This article provides valuable tips and suggestions to assist all the taxpayers in saving their taxes that are to be paid for the financial year 2019-2020. This article is packed with real-life comprehensive illustrations which shall give all the readers thorough insights to lower their tax incidence and will also help them understand the tax provisions & implications in a finer way
FAQs > Filing Form GSTR-4 (Annual Return) (for FY 2019-20 Onwards) Q. 1 What is Form GSTR-4 (Annual Return)? Ans. Form GSTR-4 (Annual Return) is a yearly return to be filed once, for each financial year, by taxpayers who have opted for composition scheme during the financial year, for were in Composition scheme for any […]
GSTN has made Form GSTR-4 (Annual Return for Composition Taxpayers) available on the GST portal. This will enable 17 lakh Composition Taxpayers to file their returns on an annual basis with effect from FY 2019-20.
1. Revocation of cancellation means revalidation of cancelled registration. Section 30 of the CGST Act 2017 read with Rule 23 of CGST Rules provide for revocation of cancelled registrations. 2. Application for Revocation of Cancellation : Section 30(1) A registered person, whose registration is cancelled by the proper officer on his own motion, may apply […]
The Income Tax Department is all set to start an e-campaign on voluntary compliance of Income Tax for the convenience of taxpayers from Monday, the 20th of July, 2020. The 11 days campaign ending on 31st July, 2020 focuses on the assessees/taxpayers who are either non-filers or have discrepancies/deficiency in their returns for the FY 2018-19.
Due to the ongoing pandemic considering the difficulties for the tax payers, various relaxations for the tax payers were provided by the GST council. This is in order to reduce the burden & to ease the return filing process which was hindered due to the lockdown across the county. Few were waiving off of late […]
1. The registration granted under GST can be cancelled for specified reasons. The cancellation can either be initiated by the department on their own motion or the registered person can apply for cancellation of their registration. The provisions of cancellation cover under Section 29 of the CGST Act and CGST Rule 20 to 22. 2. […]
The process of preparing and filing of annual return in GSTR 9 for FY 2018-19 under GST has already started, however, some basic doubts regarding the correct way to reconcile and report the Input Tax Credit (ITC) under various tables pertaining to the FY 2018-19 are yet be cleared by the creators and owners of […]
1. Error Code 1: Tax computed but GTI(Gross Total Income) is nil or 0? Description: No tax can be computed without providing the details of income. The Assessee should maintain consistency in providing details of income and tax computation in the return of income in the new xml which will be filed in response to […]
1. Every person who is liable to be registered enters the prescribed details in the GST REG 01 (registration form ) on GST Portal. In case the person missed out on some details or entered incorrect details, he can amend the particulars in a manner prescribed in Rule 19 of CGST Rules 2017. Section 28 […]