MCA-21 V3 portal features distinct user roles: Registered, Company/LLP, Director/Designated Partner, Professional (CS/CA/CMA), Manager/Secretary/Authorized Representative, Nodal Officer-IEPF, and Professional Staff Members. Registration requires a valid email, PAN, and address. Existing V2 users can log in with their credentials, updating their email if necessary. New registrations are possible but won’t retain V2 history. Each user can have only one V3 account linked to a unique PAN and email. Email serves as the login ID, except for Company/LLP users who use CIN/LLPIN. Profile updates are possible, but certain details like User ID, Director/Designated Partner email/mobile, and company/director addresses are restricted. Users can upgrade roles, merge V2 IDs, and associate DSCs, though only one DSC per User ID is allowed. Common issues include profile mismatch, existing account errors, and DSC problems, with solutions involving profile merging, ticket raising, and software updates.
Q.1 How many types of users are there in MCA-21: V3?
Ans. Following are major users in MCA-21 V3 Portal
a. Registered user: individuals with access to the basic services of MCA portal such as e-book, e-consultation, Master Data services, View Public Document services and filing of complaints and few other forms like RUN, SPICe, FiLLiP, IEPF-5, Refund form, DIR-3 KYC, DIR-3.
b. Business Users: Following are termed as business users:-
i. Company/LLP User: Access to all MCA FO services in relation to respective company/LLP. It can also authorise Manager/Secretary/officer in default/ Authorised Representative to act on its behalf.
ii. Director/Designate Partner: individual who is appointed as a director in a company or a designated partner in an LLP, he can access the functionalities of both Registered User and to all MCA FO services in relation to the company/LLP. In addition, they can authorise Manager/Secretary/officer in default/Authorised Representative to access MCA FO services (e-filing and e-adjudication services) on behalf of the company/LLP
iii. Professional User: It includes CS/CAs/CMAs in practice and have access to all MCA FO services for any company/LLP along with access to Registered User functionality. Professional user will not be required to obtain any authorization from the company/LLP. In addition, all the basic services available to Registered user will be available to this user role.
iv. Manager/Secretary/ Authorized representative: they will have access to all MCA FO services (including e-filing services and e-consultation services) in relation to the company/LLP wherein they have been authorized to perform /fill forms for the Companies.
v. Nodal Officer/Deputy Nodal Officer- IEPF: It includes Director or CFO or CS of the company, who are appointed for the purposes of verification of claims related to IEPFA and co-ordination with IEPFA. One Company can have one Nodal officer, and 5 deputy nodal officers appointed through IEPF-2.
vi. Professional Staff Members: Refers to any person who is with or on behalf of a Professional of ICSI/ICAI/ICWAI as a staff. It includes trainees of the professional firms and non-professional members of professional firms etc.
Q.2 How many nodal officers can be appointed by one company?
Ans. One Company can have one Nodal officer and 5 deputy nodal officers appointed through IEPF-2.
Q.3 An existing user in V2, require to re-register once again on V3 portal?
Ans. No, if a user is already registered under V2, he/she is not required to register again on V3 portal User can login to V3 system with existing V2 credentials and save the profile after updating email ID, if not updated already. Email ID will become the user’s V3 ID and all SRNs of V2 forms will be visible in user’s application dashboard.
Q.4 Can an existing user in V2, register in V3 portal with new mail id?
Ans. Yes, user can register with new mail id which is not associated with V2 as completely new user on V3. However, in such situation, the application history of the existing V2 mail id (if any) will not be visible to the user. Please note, a user can have only one valid V3 account associated with unique PAN and email ID.
Q.5 Can a user register with multiple mail ids on V3 portal?
Ans. No, user can register only one Email Id and PAN on the new System
Q.6 For registration, what are the essential requisites?
Types of Users in V3 | Required for Registration |
1. For all Registered and Business Users | √ Valid & unique E-Mail Id*
√ Correct Phone Number √ Complete Address √ Valid PAN details |
2. Company/LLP User | √ CIN /LLPIN /FLLPIN / FCRN |
3. Director/Designated Partner | √ DIN / DPIN (as per MCA database) |
4. Manager/Secretary/Authorized Representative and Officer in Default | √ General inputs only |
5. Professional (CS/CA/CMA) | √ Membership Number / Institute name |
6. Professional Staff member | √ Professional membership number |
7. Nodal Officer-IEPF | √ PAN details is mandatory
√ Details entered should mandatorily match with approved form IEPF-2 |
1. *These are required for all types of users willing to register on V3 portal. 2. The Name and Date of Birth should be as per PAN database |
Q.7 What will be the username for login to MCA-21 V3?
Ans. Email-Id provided at the time of registration shall be the username for login to the portal. For Company/ LLP Users, CIN/ LLPIN will be the User ID for login.
Q.8 Can a registered user upgrade to a business user?
Ans. Yes, a registered user can upgrade him/herself to a business user. Following are the steps for upgrade. Even registered users in V2 can upgrade to Business User in V3.
