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What is ITR-V, Time Limit, where to submit and what if not submitted within time

What is an ITR-V?

  • ITR-V stands for ‘Income Tax Return – Verification’ form.
  • Income Tax Department needs to verify the authenticity of income tax return when filed online without using a digital signature/ Aadhaar OTP/ EVC mode.
  • On receipt of ITR-V you have to sign the copy and submit to the Income Tax Department to complete the filing process.

What steps are to be followed when I e-file without using a Digital Signature/ Aadhaar OTP/ EVC mode?

When you e-file without using a Digital Signature/ Aadhaar OTP/ EVC mode, you receive ITR-V as an attachment in the e-mail sent by the Income Tax Department. Since the return you filed was not signed, your filing is still incomplete. To complete the return filing process, follow the below mentioned steps –

  • Print and sign ITR-V in BLUE ink.
  • Do not fold this signed ITR-V. Enclose the same in A-4 size envelope.
  • Mail the envelope within 120 days of e-filing to –
    Income Tax Department CPC
    Post Box No.1,
    Electronic City Post Office,
    Bangalore 560100, Karnataka.
  • Upon receipt of ITR-V, Income Tax Department will send an e-mail acknowledging the receipt of signed copy of ITR-V. This is your acknowledgement.
  • Your filing is now complete.

Some Frequently Asked Questions regarding ITR-V

Can I submit ITR-V anywhere else in India?

No, you cannot. You have to compulsorily mail your ITR-V in a sealed A-4 envelope to the address mentioned above.

Is there any time limit for submitting ITR-V to Income Tax Department?

Yes, you should mail your ITR-V within 120 days of e-filing your return.

What if I do not submit ITR-V within 120 days?

If you miss submitting your ITR-V within 120 days, your e-filing will be considered as null and void. It means that it will be considered that you have not yet filed your return. In such a case you will have to file revised return, get a new ITR-V and submit the same within 120 days.

Can I send the ITR-V to CPC by Registered Post?

No, The tax payer has to send the duly signed copy of ITR-V to “Centralized Processing Centre, Income Tax Department, Bengaluru 560500” within 120 days of uploading the return by Ordinary post or Speed post ONLY.

I have not received a copy of ITR-V in my e-mail ID or the ITR-V received in my mail ID is not opening, since it is a corrupt file. What should I do?

LOGIN to e-filing account and go to My Account → ‘View e-Filed Returns/Forms ‘ → Income Tax Returns. Click on the Acknowledgement Number and download the ITR-V again of the relevant Assessment Year.

Can more than one ITR-V be sent to CPC in one envelope?

Yes, any number of ITR-Vs can be sent in one envelope. Caution has to be maintained that the barcode printed potion in the ITR-V does not get folded.

Also Read – Dos and Don’ts for printing & submitting of ITR-V

Some Suggested Posts related to above  

S. No. Link
1 How to use / Enable E-filing Vault on Income Tax
2 Understanding Compliance Query of Income Tax Department
3 Income Tax e-Filing DSC management utility
4 How to File Income Tax Return of a Deceased Assessee?
5 FAQs on filing the return of income
6 For whom e-filing of Income Tax Return (ITR) is Mandatory
7 Guide to know ITR applicable: Which ITR Applicable to whom?
8 How to reset password when activation link not confirmed while registering PAN in Income Tax Department

Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for information purposes only and does not constitute advice or a legal opinion and are personal views of the author. It is based upon relevant law and/or facts available at that point of time and prepared with due accuracy & reliability. Readers are requested to check and refer to relevant provisions of statute, latest judicial pronouncements, circulars, clarifications etc before acting on the basis of the above write up.  The possibility of other views on the subject matter cannot be ruled out. By the use of the said information, you agree that Author / TaxGuru is not responsible or liable in any manner for the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, errors or any kind of omissions in this piece of information for any action taken thereof. This is not any kind of advertisement or solicitation of work by a professional.

(Republished with Amendments by Team Taxguru)


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  1. Vishwanath Singare says:

    One of my client refund of said FY 2020-21 is still not received. Even intimation is also not get yet. Now status is showing ITR-V now received is lodged. Means what???
    I can’t understand this meaning.

    Now what can I need to do to get the refund of the said period of FY 2020-21???

  2. Sourav says:

    My company have some additional money in emp. Superannuation fund claiming change of interest rate for 2 yrs. Indicated it as perks and tax was deducted.
    This year they again revised the rate of interest to the lower previous value for the last 2 yrs and are recovering that by paying less.
    In the process I ended up paying lot of additional tax.
    Can I reclaim the differential while filing ITR by reducing the perks component of my form 16 as that money is being retrieved by my company?

  3. Pandurang N says:

    Only A4 size paper is required. A4 size envelope is not a must. Only take care not to make any folds on the bar code of ITR V.
    My personal experience of past several yearsis that if you send by Speedpost as above , even in a smaller envelope ,the ITR V is accepted Income Tax authorities without any issues.

  4. gouranga das says:

    Dear sir, i have not filled ITR for AY2014-2015 (income was 287000/-) though I paid my income tax through TDS. I was not aware about ITR . Now I got email that I have not submitted and submit within 15 dec 15.Now what I will do .
    g das. 09038601699

  5. Ashok Jha says:

    hi, i have filed one of my clients itr for the a.y.2011-12 but still i failed to submit acknowledge to cpc so if i revise the return and then submit itr to cpc ? is it any penalty for revise.

