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Tax Benefits Available to Senior Citizens

Income Tax : Discover the tax benefits for senior and very senior citizens for FY 2022-23, including higher exemption limits, interest deductio...

August 31, 2024 698055 Views 150 comments Print

Cost Inflation Index – Meaning & Index from 1981-82 to 2024-25

Income Tax : Article discusses Meaning of Cost Inflation Index (CII) which is used for Computation of Long Term Capital Gain. Cost Inflation in...

May 25, 2024 2458160 Views 326 comments Print

Long-term capital gains tax exemption on Investment U/s. 54EC

Income Tax : Section 54EC of the Income Tax Act, 1961 provides exemption from long-term capital gains tax provided an assessee invests within s...

October 24, 2020 17932 Views 2 comments Print

Avoid gifts in cash to stay outside taxman’s radar

Income Tax : Under the latest provisions, any sum of money received without consideration (in excess of Rs 50,000), by an individual or Hindu U...

October 13, 2020 3010 Views 0 comment Print

Received Gift – Whether it is Taxable or Not?

Income Tax : Under the provisions of Section 56(2)(vi) certain gifts are liable to income tax as income from other sources. However, this provi...

October 12, 2020 5629 Views 4 comments Print

Latest News

Cost Inflation Indexed Cost Calculator

Income Tax : Calculate Long term capital gain on sale of capital Assets other then shares with the help of Indexation.- We have given below the...

November 20, 2011 41455 Views 9 comments Print

Know Your PAN and TAN Application Status on SMS

Income Tax : National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) processes PAN and TAN applications on behalf of Income Tax Department. With a view t...

October 11, 2011 17501 Views 1 comment Print

926 branches of Banks to accept Advance Income Tax in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai

Income Tax : As many as 926 computerised branches of public and private sector banks will receive advance income tax in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai....

August 18, 2011 2144 Views 0 comment Print

Income Tax department to publish and expose names of tax defaulters on newspapers

Income Tax : Tax defaulters beware! With tax recovery to the tune of more than Rs one lakh crore held up for lack of information about the wher...

May 31, 2011 724 Views 0 comment Print

Gujarat not ready for implementation of GST

Goods and Services Tax : Though the Goods and Services Tax (GST) bill has been tabled in the Lok Sabha, the Gujarat government today said in the state Asse...

March 25, 2011 1062 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Judiciary

Making and sale of advertising materials for customers is advertisement service liable for service tax

Service Tax : The making and sale of advertising materials for customers in the form of banner or hoarding or film-slide, etc. is `advertisement...

June 14, 2009 4255 Views 1 comment Print

Department need not provide reason for search U/s. 132

Income Tax : Search & seizure action u/s 132 was undertaken at the assessee’s premises. Thereafter an order of provisional attachment u/s 281...

June 5, 2009 834 Views 0 comment Print

Disallowance of Excise duty, if any, to be made under section 145A

Income Tax : 6. We have verified the orders and heard:the rival contentions. There is no dispute that there was a qualification in the auditors...

May 26, 2009 3302 Views 0 comment Print

Penalty can not be imposed for non deduction of TDS if assessee was prohibited by reasonable cause

Income Tax : 3. We have duly considered the rival contentions and gone through the records carefully. Learned Assessing Officer as well as lear...

May 25, 2009 3938 Views 0 comment Print

AAR on tax liability of a partnership firm to be formed in Canada by a Canadian company for executing its PSCs in India

Income Tax : 10.1 It is the common stand of both - the applicant and the Revenue, that the nature of income arising from the transfer of the ap...

May 24, 2009 2121 Views 0 comment Print

Latest Notifications

Circular on Validity of Form ‘I’ under Central Sales Tax Act

Goods and Services Tax : Considering the genuine difficulty faced by the Trade in this respect, the instructions contained in Trade Circular No.8T of 2005 ...

June 20, 2009 48348 Views 1 comment Print

Ex- President, Ex- Senior Vice-President, Ex-Vice-President and Members cannot practice before ITAT

Income Tax : Ministry of Law & Justice, Department of legal Affairs, New Delhi Notification Dated : 3rd June 2009 GSR 889 (E). In exercise of t...

June 20, 2009 787 Views 0 comment Print

Accounting for taxes on income – AS 22-Treatment of deferred tax asset and liabilities

Finance : Accounting for taxes on income – Accounting Standard 22 – Treatment of deferred tax assets (DTA) and deferred tax liab...

June 10, 2009 9030 Views 0 comment Print

Notification No. 47/2009 – Income Tax Dated 1/6/2009

Income Tax : Notification No. 47/2009 - Income Tax In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 120 of the Incom...

