Company Law India: Read latest Company law news & updates, acts, circular, notifications & articles issued by MCA amendment in companies Act 2013. Article on Loans Company formation XBRL, Schedule VI IFRS.
Company Law : Appointment of other officer such as CTO, COO, and CMO as Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) under Companies Act, 2013 – Key Con...
Company Law : Private Limited Companies in India ought to observe annual filing necessities to keep transparency and prison standing. This artic...
Company Law : Cost audit and cost records serve as essential tools for achieving these objectives, enabling companies to monitor, control, an...
Company Law : Understand CSR in India, its applicability, permitted activities, non-permitted contributions, penalties for non-compliance, and r...
Company Law : joint audit involves two or more audit firms working together to issue an audit opinion on the financial statements of an organiza...
Company Law : The government addresses SFIO cases, IBC amendments, CSR compliance, and ESG reporting norms for publicly traded companies....
Company Law : Understand MCA V3 user types, registration, and login. Learn how to update profiles and resolve common issues....
Company Law : Find the provisional list of audit firms of listed companies that haven't filed NFRA-2 forms for the reporting period 2023-24. Upd...
Company Law : The Companies Act 2013 mandates corporate governance, transparency, and CSR reporting. Key provisions include financial disclosure...
Company Law : Understand the compliance regime for private limited companies in India, including business closure timelines and government measu...
Company Law : When the corporate debtor failed to pay the outstanding power obligation, appellant subsequently cut off the electrical service. O...
Company Law : The plain reading of the above provisions of Section 60(5)(c) clearly indicates that the NCLT is empowered to adjudicate any quest...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi quashes CIRP against Alcuris Healthcare, ruling profit-sharing disputes do not constitute operational debt under IBC. ...
Company Law : NCLAT dismisses appeals in Saturn Ventures case, upholding RP’s findings on asset ownership and rejecting fraudulent transaction...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi held that Liquidator is jurisdictionally empowered to proceed with private sale of Corporate Debtor by adopting Swiss ...
Company Law : The appeal by Maptech Poly Products Pvt Ltd against a penalty for non-maintenance of its registered office was dismissed by the Re...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels' appeal led to a penalty reduction for non-compliance with Section 149(3) of the Companies Act. The company pai...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels appealed against CSR non-compliance penalties. The Regional Director reduced the fine after reviewing submissio...
Company Law : Konoria Plaschem faced penalties for failing to appoint an internal auditor from 2014-2020. The fine was reduced on appeal. Read t...
Company Law : Water & Sanitation (India) for Urban Poor failed to hold board meetings from 2011-2019, leading to penalties. The fine was later r...
Updated extract of Section 135 Section 135 of COmpanies Act, 2013 alongwith SCHEDULE VII Notified Date of Section: 01/04/2014 Corporate Social Responsibility 135. (1) Every company having net worth of rupees five hundred crore or more, or turnover of rupees one thousand crore or more or a net profit of rupees five crore or more […]
Due to COVID 19 and Lock down situation in Country, Ministry of Corporate Affairs has given further relaxation for submission of forms by Companies/ LLP for following Matters: ♦ Name Approval ♦ Incorporation ♦ Resubmission of Forms Issue description Period/Days of Extension New Due Date 1 Name Reservation Date for Incorporation of […]
Background With the advancement of web-based facilities, the world is becoming technology driven to a very large extent. Connecting number of people virtually is not an unachievable or cumbersome task anymore.Although, in the past as well, MCA had come up its Circular on “Green initiatives in the Corporate Governance” in the year 2011[1] , providing […]
Company after transferring dividend to unclaimed suspense account shall file details of the amount transferred along with list of shareholders in form IEPF-1 within 30 days of such transfer
One of the most discussed and confusing provision of The Companies Act, 2013 is related party transaction. From time to time, a company avails the services or gives services to the persons who are at management of company. To protect members and stakeholders of the company, the companies Act, 2013 governs the related party transaction […]
Buyback of Securities of Unlisted Company includes the Provision of Chapter IV-Share Capital and Debentures and The Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules, 2014 under the Companies Act, 2013. PROVISIONS UNDER THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013 (‘THE ACT’) FOR BUY-BACK OF SHARES: Under Section 68, 69 and 70 of the Companies Act, 2013 a company may […]
There are various forms of company registration like Private limited company, Public Limited Company, Limited Liability Partnership, One Person Company etc. Each of these forms of company has its own merits and demerits. Like in Public Limited Company you need at least 3 Directors and 7 members. The compliances of Public Limited Company are more […]
Section 165(1) A person cannot hold directorship including alternate directorship in more than 20 companies. Section 165 (1) not applicable to section 8 company. In the above limit of 20 dormant company is excluded. The maximum number of public companies in which a person can be appointed as a director shall not exceed ten. In […]
NCLAT concluded that the apprehension of bias expressed by the ‘Corporate Debtor’ qua the appointment of Verma as proposed IRP is valid and cannot be dismissed. Further, it contended that the NCLT order was justified in seeking substitution of Verma to ensure that CIRP is conducted in a fair and impartial manner.
Any organization registered as Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) can be converted into Private Limited Company under Companies Act, 2013 (CA 2013). One of the main reasons to convert LLP into Private Limited Company is to avail the benefit of Tax as the percentage of tax is less in Company compared to LLP. Hence, organization who […]