  6. ujjawal jain says:

    Dear Sir
    I had filled ITR-4 for AY 13-14 & 14-15 on 18/01/2015, but by mistake I had forgot to send ITR-V to department and 120 has been expired. Suggest me what to do.

  7. Asheesh says:

    I am Salaried income tax return of Rs 3.50lac, i filed online return on 31-03-2014 for the AY 2014-15, but still i failed to submit acknowledge to cpc. it any penalty for not submit the acknowledge in time or i post it now.

    1. PRAMOD BHATT says:

      I have filed my ROI for AY 2021-22 in July 2021, but some how I forgot to send the ITR V either by post or by e-verify. Now I am getting message from Income Tax regarding pending e-verification. I Tried it to e-verify now, but the same is not getting done. Kindly advise what is the solution.

  8. LALIT says:

    Dear Sir,
    As ITR V sending By speed post is complsory.
    Do it Mean that we can send ITR V of Multiple Assessee by One Speed Post Envelope.

    It will be cost saving,

    Kindly Reply

  9. vswami says:

    @Amit, Panchal,…

    A look at the department’s website, on – “ITR-V Do’s Don’ts”, “a sealed A-4 envelope” is a must finds no mention.
    Instead, what is mentioned is that “Only A-4 white paper should be used”

    The author of the write-up may please check and clarify. Also this anamoly may have to be pinpointed to the Department. That should help and go a long way in saving those tax payers from any unwarranted harssment should the ITR-V be reported to be “Not Received” despite it having been sent but because of having been sent in a smaller envelope.

    No need to add :This is just one of the woes being faced with by dutiful taxpyers in the aftermath of the setup of so called – CPC, marked with incompleteness and deficiencies galore.

    If perceptively observed, in today’s context,in which the social evils such as perjury,forging signatures and supposed -to-be legal documents, so on, have come to be in vogue alarmingly, the sanity or otherwise of the emphasis placed by the Department on the simplicitic requirement of a signed ITR-V to be brought on record , by any standard, ought to be given a second look and dispensed with; sooner the better.For that matter, knowing the widely predvailing corrupt mindsets/ prasctices, perhaps, even requitement to affix a ‘digital signature’ on tax retrn, etc., may not prove, contrary to the underlying belief of beauracts, a safe-proof or foolproof safeguard against the anticipated “incompleteness” in mind.

    > Over to technocrats for any profoundly useful feedback or suggestions to protect the Revenue but at the same time with the least discomfiture to the honest taxpayers.

  10. vswami says:

    Despite indications, the requirement of forwarding to the CPC the system generated ITR V, signed, still remains to be dispensed with. This is a requirement which is believed to be to ensure the ‘authenticity’ of the filed return. As common sense should dictate the said reason does not seem to hold water. Besides, that failure to file and get an ack.(there could be many slips between the cup and the lip) would have the dire consequence of being treated as a case of no -return -filed and hence filing of a return once more is a must verges on a ‘no-sense’ compulsion. Once the system produced Ack. No. is received and in possessio9n of tax payer, to be produced if and when so required specifically, the return filed and on record ought not to be as ‘no-return’, but be considered as an authentic one, with no attendant consequence whatsoever. What needs to be noted is that is really so and will be in parity with in regard to return used to be manually filed but for the new mandate of e’filing. In this context, the mindless litigation /court case reported not long ago has left taxpayers with a bitter memory. In that case, the department with no rhyme or sane reason stuck to its stance/gun; albeit on its own admission, a return had been filed, it was so repeatedly affirmed, and reiterated to have been filed by a leading law firm, and was very much on record.

    It is high time that the Revenue , in such matters, gives up its hyper-technical attitude once for all but evinces a sense of fair play for the benefit of by and large honest tax paying community.

  11. Balamurugan says:

    IOO IOO IIEAYOO! I got acknowledgement receipt from CPC, Bangalore before eight months back, till now refund is not sent by Accessing Officer. Where are the accessing officer? what are they do? where are they work? please order for CBI investigation in CPC Office.

  12. kalpesh says:

    i have filed one of my clients itr for the a.y.2011-12 but still i failed to submit acknowledge to cpc so if i revise the return and then submit itr to cpc ? is it any penalty for revise ?

  13. Amit says:

    I have send ITR 2 times within 120 days but that is not showing receipt status in the website. I have send it again via speed post but 120 days is crossed. Is there any problem if the IT dept. get the ITR now ??? What I need to do?

    Thanks in Advance

  14. Panchal Sachin says:

    I have field my one of the clients Income tax return online and i also send ITR V acknowledgement to Income tax department at Bangalore by way of normal post before one & half month but till date i would not received acknowledgement from department than what will i do?

  15. Yogesh says:

    I am having a query regarding sending multiple ITR-V to Bangalore office.
    Can I send my ITR-V and wife’s ITR-V in one envelope by Ordinary/Speed post?
    We both work with different organizations.
    Your inputs on this will be greatly appreciable.


  16. DINESH GULATI says:

    I had sent ITR V toBangalore by speed Post and as per tracking the same stands delivered at bangalore,but now after 3 months I have again received the mail from Bangalore regarding non receipt of ITRV,

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