Income Tax : Explore the ongoing issues of tax rebate under Section 87A for short-term capital gains on shares, following the new utility relea...
Income Tax : Explore controversy surrounding Section 87A of Income Tax Act and its impact on short-term capital gains. Learn why rebate was sud...
Income Tax : Learn about the benefits of e-filing for tax saving investments in India, including ELSS, PPF, and more. Understand how e-filing c...
Income Tax : The recent changes in the ITR filing utilities have created significant challenges for taxpayers eligible for the section 87A reba...
Income Tax : Check if your bank account is valid for refund. Learn how to update or revalidate your account details on the e-filing portal. Get...
Income Tax : KSCAA highlights critical issues on India’s Income Tax Portal, impacting timely filings for returns and TDS with glitches, timeo...
Income Tax : Explore the Lok Sabha query on technical glitches in the IT portal and TRACES. Learn about processing delays, PAN-Aadhaar issues, ...
CA, CS, CMA : KSCAA addresses glitches in the Income Tax portal, highlighting challenges faced by taxpayers and professionals, in a representati...
Income Tax : आयकर पोर्टल की तकनीकी गड़बड़ियों के कारण करदाताओ...
Goods and Services Tax : Bikaner Tax Consultants Association seeks an extension of the Income Tax Return filing deadline due to ITD portal glitches and iss...
Income Tax : In case of S. Subramanian & Co Vs ITO, Madras High Court directs Assessing Officer (AO) to pass a fresh order as notices sent to p...
Income Tax : Read the detailed analysis of Maheshwar Niketan Co-operative Housing Society Limited vs. ITO case. ITAT Mumbai grants relief for C...
Income Tax : Southern Gujarat Income Tax Bar Association Vs Union of India (Gujarat High Court) In today’s hearing through Video Conference, ...
Income Tax : Tax Bar Association Vs Union of India (Rajasthan High Court, Jodhpur) This public interest petition has been filed by the Tax Bar ...
Income Tax : We request the authority concerned to take a practical view of the problems which the assessees are facing as on date on account o...
Income Tax : On consideration of difficulties reported by taxpayers/stakeholders due to Covid & in e-filing of Audit reports for AY 2021-22...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Department is going to launch its new E-filing portal on June 7th, 2021. In preparation for th...
Income Tax : PRESS RELEASE NO. DSM/BY/KP-163/10 Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) that the process for renewal of the security certificate ...
Company Law : he Central Government, for the purpose of making all transactions faster, improving service delivery and making Office of the Regi...
Company Law : In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of Selection 4A of the Companies Act, 1956(1 to 1956), the Central Governme...
Maharashtra Tax Practitioners’ Association has made a representation to Shri. Narendraji Modi, Prime Minister of India and brought to his attention issues faced by Taxpayer & Professionals on New Income Tax Portal Text of their representation is as follows:- Maharashtra Tax Practitioners’ Association SS/MTPA/IT representation 21-22/0721 Dated: 14th July 2021 To, Shri. Narendraji Modi, Prime […]
Income Tax E Filing portal is an interactive platform between the tax department and the tax payer\assesses for not only filing the income tax returns but also for submitting various other forms and carrying out tax compliances to scrutiny notices, submissions before first appellate authority. The CBDT vide Press release dated May 20, 2021 announced […]
Suggestions in respect of the glitches on the New Income Tax portal were invited online. More than 700 emails detailing over 2000 issues including 90 unique issues/problems in the portal were received from various stakeholders including ICAL tax professionals and tax payers. Moreover, multiple interactions have been held with the representatives from ICAI and tax professionals.
The new Income Tax portal introduced by the Ministry of Finance from June 07, 2021 has been subject to various glitches since it’s inception and the stakeholders are facing problem on regular basis. Also, the proceedings under Income Tax are now managed electronically and the same has been made accessible at the new portal under […]
Chartered Accountants Association, Jalandhar has submitted a Memorandum on the problem being faced in relation to New Income Tax Portal. Full text of the representation is as follows:- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS ASSOCIATION (C R Building, Model Town Road, Jalandhar) For correspondence care:- CA. Ashwani Jindal, General Secretary, 498-LA, Model Town, Near Geeta Mandir, Jalandhar Email:, […]
The Income Tax Return for the AY 2021-22 cannot be filed through any software or directly by uploading JSON file because this functionality has not been enabled at the Income Tax Portal. Due to this, the Public at large, who are applying for/ renewal of its Bank Loans, for applying tenders to various organization and for applying visa for going abroad etc. are facing lot of problems.
1. Further to my article How To File Form 10E in New Tax Portal – Arrears Under Sec 89 dated 21.06.2021, let’s try to understand the calculation of Relief and procedure to file FORM 10E with the help of practical Illustration Form 10 E is enabled on New Income Tax Portal. 2. ILLUSTRATION: Mr. Prasanna […]
Whether Hitches In E-Payments of Taxes Will Be Resolved In NSDL Website/New I-T Portal While we make payment of Direct Taxes via the ‘NSDL Web site’, every time we have to fill the address of the assessee, which in my opinion can be dispensed with since the address of the assessee is already available with […]
Is the Common Income Tax Portal Becoming Uncommon Part I has generated more than 525 shares and more than 60 comments across the nation evidencing the common problems faced with the new portal. Should we resort back to the old portal ? Why was the need of switching to the new 2.0 portal ? Whether […]
IT Portal Not Working GOVT. SHOULD MAKE ALTERNATE ARRANGEMENT FOR FILING OF ITRs The income tax portal on which taxpayers from all over the country file their returns is not working for the last one month or more. Taxpayers are not able to file their returns and due to this the professionals are also worried […]