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Urja Karia

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SEBI Listing Regulations: Compliance Chart Related to Specified Securities

SEBI : Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) notified on 2nd September, 2015 the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirement...

January 21, 2016 2707 Views 0 comment Print

Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting

Company Law : Audit of ‘Internal Financial controls (hereinafter to be referred as ‘IFC’) over Financial Reporting’ is a reasonably adva...

December 30, 2015 114472 Views 0 comment Print

Let Falling Become Flying

CA, CS, CMA : Close your eyes. Now, imagine you are standing on the very edge of a cliff. You are watching the sun set, beautiful orange sky, yo...

November 24, 2015 1903 Views 0 comment Print

Bad Times: A Good Teacher

CA, CS, CMA : The most significant point of your life won’t be when you reach the last step of the ladder. It will be when you fall down while...

November 4, 2015 3727 Views 0 comment Print

Be Kind: Love All

CA, CS, CMA : In a world where we are hustling to make ends meet, everyone is busy fighting their own battles; there is a need, need for move Lo...

October 14, 2015 1709 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Posts in Urja Karia

SEBI Listing Regulations: Compliance Chart Related to Specified Securities

January 21, 2016 2707 Views 0 comment Print

Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) notified on 2nd September, 2015 the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. The regulations have thus been structured to provide ease of reference by consolidating into one single document across various types of securities listed on stock exchanges.

Internal Financial Controls over Financial Reporting

December 30, 2015 114472 Views 0 comment Print

Audit of ‘Internal Financial controls (hereinafter to be referred as ‘IFC’) over Financial Reporting’ is a reasonably advanced reporting concept for India. In India though there were no such requirements earlier, however, similar reporting requirements existed globally such as section 404 of Sarbanes Oxley Act, 2002 of USA.

Let Falling Become Flying

November 24, 2015 1903 Views 0 comment Print

Close your eyes. Now, imagine you are standing on the very edge of a cliff. You are watching the sun set, beautiful orange sky, you can feel the winds touching your face and making you smile, and all of a sudden you sense some invisible force behind you. You start feeling as if it’s pushing you, trying to beat you down and make you fall down.

Bad Times: A Good Teacher

November 4, 2015 3727 Views 0 comment Print

The most significant point of your life won’t be when you reach the last step of the ladder. It will be when you fall down while climbing, when the ladder breaks down in the middle of your little adventure, it will be in all those difficulties you face till you reach your destination, as for a matter of fact, reaching on the stop point or the last step of the ladder was never the plan in the first place, but breaking down and helping yourselves up every single time sure was.

Be Kind: Love All

October 14, 2015 1709 Views 0 comment Print

In a world where we are hustling to make ends meet, everyone is busy fighting their own battles; there is a need, need for move Love. Hate begets more Hate. Only Love can outcast all those feelings of enmity. Love isn’t only being affectionate towards one person. Love is boundless and has an infinite meaning than we are aware of.

Decisions: Only You Make Yours

October 7, 2015 3746 Views 0 comment Print

Decisions are not easy to make. Sometimes the mind cannot settle, we are unable to reconcile with the subject at hand. The more we think of it, the more it leads to disorder in our lives. We cannot find peace within ourselves. There are something’s which we must do on our own, by listening to our inner voice, that gut feeling, those righteous words which the soul speaks.

Stumbling Blocks: The Stepping Stone To Success

October 1, 2015 514 Views 0 comment Print

We all have hard days. Those days when we all we can do is just wait. Wait to just get it over with, wait for someone to come along and cry with us feeling our pain, wait for life to just turn around somehow, all we do is keep Hope. It’s the only thing that binds us together, to our being. You will have bad times, everyone does.

Guard the Garden of Your Mind

September 22, 2015 1145 Views 0 comment Print

The more free the mind, the more we can cultivate good thoughts into being. But our minds are full of clutter. We worry more about what others are doing, whether it concerns us or not. We judge people. We conclude how a person is based on whatever we come to know about them.

Follow The Calling, Not The Crowd

September 12, 2015 2680 Views 0 comment Print

I may not be Beautiful to you, you may not be beautiful to me, but we both are beautiful to the people who Love us. Doesn’t that make every single one of us Beautiful?

Count Your Blessings

September 9, 2015 799 Views 0 comment Print

We have a tendency to always notice what we lack. Even if we may have everything but someone else got something which we don’t, we see the lack of that thing in our lives.Why should we try to find that thing within our lives? We may as well have something that person doesn’t. But still our mind will only notice that one thing.

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