Union Bank of India is seeking applications from eligible Chartered Accountant firms for empanelment as Concurrent Auditors for branches/offices for FY 2025-26. The scope includes conducting audits, reporting, and performance reviews. Applicants must follow the terms outlined in the empanelment document, which covers the methodology, fee structure, and auditing procedures. Required documents such as undertakings related to terms, secrecy, and employee due diligence are listed in the annexures. Firms must apply online on or before 10.02.2025 before 23.59 hours. Hard copies will not be accepted unless directed by the bank. Further communication with applicants will only be entertained after the selection process is completed. Please do not send Hard Copies of the Applications or Receipts to the Bank unless intimated by the Bank.
Union Bank of India
Audit & Inspection
CO Annex, 7th Floor, Maker Towers ‘F’,
Cuffe Parade Mumbai 400005
Application of Empanelment of Concurrent Auditors in Union Bank of India for the F Y 2025-26
To whomsoever it may concern
Union Bank of India invites applications from eligible /interest Chartered Accountant Firms for empanelment as Concurrent Auditors for conducting Concurrent Audit in the identified Branches/Offices for the period upto 31.03.2026
Terms and conditions for Appointment, Fee structure, Methodology for application/ selection, conducting audit/reporting and reviews of performance of the auditors are furnished in the empanelment document (Click here to view).
The formats of Letter of acceptance of terms and conditions, Undertaking letter, compliance to “ Dos and Don’ts,” Undertaking of Fidelity & Secrecy and an Undertaking for carrying out Due Diligence of employees to be sent by the shortlisted Auditors on receiving the intimation from the Bank are given as Annexure A, B, C, D,E,F and G. (Click here to view).
Eligible/Interested Chartered Accountant Firms who are agreeable to the terms and conditions, may apply online in prescribed format (Click Here to Apply) on or before 10.02.2025 before 23.59 hours.(Date will be intimated) ..
Bank will not entertain any correspondence/ communication from the applying firms till selection of the firms is complete.
Please do not send Hard Copies of the Applications or Receipts to the Bank unless intimated by the Bank.
Call us at
(Republished with amendments)
I have applied for audit empanelment How and when I will know about my firm empanelment
Access to eremit.unionbankofindia.co.in was denied You don’t have authorization to view this page
we are a proprietorship firm wish to register fresh but it is not allowing to submit duly filled online application for the empanelment. Kindly help and oblige.
Ravi Prakash Gupta M 9792040555
A-22 Ekanki Kunj Avas Yojna Allahabad 211001
24-Muir Road, Allahabad-211001
I have just confirmed from inspection department and they told that link is not working and we have to wait till today and the link will get operational by tomorrow positively.
They are saying same thing from 11th feb but still now nothing is updated.
Is the union bank audit empanelment site working for new registrants?
Concurrent audit application is not getting submitted and it showing as Invalid file.pls resolve this issue anyone.
Unable to edit anyone after saving the file
Application is not getting submitted under new registration , can anyone help on this
how to we download the form which i have been filed.
Location kya kya hai
Are CMAs eligible?
Is it only for Partnership Firms of CAs
new registration is not working
eremit.unionbankofindia.co.in/auditor/ Link is not working……