Facts do not cease to exists because they are ignored.
To live your life of your dreams, you have to get out of denial and face what is not working in your life.
Are you a person who gives excuses to the circumstances or people for not achieving task on time, not achieving the desired results?
Are you a person who blame others for your mistakes, behavior or a person who do not accept mistakes?
The truth if we are doing such things we are just denying ourselves because deep within we know we are wrong, we know that what we have done. Our instinct never tells us wrong.
But due to fear of being disliked, being judged, being insulted by others we just deny the reality and shift ourselves away from improving. We remain at the same level.
We should be bold enough to face the facts.
To face what is not working in our life usually means that we have to do something uncomfortable. It means we have to inculcate more self-discipline into our life, take risk for being disliked, ask for what we want, demand respect instead of settling, or maybe we have to take firm decision to quit our job to live life of our dreams. But because we don’t want to do these uncomfortable things, we often tolerate the situation that doesn’t work.
We live with the painful situations in our life naming them as widely accepted thoughts and beliefs. We use phrases like:
I cannot do anything about it, ye mere majburi hai, Its none of my business, waqt se pele kisi ko kuch nhi milta, you cannot help the teenagers, its generation gap and the list is endless.
The achievers on the other hand, are more committed to finding out why things are going wrong rather than denying or ignoring it. They are never hesitated to say that ‘Yes I have done wrong’. Because they know that mistakes are helping them to learn. It helps them to not do the same thing again. In business, they look at the reasons why someone is not using their product or service, why the ad campaign didn’t work, or why expenditures are unusually high. They are rational and look into the reality. They deal with it rather than hide it and deny it.
Doing more of what doesn’t work won’t make it work any better.
Often, denial is based on the notion that something even worse will happen, number of results started coming in our head. In other words, we are afraid to face facts. But the truth is that Fear are just our illusions. It is not necessary that it will happen. Unless we take an action how we know that what will be the result.
The good news is that the more we face uncomfortable situations, the better we get at it.
When you face just one thing that is not working for you, the next time you are more likely to take action immediately.
Awesome! God bless you! Loved the article!
thanks for compiling and sharing in brief.
keep posting such articles.