Income Tax : Explore our analysis on including Company Secretaries as Accountants under the Income-Tax Bill 2025. Benefits include improved com...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore disqualifications outlined in Income Tax Act for tax auditors in India, ensuring integrity and transparency in financial g...
Income Tax : Explore details of Clause 44 in Tax Audit Report (Form 3CD) and its GST reporting requirements. Learn how to fill out this crucial...
Income Tax : Tax audit procedure under Section 44AB of the Income Tax Act explained simply. Taxpayers need to appoint a Chartered Accountant to...
Income Tax : Purchase and capital expenditures are required to be reported under clause 44 of Tax Audit report as both falls under expenditure ...
Income Tax : Read CAASs recommendations for fair tax audit allocation, ensuring auditor independence and quality. They suggested automated allo...
Income Tax : More than 30.75 lakh audit reports, including 29.5 lakh Tax Audit Reports, were filed for AY 2023-24 by the September 30 deadline,...
CA, CS, CMA : Proposing the inclusion of Cost and Management Accountants under Section 288(2) of the Income Tax Act to enhance tax audits and pr...
Income Tax : Exposure Draft of Revised ‘Guidance Note on Tax Audit under section 44AB of Income-tax Act, 1961’ is issued by ICAI Direct Tax...
CA, CS, CMA : Representation to CBDT on information sought from Tax Auditors under Clause 44 of Form 3CD and request to abolish this requirement...
Income Tax : Lucknow CA Tax Practitioners Association VS. UOI (Allahabad High Court) As far as prayer no.1 of the petitioner-association for is...
Income Tax : Appellant Foundation of Tax and Accounting Professionals (FTAPs) has withdrawn the writ in view of Further extension of Tax Audit ...
Income Tax : Gauhati High Court has instructed CBDT to Consider Representation filed by Tax Bar Association on or before 25.10.2018 by which th...
Income Tax : All Gujarat Federation of Tax Consultants Vs Union of India (Gujarat High Court) 11.10.2018– It is an agreed position that...
Income Tax : Plywood and Allied Products Dealers Association of India Vs. UOI & Ors (Kerala High Court) The Petitioner is an association o...
Income Tax : CBDT issued Notification No. 88/2020 and extended Due dates of Income Tax Return and Tax Audit Report as follows:- A. Income Tax R...
Income Tax : The due date for furnishing of Income Tax Returns for the taxpayers (including their partners) who are required to get their accou...
Income Tax : CBDT further extends the ‘due-date’ for filing of Income-tax Returns/Tax Audit Reports for the Assessment year 2019-20 as spec...
Income Tax : Order u/s 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 for Extension of due date for filing of Income-tax Returns/Tax Audit Reports to 31st Jan...
Income Tax : Extension of due date for filing of Income-tax Returns (ITR)/Tax Audit Reports (TAR) to 30th November, 2019 in respect of Union Te...
BJP economic Cell (Rajasthan), State Co-Convener CA R P Vijay & CA Sachin Kumar Jain have requested Honble FM to extend due date for submission of Tax Audit Reports and Income Tax Returns from 30 September, 2018 to 31 October, 2018 in the case of corporate assesses and where tax audit is applicable so that […]
Tax Audit ensures the correctness of Books of Accounts maintained by tax payer & Income is computed as per Income Tax Act. It is required to by conduct by a whole time practicing Chartered Accountant. It makes the Income Computation for filling the return easy. It is furnished in Form no. 3CA/3CB & Form no. 3CD.
South Gujarat textile traders association is the leading trade organization of south Gujarat. It is representing more than 40000 traders of surat and entire south Gujarat. The association has played vital role in disseminating awareness about GST and has held hundreds of meetings to clarify the doubts of the trade and industry.
I would like to attract your attention for seeking an extension of the Tax Audit date of 30th September 2018 being totally unjustified to look towards the fraternity of Chartered Accountants to complete their job within few days against the statutory availability of 180 days.
ICAI has for the third time in less than a month made a request for Extension for extension of time for submission of Tax Audit Reports and related returns from 30th September, 2018 to 31st October, 2018. Earlier ICAI has made representation dated 31st August, 2018 and 10th September, 2018. Read ICAI 1st Representation on […]
The Karnataka State Chartered Accountants Association (R) (in short ‘KSCAA’) is an association of Chartered Accountants, registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act, in the year 1957. KSCAA is primarily formed for the welfare of Chartered Accountants and represents before various regulatory authorities to resolve the professional problems faced by chartered accountants and business community.
AGFTC and ITBA has Requested Honourable Finance MInister to extend due date of 30th Sept. 2018 for submission of Tax Audit Reports and related I. Tax Returns for Ass. Yr. 2018-19 to 30th November 2018 vide its representation dated 17/09/2018. Relevant Text of the representation is as follows:- INCOME TAX BAR ASSOCIATION, AHMEDABAD Aayakar Bhavan, […]
Taxation Bar Association, Ludhiana has requested CBDT to extend the due date for furnishing the tax audit report and Income Tax tax return to be extended for a month to 31st October 2018. Relevant Text of Representation is as follows:- Sub: Request for Extension of due date for filing tax audit report and return of […]
The era of extension needs to be stopped or else every year people will have a sure short confidence of extension which will make them delay there work and lazy. Rules are made bearing things in mind and not bearing extension in mind. Come on people lets follow Punctuality. The greatest gift of Shri. Late Mahatma Gandhi for Indians. And we, CA’s being finance partner of Government let make clients aware of there responsibilities.
1.It has been heard that many organisation has given representation to extend date of Tax Audit report under Income Tax Act till 31st October (including ICAI). 2.But we request you to consider following points and extend it till 30th November otherwise it will be a half hearted fruitless extension.