Company Law India: Read latest Company law news & updates, acts, circular, notifications & articles issued by MCA amendment in companies Act 2013. Article on Loans Company formation XBRL, Schedule VI IFRS.
Company Law : The process of striking off a private limited company refers to the removal of a company’s name from the Register of Compani...
Company Law : Appointment of other officer such as CTO, COO, and CMO as Key Managerial Personnel (KMP) under Companies Act, 2013 – Key Con...
Company Law : Private Limited Companies in India ought to observe annual filing necessities to keep transparency and prison standing. This artic...
Company Law : Cost audit and cost records serve as essential tools for achieving these objectives, enabling companies to monitor, control, an...
Company Law : Understand CSR in India, its applicability, permitted activities, non-permitted contributions, penalties for non-compliance, and r...
Company Law : The government addresses SFIO cases, IBC amendments, CSR compliance, and ESG reporting norms for publicly traded companies....
Company Law : Understand MCA V3 user types, registration, and login. Learn how to update profiles and resolve common issues....
Company Law : Find the provisional list of audit firms of listed companies that haven't filed NFRA-2 forms for the reporting period 2023-24. Upd...
Company Law : The Companies Act 2013 mandates corporate governance, transparency, and CSR reporting. Key provisions include financial disclosure...
Company Law : Understand the compliance regime for private limited companies in India, including business closure timelines and government measu...
Company Law : When the corporate debtor failed to pay the outstanding power obligation, appellant subsequently cut off the electrical service. O...
Company Law : The plain reading of the above provisions of Section 60(5)(c) clearly indicates that the NCLT is empowered to adjudicate any quest...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi quashes CIRP against Alcuris Healthcare, ruling profit-sharing disputes do not constitute operational debt under IBC. ...
Company Law : NCLAT dismisses appeals in Saturn Ventures case, upholding RP’s findings on asset ownership and rejecting fraudulent transaction...
Company Law : NCLAT Delhi held that Liquidator is jurisdictionally empowered to proceed with private sale of Corporate Debtor by adopting Swiss ...
Company Law : The appeal by Maptech Poly Products Pvt Ltd against a penalty for non-maintenance of its registered office was dismissed by the Re...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels' appeal led to a penalty reduction for non-compliance with Section 149(3) of the Companies Act. The company pai...
Company Law : Vishnupriya Hotels appealed against CSR non-compliance penalties. The Regional Director reduced the fine after reviewing submissio...
Company Law : Konoria Plaschem faced penalties for failing to appoint an internal auditor from 2014-2020. The fine was reduced on appeal. Read t...
Company Law : Water & Sanitation (India) for Urban Poor failed to hold board meetings from 2011-2019, leading to penalties. The fine was later r...
In continuation of this office O.M. of even number dated 7.03.2012, the following amendments /modifications are made in the composition of the Committee to formulate a policy document on Corporate Governance.
Companies Bill, 2011 provides for more detailed requirements in the form disclosures/declarations to be made by companies, and their promoters/first directors at the time of Incorporation. Detailed disclosure requirements on continuous basis have also been provided. Additionally, the Bill seeks enhancement of accountability through various clauses of the Bill viz appointment and accountability of Key Managerial Personnel, defining role of independent directors and enhanced penalties/fine/imprisonment etc.
A bare perusal of section 469 CrPC makes it amply clear that the period of limitation commences from the day the offence comes to the knowledge of the complainant. In the present case the “offence” of non-compliance with the order came to the knowledge of Respondent/ Complainant when the petitioners defaulted in furnishing the details to the Respondent/ Complainant at the expiry of the compliance period of the Order dated 20.11.2006 u/s 234 (3A).
There is no doubt that the correspondence between the parties in April, 2009 gives the impression that the company admitted and acknowledged that the company owed money to the petitioner. Yet, on the basis of the mail exchanged at the relevant time, the exact quantum of the company’s indebtedness to the petitioner cannot be assessed.
General Circular No. 4/2012 – The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has extended the time for filing form DIN-4 by DIN holders for furnishing PAN and to update PAN details upto 30.04.2012 for the Allotment of Director’s Identification Number (DIN) under Companies Act, 1956.
Considering the fact that the entire claim in the instant application is based on the declaration made in the statement of affairs which was on the basis of the realisable value indicated in Ex. R1 and in that regard, if the view taken by this Court in the case of the Official Liquidator, Bangalore Batteries (P.) Ltd. (In Liquidation) v. N.S. Gopal [2010] 103 SCL 164 (Kar.) is noticed, it would be clear that the proceedings under Section 543 cannot be initiated merely based on the realisable value of the assets indicated.
This Concept Paper on National Corporate Governance Policy, 2012 prepared by ICSI is aimed at laying down an overarching policy framework for promoting good governance practices amongst corporates by instilling principles of good governance in the various statutes, regulations and policies of the Government as applicable to corporates.
The Ministry of Corporate Affairs has clarified that Circular No. 19 and 20 of 2011 issued on 02.05.2011 that were issued for laying down certain procedure to regulate cases wherein filing of conflicting returns with regard to appointment of Directors or change of Director/Directors have now been superseded. This has been done in the light of some specific cases wherein it appears that either there was lack of consent of the removed/changed director or due process of Law were not followed.
Concerns relating to the quality of corporate governance system and the need to maintain its integrity and public accountability have resulted in a number of public interventions all over the world including the well known Cadbury Code (1992) and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002) of the UK and US respectively. In India, too, a few elements of good corporate governance find mention in legal frameworks like the listing agreement of SEBI and a few of the provisions of the Companies Bill 2011. More detailed guidelines are also available, including the Voluntary Code on Corporate Governance of the CII (1998) and the National Voluntary Guidelines on Corporate Governance of this Ministry (2009) which are currently under revision by a Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri Kiran Karnik.
I am directed to say that at the time of incorporation of companies where one of the objects is to carry on the business of Banking, Insurance or to practice the profession of Chartered Accountancy, Cost Accountancy & Company Secretaries, then the concerned Registrar of Companies shall incorporate the same only on production of in-principle approval / NOC from the concerned regulator/professional Institutes.