Goods and Services Tax : Discover the GST place of supply for custodial services provided by Indian banks to Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs), clarified ...
Custom Duty : AEO is a Trade Facilitation Scheme for ease of doing business in light of international development. Holder of this Certificate is...
Service Tax : The point (s) of dispute pertains to levy of ‘service tax’ in respect of a transaction of sale and purchase of Flat in a build...
Custom Duty : Rajiv Gupta The moot question is what the worth of the laws in this country is! Are they even worth the paper on which they are pr...
Excise Duty : Central Board of Excise and Customs has issued circular No.1063/2/2018-CX dated 16.02.2018, wherein this compiles sixty three orde...
Goods and Services Tax : Shri S. Ramesh takes over as Chairman, Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs Shri S. Ramesh, IRS(C&CE:1981) has taken ov...
Custom Duty : With the enactment of the Finance Act, 2018, CBEC is renamed as the Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC). The change...
Custom Duty : The Special Judge, CBI cases, Chennai has sentenced Shri D.Ramani, then Appraiser, Air Customs Department, Chennai to undergo two ...
Goods and Services Tax : Article explains Process flow and steps involved for Updating Mobile Number & Email of Authorized Signatory on GST portal www.gst...
Custom Duty : Government has decided to impose 30% import duty on Chana (Chickpeas) and Masoor (Lentils), with immediate effect.Production of Ch...
Service Tax : CESTAT Bangalore held that that service tax on commission paid to foreign commission agents is payable under reverse charge only ...
Custom Duty : CESTAT Ahmedabad held that waste and scrap, even if exceeding SION norms, are exempt from customs duty provided they are cleared w...
Service Tax : Explore the CESTAT Delhi ruling on Weldon Tours & Travels Pvt. Ltd. vs Commissioner of Service Tax, revealing no service tax liabi...
Custom Duty : Once a export benefit under which shipping bill was filed has been availed, the conversion to any other scheme cannot be allowed a...
Custom Duty : CESTAT Mumbai rules in favor of Ganesh Benzoplast Ltd., stating no confiscation if prior permission taken for storage of non-bonde...
Goods and Services Tax : Manner of processing and sanction of IGST refunds, withheld in terms of clause (c) of sub-rule (4) of rule 96, transmitted to the ...
Excise Duty : Audit para no. 5.1 to 5.18 of chapter V of Audit report no. 01 of 2021 on Show Cause Notices and adjudication process in CBIC has ...
Goods and Services Tax : Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for implementation of the provision of suspension of registrations under sub-rule (2A) of rule ...
Goods and Services Tax : Greetings to all of you on the first GST Day celebrations! Today is an important milestone, when the momentous journey from the GS...
Goods and Services Tax : As we near the end of the Financial Year 2017-18, I would once again like to reiterate our need to focus on the recovery of arrear...
NOTIFICATION NO. 186/2009-CUSTOMS (N.T.) – the Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby determines that the rate of exchange of conversion of each of the foreign currency specified in column (2) of each of Schedule I and Schedule II annexed hereto into Indian currency or vice versa shall, with effect from 1st January, 2010 be the rate mentioned against it in the corresponding entry in column (3) thereof, for the purpose of the said section, relating to imported and export goods.
‘Kimberley Process Certification Scheme Secretariat, Namibia’ has now clarified vide a press release dated 30 November 2009 (copy enclosed) that “polishing a single or a few small facets will not transform rough diamonds into polished diamonds and make these fall off the KPCS radar and that semi-cut diamonds and their import or export remains subject to the requirements of the KPCS”.
The drawback rates provided for gold & silver jewellery will only be applicable for exports made through the ports /custom houses as specified in para 4A.12 of the Hand Book of Procedures (vol.1), 2004-2009 after examination by the jewellery expert appraisers/superintendents to ascertain the quality of gold/silver and the quantum of gold/silver in the exported items. It may be noted that the drawback rate provided for gold & silver jewellery is a specific rate in terms of rupees per unit weight of net content of gold/silver in the jewellery. The drawback rates for gold & silver jewellery are equal to the prevalent import duty on gold/silver
Notification No. 185 / 2009-Customs (N.T.) -Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby appoints the Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs (Air Cargo Complex), New Delhi to act as a common adjudicating authority to exercise the powers and discharge the duties conferred or imposed on,- the Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs (Air Cargo Complex), Kolkata; the Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs (Air Cargo Complex), Mumbai; the Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs (ICD CONCOR), Jaipur; and the Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs, JNCH, Nhava Sheva,
Notification No. 184 / 2008-Customs (N.T.) tral Board of Excise and Customs hereby appoints the Commissioner of Customs and Central Excise, Goa to act as a common adjudicating authority to exercise the powers and discharge the duties conferred or imposed on:- the Commissioner of Customs, Jawaharlal Nehru Custom House, Nhava Sheva, Raigad, Maharashtra, the Commissioner of Customs, Kandla; and the Commissioner of Customs (Export), New Custom House, Ballard Estate, Mumbai,
Notification No. 183 / 2009-Customs (N.T.) In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 4 and sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Board of Excise and Customs hereby appoints the Commissioner of Customs, Inland Container depot, Tughlakabad, New Delhi to act as a common adjudicating authority to exercise the powers and discharge the duties conferred or imposed on,-
The Central Board of Excise & Customs (CBEC) has clarified the treatment of Central Value Added Tax (Cenvat) Credit in respect of stocks of goods whose value is written off in the books of accounts. It is not unusual that manufacturers are stuck with non-moving stocks of inputs such as raw materials and components, or semi-finished goods or finished goods due to change of models or change of processes or poor feedback from customers or obsolescence, etc.
Since these services are provided free by the dealer on behalf of the assessee, the cost towards this is included in the dealer’s margin (or reimbursed to him). This is one of the considerations for sale of the goods (motor vehicles, consumer items etc.) to the dealer and will therefore be governed by Rule 6 of the Valuation Rules on the same grounds as indicated in respect of Advertisement and Publicity charges. That is, in such cases the after sales service charges and PDI charges will be included in the assessable value.
Till today the law on the subject of repairing and maintenance of roads and other infrastructural facilities was clear in the minds of all stakeholders (barring a few service tax commissionerates). There was this discussion that maintenance and/or repairing of roads may be a taxable activity, but a conclusive view came across from most corners that no such taxing is possible because the law itself was clear enough.
Directions form part of revenue maximisation measures. The Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) has directed its field formations across the country to open all cases, irrespective of year and amount involved, where it had raised a demand but had these stayed by courts, otherwise known as call-book cases.