Goods and Services Tax : GSTR 9 & 9C FY 2023-24 के लिए नवीनतम बदलाव, पुन: मिलान और फाइलिं...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand the impact of changes in Table 8A of GSTR-9 for FY 2023-24. Learn about ITC double-counting issues and solutions for ac...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn how GSTR-2A ensures GST compliance, prevents tax evasion, facilitates ITC accuracy, and aids in reconciliation, audits, and ...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the significance of GSTR 9 and GSTR 9C in GST compliance, as clarified by judicial rulings. Learn about key cases and the ...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn about GST return scrutiny under Section 61 of the CGST Act, 2017. Understand the process, objectives, and key areas of compl...
Goods and Services Tax : GSTN – Upcoming changes/initiatives:- ♦ SMS based NIL Return filing for GSTR-3B and GSTR-1. ♦ Improvements in GSTR-2A to sho...
Goods and Services Tax : 1. Certain notified taxpayers have been issuing invoices after obtaining Invoice Reference Number (IRN) from Invoice Registration ...
Goods and Services Tax : Direct Taxes Professionals’ Association requested Hon’ble Finance Minister to allow filing of GSTR 9, 9A and 9C for the F.Y. 2...
Goods and Services Tax : GSTN enables taxpayers to know Input Tax Credit (ITC) eligibility at invoice level while filing Annual Return – Taxpayers ar...
Goods and Services Tax : 1. A facility has been provided to the taxpayers to download document wise details of Table 8A of Form GSTR-9, from the portal in ...
Goods and Services Tax : Allahabad HC dismisses plea in Laxmi Telecom Vs State of U.P., ruling alternative statutory remedies are available for GST dispute...
Goods and Services Tax : Assessee's petition against the under declaration of ineligible Input Tax Credit ( ITC ) would be heard when assessee would deposi...
Goods and Services Tax : The impugned order was issued thereafter on 29.04.2024. Assessee referred to the impugned order and pointed out that the reply was...
Goods and Services Tax : In a recent ruling Hon'ble Madras HC considered that there is mismatch between GSTR-3B and GSTR-2A and petitioner is ready to pay ...
Goods and Services Tax : Assessee should deposit 25% of the disputed tax within a period of four (4) weeks for a fresh hearing in matters engaging the di...
Goods and Services Tax : Read Circular No. 193/05/2023-GST from CBIC regarding the clarification on availing Input Tax Credit (ITC) in GSTR-3B and GSTR-2A ...
Goods and Services Tax : Clarification to deal with difference in Input Tax Credit (ITC) availed in FORM GSTR-3B as compared to that detailed in FORM GSTR-...
Goods and Services Tax : It has been noticed that in a few cases, certain records are not reflected in GSTR-2B statement for the period of April 2022. Howe...
Goods and Services Tax : Condition made under sub-rule (4) of rule 36 of the CGST Rules shall apply cumulatively for the tax period February, March, April,...
Goods and Services Tax : The GST Council, in its 39th meeting held on 14th March 2020, had recommended to adopt and implement the incremental approach of...
GST Council in its 39th meeting held on 14th March 2020 had recommended to adopt and implement the incremental approach of linking the present system of filing of FORM GSTR-1 (details of the statement outward supplies) to the liability FORM GSTR-3B. This would be followed by the linking of the input tax credit in FORM […]
1.What is GSTR-2B? Form GSTR-2B is auto generated statement of ITC available, as the details submitted by their suppliers, through GSTR-1, GSTR-5 and also contains information of import from the ICEGATE system including inward supplies of goods received from Special Economic Zone. GSTR-2B can be used to take exact input in GSTR-3B , because […]
Condition made under sub-rule (4) of rule 36 of the CGST Rules shall apply cumulatively for the tax period February, March, April, May, June, July and August, 2020 and that the return in FORM GSTR-3B for the tax period September, 2020 shall be furnished with the cumulative adjustment of input tax credit for the said months.
Even after 3 years of introduction of GST Act, people registered under GST are making many errors while filing their GST returns. It is very important to file GST returns with the most accuracy to avoid litigation from the department. A wrong filing in GST return can impose a huge amount of penalty and interest […]
Goyal Iron And Steel Traders Vs Assistant Commissioner Palam Division CGST Delhi South & Ors. (Delhi High Court) High Court directed to decide the matter by way of a reasoned order where the electronic credit ledger was blocked citing a mismatch in the Input Tax Credit claimed in GSTR-3B and that appearing in GSTR-2A. High COurt held that […]
Arjuna, it seems that after September 2020, there will be complete changeover of GSTR-3B filing process on GSTN. On inward side, new GSTR 2B will so as to reconcile and match ITC as per GSTR-3B & GSTR-2A. On outward side, GSTR-1 figures may be reflected in GSTR-3B, so as to reconcile and match tax liability. Be Thus, GSTR-3B will become more robust, & the taxpayers need to be more attentive.
Rule 86A has been put in place w.e.f 26.12.2019 which empowers Commissioner or Officer authorized in this behalf not below the rank of Assistant Commissioner to restrict the use of input tax credit from electronic credit ledger
The GST Council, in its 39th meeting held on 14th March 2020, had recommended to adopt and implement the incremental approach of linking the present system of filing of GSTR-3B and GSTR-1 and other significant changes like enhancements in GSTR-2A and its linking to GSTR-3B.
Videos on multiple topics of Outward supply and GST ITC for preparation & hand holding of GSTR 9/GSTR 9C for FY 2018-19. These videos are very important for basic understanding of taxpayers, professionals, etc. Speaker in the all the Videos is Learned CA Bimal Jain. Videos are on following for Topics- 1. Reconciliation of GST […]
September has always been month of reconciliation. In this article we have tried to brief few reconciliations in the form of “Seven things must To Do” in Sept-20 by every GST Return filer!! 20th October, 2020 is approaching soon & every person registered under GST must be aware that 20th October, 2020 ( upto 24th […]