Q.9 Can a Professional have multiple roles in same user id?
Ans. No. User cannot have multiple roles under the same user id. However, a user can change his one role to another role by “Add Role” functionality in V3 portal.
While upgrading the role, it is mandatory to provide all the required details in the mandatory fields which are not available in the existing role.
Q.10 Can a user update his/her details on V3 portal?
Ans. Certain user details can be updated by visiting the Profile update section which can be accessed by clicking on the Profile Update link present under “Hello, Username” on the top right corner of the MCA portal.
Q.11 Can a user update all his/her details or are there any restriction in updating the profile on V3 portal?
Ans. Yes, there are certain restrictions imposed in updating the profile and below cannot be modified:
√ User Id for users
√ Email id/Mobile number of a Director / Designated Partner [Any update to be done through DIR-3 KYC E-form]
√ Address of the Company / LLP / Director/ Designated Partner [To be updated through INC-22/Form 15 LLP/DIR-3 KYC E-form/DIR-6].
Q.12 If a user registered as Director and changed his Email id through form DIR-3 KYC. Will his user ID will also get changed automatically?
Ans. No, if there is an update in the email ID through e-form DIR-3 KYC, User ID would remain same, however, all notifications and OTPs will be sent on updated email ID as per DIN master data.
Q.13 What is merge V2 ID?
Ans. V3 profile update has the functionality of merging V2 ID, in case the user created new user id in V3 system rather than upgrading existing V2 ID, or if the user has an additional V2 profile and wants to merge it with the new V3 profile, then he/she can use “Merge user ID” functionality for merging of V2 and V3 ID.
The merging functionality can only work, if V2 user ID and password are available with user. After login with existing V2 credentials, user should mandatorily save their V3 profile before availing ‘Merge V2 ID’ functionality.
Q.14 Do association of DSC is required every time the user upgrade his/her profile?
Ans. No, DSCs are not required to be associated again upon the profile upgrade of the user. In addition to the existing record, the system will automatically associate the new record with the DSC.
However, while affixing DSC, ensure to login with the relevant role as DSC association checks are done based on role selected in the form.
Q.15 What is the remedy, if a User registered the wrong DSC with his User ID?
Ans. Users are required to associate the DSC of correct person with correct User ID. If the user has registered wrong DSC, the user is required to associate the right DSC again. In case of 3 failed attempts, user will not be able to associate DSC again.
After completing the process for associating right DSC, the user will receive a pop-up message with ‘Yes’/’No’ option. Click on “Yes” to proceed further and the DSC will be successfully registered.
Please note that only 1 DSC can be associated with 1 User ID. Thus, Users are required to make sure to associate correct DSC with their respective User IDs.
Issues | Suggestive Solutions |
Unable to update profile due to personal details mismatch | Enter Applicant Details as per DIN and PAN Data (First Name/Middle Name/Last Name and DOB Etc.) |
Unable to update profile due to the error: “An account already exists with the entered email/PAN/ DIN/Membership Number.”? | Merge existing User ID with the new V3 User ID. After 24 hours, user can update the profile as required; OR
Raise a ticket with a self-declaration and KYC document to request the backend team to degrade the user ID. Once User details (DIN/PAN/ Membership Number) are removed from that existing user ID then User can update profile as required |
Unable to update profile to Manager/Secretary/Authorized Representative as the current role is Professional? | Raise a ticket with a self-declaration and KYC document of the applicant to degrade the user ID. Once the ID is converted from Business User to Registered User, you can update the profile with approval from the Company’s User ID. |
Unable to update profile of any role if the current role is Professional Staff Member | Use “Add Role” functionality. However, if the stakeholder is facing any issue, kindly raise a ticket. |
Unable to merge V2 user ID with V3 user ID due to incorrect password for the entered V2 user ID? | Change the V2 password on V2 Portal and use the latest V2 password to avail the Merge User ID functionality on V3 Portal. |
V2 User ID is not being generated after the creation of a V3 User ID? | Kindly wait for 24 hours. The V2 ID will be sent to the registered email ID |
Unable to create a User ID due to the error: “An account already exists with the entered email/PAN/DIN? | Use functionality of “Forgot User ID” and log in with the existing user ID on the V3 Portal to access required services. |
If the password is expired for any user ID, the user is unable to reset the password due to a “Something went wrong” error? | Please Create a ticket with a self-declaration and KYC document of the applicant to reset the user ID. The team will provide a default password on the registered email ID. |
User is trying to associate DSC with the role as a registered user. After proceeding with DSC details, it’s redirecting to “My Application.”? | DSC can be registered only with business user roles (Director/Designated Partner, Professional, Manager/Secretary /Authorized Representative, and Nodal Officer). |
Unable to associate DSC due to the dropdown not Working? | Please download the latest required software (Embridge, Emsigner, Java, etc.) from the MCA portal and then try to associate DSC. |
DSC is not registered? | FO user to ensure user id created in V3 and DSC is associated. Appropriate role should be used while affixing DSC. |