Income Tax : Taxpayers receiving income tax notices for additional tax on capital gains due to changes in Section 87A interpretation, affecting...
Income Tax : जानें क्यों आयकर विभाग ने केपिटल गेन पर अतिरिक्त ...
Goods and Services Tax : The provisions for tax and penalty determination under the currently applicable Section 73 (Nonfraud cases) and Section 74 (Fraud ...
Goods and Services Tax : बजट 2024 में GST की धारा 73 और 74 को हटाकर नई धारा 74A लागू की ...
Income Tax : Explore the new Section 128A proposed in Budget 2024, detailing tax relief for non-fraud cases under Section 73. Learn how this im...
Goods and Services Tax : गुड्स ट्रांसपोर्ट एजेंसियों को जीएसटी कर का फॉरव...
Goods and Services Tax : Goods Transport Agencies have to submit Annexure V to opt for Forward charge of Tax and for the Financial Year 2023-24 and the d...
Goods and Services Tax : AIMTPA – All India MSME and Tax Professionals Association has invited two GST Experts on it’s Platform on 24th July 2021 and a...
Goods and Services Tax : The Goods and Service Tax – An Introductory study written by CA Sudhir Halakhandi in the ICAI CA Journal at the time of start of...
The basis of the extension of date by CBDT was verdict of Gujarat High court and we have talked with the petitioner of Gujarat High court CA RAJNI SHAH and in his talk he mentioned the role of WhatsApp Group ‘MISSION TAR DEFERMENT 2014’.
The central Board of Direct taxes has extended the date of obtaining and furnishing the Tax audit report to 30/11/2014 though the Date of filing of Income tax returns is still 30/09/2014 and it is very unfortunate situation troubling the whole trade and Industry which is a very big part of the total tax paying fraternity.
CA Suhdir Halakhandi – The Mid-year introduction of New formats of Tax audit reports and further extension of date of Tax audit report without extending the date of filing of return has created a lot of controversy and in this respect two writ petitions have been filed in Hon. Delhi high court and Hon. Gujarat High Court by CA Mahesh Kumar and CA Rajni Shah respectively and both are coming up for hearing on 15th Sept 2014.
कर कानूनों में सरलीकरण का वादा कम से कम दो दशक पूर्व किया गया था जिसे प्रत्येक सरकार एवं वित्त मंत्री ने बार –बार दोहराया है और प्राम्भिक अवस्था में इस पर काफी कार्य भी किया गया था. केन्द्रीय सरकार के साथ –साथ सभी राज्यों की सरकारों ने भी इस सम्बन्ध में अपने –अपने करदाताओं को इस प्रकार के वायदे बार –बार दोहराए है . इन सभी के पीछे लक्ष यह था कि सरकार का कर संग्रहण भी बराबर होता रहे और करदाताओं को भी कम से कम कष्ट हो .
CA Sudhir Halakhandi The central Board of Direct taxes has extended the date of obtaining and furnishing the Tax Audit report u/s 44AB to 30/11/2014 through an order issued under section 119 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 on 20/08/2014 but the order is silent about the date of filing of Income tax returns u/s […]
CA Sudhir Halakhandi The date of obtaining and furnishing of tax audit report u/s 44AB has been extended from 30th Sept. 2014 to 30th Nov. 2014 and while issuing the orders under section 119 the Central Board of Direct Taxes has created one more confusion which is related to the extension of date of ITR.
There is no dispute about the right of our lawmakers (here the CBDT) to draft these formats and ask the information which in their opinion is required for the task in hand but the timing of introduction of these changes is not only crucial and sudden but irritating also.
Stay up to date with the latest changes in tax audit reporting. Learn about the challenges faced by professionals in e-filing and the implications for the industry.
The 12th Version of the E-filing utility was introduced yesterday, the site was closed for two hours for maintenance the day before, all the software were not working for want of updation and the professionals are working very hard round the clock but this is a race against the time.
Discover the importance of extending the due date for e-filing tax audit reports. Explore the challenges faced by chartered accountants and the impact on their workload.