between the TDS claim and matching TDS amount reported in AS-26 data does not exceed Rs. 1 lac, the TDS claim may be accepted without verification.
Deductors are required to file eTDS statement every quarter. Any error/ omission in original statement filed has to be rectified by filing a correction statement. It was possible to file multiple correction statement in respect of one original return
New rules have been introduced on Tax Deduction at Source, the latest in a set of recent changes. This will impact the manner in which individuals deal with their TDS certificates. There have been changes that will impact a lot of procedural areas. One set of aspects will impact those deducting the tax and paying this to the government. The other impact will be on the person whose amount is deducted.
In a fresh move, the Finance Ministry today said income tax payers will have to mention receipt number of tax deducted at source (TDS) forms in the returns to claim refunds, from this fiscal. Tax payers will have to mention this number along with his permanent account number (PAN) and Tax-deduction Account Number (TAN) of the deductor, otherwise refunds may not be considered.
CBDT Press Release No. 402/92/2006-MC (27 of 2010) The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) have amended the Rules relating to TDS provisions date and mode of payment of tax deducted at source (TDS), TDS certificate and filing of ‘statement of TDS’ (TDS return) vide Notification No. 41/2010; SO No. 1261(E) dated 31.05.2010. The amended rules will apply only in respect of tax deducted on or after 1st day of April 2010.
Notification No. 41/2010-Income Tax The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has recently amended vide Notification No. 41/2010 Dated 31/05/2010 the Income Tax Rules, 1962 (the Rules) in respect of the provisions relating to Tax Deduction at Source (TDS). The new Rules shall apply in respect of TDS on or after 1 April 2010.
After introducing unique account numbers for taxpayers (PAN) and those for tax deductors (TAN), the government will this fiscal introduce a unique document identification number (DIN) to be quoted on every income tax related communication.
Income Tax Department has introduced a scheme for centralized processing of annual income-tax returns which envisages no interface with the tax payer and processing of returns to be done in an automated jurisdiction-less manner. Implementation of such scheme requires having a robust system for information relating to payment of TDS and TCS so that the credit for TDS and TCS can be granted accurately and the risk of financial fraud is minimized.
CIRCULAR NO. 02 / 2009 One of the fundamental principles of financial accounting is that if a person claims credit for payment of money to a third person, the credit should be allowed only if the payment and the information relating to the transaction have been received from the third person. The advance tax and self assessment tax is paid directly by the assessee by filling a challan whichbears a unique Challan Identification Number (CIN)
On the request of my viewers I have uploaded some of the Income Tax forms in Excel, Word and PDF Format. Although, I haven’t uploaded all the forms but I uploaded most of the important forms. If any viewers have any form other then those uploaded in excel word format he can mail those to us at our mail id and we will upload the same on our website for the benefit of other viewers.