Job Experience
CS. Mithun Balagopala Shenoy is a post graduate in commerce, Fellow member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India and qualified intermediate stage of Institute of Cost Accountants of India.
CS. Mithun is the Company Secretary and Compliance officer of Kitex Garments Limited (listed company both in BSE & NSE). Prior to joining Kitex Garments Limited, he was with Kitex Childrenswear Limited as its Company Secretary. Earlier, he was associated with M/s. STEL Holdings Limited as Company Secretary & Compliance officer and with M/s. Harrisons Malayalam Limited, being an RPG Group listed Company. He has over 9 years of experience in setting up of compliance frameworks and executing corporate actions of the Company including legal functions.
CS. Mithun is a visiting faculty of ICSI Kochi Chapter since 2014 for corporate laws, Securities laws and other theory papers. He used to conduct various sessions during Students Academic Development programme organized by the Chapter. He is also a writer in various ICSI journals and has published various write ups on concurrent topics related to the corporate world, the details of which are as follows:
1. Convergence from FII to FPI: a Novel Sunrise for Company Secretary Professionals.(published in ICSI WIRC E-newsletter (FOCUS), Mumbai)
2. NBFC-Ds: Beyond Border line of Compliances.
(published in ICSI WIRC E-newsletter (FOCUS), Mumbai)
3. Managerial Personnel Appointment & Remuneration- In Light of Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017
(published in ICSI WIRC E-newsletter (FOCUS), Mumbai)
4. Board’s Report – Ready Reckoner (including amendment under Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017)
(published in ICSI SIRC E-newsletter, Chennai)
5. Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) – An innovative concept for real investors(published in ICSI Chartered Secretary, New Delhi in the month of Aug 2018)
6. Revamping of Corporate Governance standards – a detailed analysis under SEBI LODR amendment Regulations, 2018
(published in ICSI Chartered Secretary, New Delhi in the month of Feb 2019)
7. Superior Voting Rights - a defensive weapon
(published in ICSI Chartered Secretary, New Delhi in the month of Dec 2019)
CS. Mithun was inducted into the Managing Committee of ICSI Kochi Chapter in the year 2015. Since then, he was the Secretary of ICSI Kochi Chapter for the Year 2016, 2017 & 2018 and Vice Chairperson in the year 2019.
Latest Posts by Mithun B. Shenoy
May 9, 2020
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Investors normally trade in securities using their own funds. Sometimes, based on the market conditions in stock exchange, they wish to trade beyond their owned resources. This type of trading in the securities is supported by the borrowing facility for funds and securities, in the system.
March 20, 2020
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Introduction Corporate India witnessed various fraud and economic offences which have tampered the economy as well as banking sector. Some of prominent instances have been the Punjab National Bank scam (PNB Scam) having Mr. Nirav Modi & Choksi Group at the center of it, looted Rs. 12,636 crores and left India for quite a long […]
September 22, 2019
India’s rich experience in philanthropy which received more publicity over last few years and many wealthy individuals are coming forward to donate for country’s poor. Non Governmental organizations (NGO) are also playing great role in this process. Tata Trusts, a CSR wing of Tata Group, is directly involving in charitable activities in pursuance to its […]
June 9, 2019
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INTRODUCTION The Corporate vehicle is considered as channel by defaulters for siphoning of funds for illegitimate purposes like money laundering, tax evasion, corruption, terror financing and illegal activities. In the wake to prevent the misuse of funds & money laundering, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an inter-governmental organization formulated various recommendations to tap such […]
June 26, 2018
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Article explains Board’s Report – Ready Reckoner (including amendment under Companies (Amendment) Act, 2017), Additional Compliance For Listed Companies Under SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Reg, 2015 And Punishment For Non Compliance Of Section 134 Of Companies Act, 2013. Sl. No. Section under Companies Act, 2013 / its Rules Particulars Applicable to Company Type […]
May 23, 2018
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This Article portrays detailed analysis on Managerial Personnel appointment and remuneration under the purview of Companies Act, 2013 including Companies (Amendment) Act of 2017.
January 14, 2018
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Introduction India being the divergent Country, focused on economic growth and the Financial Institutions (“FI”) play a dominant role in the economy which spread out its surplus fund to the borrower in unbanked regions. Over the last few decades, Non Banking Financial Companies (“NBFC”) have reckoned as one of the most conspicuous and most recognized […]
July 27, 2017
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In order to streamline the deficiencies, functioning and to pluck out money laundering in the area of Foreign Investment by Institutional Investors abroad, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has come up with new regulation being SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2014