June 1, 2009 1586 Views 0 comment Print

New TDS and TCS payment and information reporting system

Income Tax : CIRCULAR NO. 02 / 2009 One of the fundamental principles of financial accounting is that if a person claims credit for payment o...

May 21, 2009 3956 Views 1 comment Print

Income Tax E-filing – New Changes for A.Y. 2009-10

May 23, 2009 1024 Views 0 comment Print

1. New Users can register their Digital Certificate during registration process 2. During Registration and Forgot Password, Captcha Image needs to be entered by the user for verification. If the image is not clear for the user, they can refresh and get a new image 3. After successful registration of user, User Activation URL sent […]

No cut in CST rate this Year, will stay at 2%

May 22, 2009 5726 Views 0 comment Print

At present, the tax, which is levied on inter state sale of goods, is at 2%. It was scheduled to be reduced by another 1%, starting April 1, 2009. At the time, the rate cut was postponed on account of the general elections and the Election Commission’s code of conduct. Recently, the empowered committee of state finance ministers wrote to the Union finance ministry recommending that the tax should be completely withdrawn when GST kicks in, as there is massive evasion of VAT (which goes to the states’ coffers).

New TDS and TCS payment and information reporting system

May 21, 2009 3956 Views 1 comment Print

CIRCULAR NO. 02 / 2009 One of the fundamental principles of financial accounting is that if a person claims credit for payment of money to a third person, the credit should be allowed only if the payment and the information relating to the transaction have been received from the third person. The advance tax and self assessment tax is paid directly by the assessee by filling a challan whichbears a unique Challan Identification Number (CIN)

Notification on Service Tax Exemption to taxable services consumed within Special Economic Zones

May 21, 2009 1862 Views 0 comment Print

Through Notification No. 9/2009 – ST dated March 3, 2009, the Central Government had provided for an exemption from service tax by way of refund in respect of taxable services in relation to authorized operations that are received by a developer of or a unit in a Special Economic Zone (SEZ). The same has now been amended by a Notification1 (‘subject Notification’) to restore the exemption in respect of services consumed within the SEZ, without following the refund route.

Want Income Tax Refund Faster – Opt for ECS

May 21, 2009 13813 Views 5 comments Print

Get your income tax refund faster by opting for ECS through the Refund Banker Scheme. Learn about the pros and cons of this innovative scheme.

FAQs on AS 11 related to Exchange Rate difference

May 18, 2009 74705 Views 6 comments Print

Frequently Asked Questions on AS 11 notification – Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2009 (G.S.R. 225 (E) dt. 31.3.09) issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs. ASB Guidance in the form of FAQs on AS 11 notification – Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules, 2009 (G.S.R. 225 (E) dt. 31.3.09) issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs does […]

Download E-Filing ITR 1, ITR 2, ITR-3 & ITR-4 for A.Y. 2009-10 Released by Income Tax Department

May 18, 2009 11097 Views 34 comments Print

Filing of Income Tax returns is a legal obligation of every Individual/HUF whose total income for the previous year has exceeded the maximum amount that is not chargeable for income tax under the provisions of the I.T Act, 1961. Income Tax Department has introduced a convenient way to file these returns online using the Internet.

Principle of mutuality where the income of the mutual concern is the contributions received from its contributors

May 17, 2009 2254 Views 0 comment Print

8. Having heard the learned counsel Mr C.S. Aggarwal, Sr. Advocate for the assessee-company and Ms Prem Lata Bansal for the Revenue we are of the view that the judgment deserves to be sustained. The principle of mutuality as enunciated by the Courts in various cases is applicable to a situation where the income of the mutual concern is the contributions received from its contributors

High Court Interference would be justified only if it appears that the conclusions made by ITAT palpably perverse

May 17, 2009 1024 Views 0 comment Print

4. At the outset, we need to underscore that so far as findings of fact are concerned interference of the High Court would be justified only if it appears to it that the conclusions arrived at by the ITAT are palpably perverse. 5. The entitlement of sundry parties to the receipt of commission essentially entails a determination

Concessional ticket to travel Agents cannot be termed as commission

May 17, 2009 1555 Views 0 comment Print

12. In order to come to a definite conclusion whether section 194H of the Act would be applicable to the assessee-airline in respect of transaction, in issue, we propose to first look at the scope and ambit of section 194H of the Act and then analyse the transaction as to whether it falls within the purview of the said Section. In this context, it would be necessary to extract the relevant portions of Section 194H of the Act.

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