The spread of corona-virus has disrupted lives of many people across the globe on their mental and physical health. We all are going through rough patch. Everyone is suffering some kind of mental agony be it’s a child, young generation or elder people . As we remain confined within our houses, we tend to get […]
In this busy arena of the world, most of us get stressful and exhausted after completing number of assignments, meetings or by running a business with numerous events. Due to which we won’t be able to give a quality time to our family, children and ultimately miss a precious part of life. But good news […]
Facts do not cease to exists because they are ignored. To live your life of your dreams, you have to get out of denial and face what is not working in your life. Are you a person who gives excuses to the circumstances or people for not achieving task on time, not achieving the desired […]
‘We are responsible for our thoughts, actions, behavior and destiny’. We usually come across such lines in this informative world. But how can mere thoughts control so many aspects of our life? The above statement is based on Law of attraction which proves that our thoughts are made up of energy, they can impact our […]
Human being have a basic nature of complaining and blaming situations, circumstances and people when things go wrong because it’s quite easy to point others and safeguard ourselves. Pointing ourselves would require change and we human are reluctant to change.
FEEL THE FEAR Have you ever experienced that whenever you start a new job, go to new college, start new assignment etc, there is usually a fear. Which kind of fear? Fear of failure, fear of doing mistakes, fear of rejection, fear of being judged and so on. But do you know that it is […]
Missed the income tax return filing deadline? Dont worry, you can still file a belated return. Learn the process and avoid penalties.
WHY BRAND NAME REGISTRATION NECESSARY? With the economic growth the demand for trademark registration is also growing. It is very important for all corporate owners be it businessman or individual entrepreneur, to protect your company as it is directly linked to your company’s success. The basic motto is to protect your business against fraudulent cases, competition […]
This article is meant for the ‘startups’ who wish to enter into the market after having the sound business plan and wants to raise the funds for bringing their plans into reality. But the first step in order to approach is preparing the ‘Investor pitch deck’. What is “Investor pitch deck” Have you completed with […]
A joint venture is generally understood as technical and financial collaboration for the purpose of some projects fulfillment with existing companies. Companies lacking in some aspects such as technology, knowledge, assets or reach to the market are generally involved in joint ventures with other company because they are not able to achieve its goal on its own.