We all know that the Govt. has launched a new website of Income Tax E-filing. Have you seen Form 26AS of well-known persons like Ambanis, Tatas, Deols etc? Earlier it was not possible for all to see this, but now on new I T E-filing website it is possible for all CAs.
Commissioner of Sales Tax in Maharashtra has informed to defer the submission of VAT Audit Report in Form 704 under the MVAT Act, 2002 to 15th of January, 2013 from the scheduled due date of 30th November, 2012. A Notification to this effect is expected on coming Monday, the 12th November, 2012.
The question of concealment of income and whether the revised return was filed voluntarily or not is a question of fact to be examined and decided upon the facts and circumstances of the each case and, therefore, it was not permissible to the Tribunal to merely rely on earlier orders where this issue was considered and penalties were cancelled.
With issue of various circulars, cost audit orders and notifications with regard to Cost Accounting, the MCA has set the stage for collection of the authentic information (duly approved by Bard of Directors and verified by a Cost Accountant) with regard to various industries for use by various Ministries.
Arrears of salary and other benefits payable to employees, is not covered by Section 43-B at all. Such liabilities are not contributions to provident fund, superannuation or any other fund or plan which the employer is obliged to extend to its employees to fulfill its statutory or contractual obligations. The character of the amounts in this case is pure and simple arrears of wages, which were directed to be paid as a result of wage revision exercise mandated by an award.
A reading of Sedco Forex International Inc. (supra), makes it clear that revenues on account of mobilization are to be brought to tax in India. Sedco Forex International Inc. (supra) has been rendered by the Hon’ble Uttarakhand High Court, which happens to be the jurisdictional High Court in the present case. Sedco Forex International Inc. (supra), therefore, is squarely applicable to this case.
No Cenvat credit on construction service if assessee is engaged in renting of immovable property – Commercial or industrial construction service or works contract service is an input service for the output service namely immovable property. Immovable property is neither subjected to central excise duty nor to service tax and input credit of service tax can be taken only if the output is a service liable to service tax or a goods liable to central excise duty.
A simple reading of this section suggests that in case of set off of business loss vis-a-vis depreciation, the first preference shall be given to the business loss as per the provisions of Sec. 72(1) of the Act for the simple reason that the business loss can be carried forward only upto 8 assessment years whereas the depreciation can be carried over upto unlimited period.
The Tribunal made a limited remand to the lower authorities to determine the exact nature and quantum of brick work which would entitle the assessee to the deduction claimed under section 37 which is limited to Rs. 2.75 crores.
The department has issued clarification vide circular No.59/8/2003-ST dated 20.6.2003 and as per the said clarification, it was clarified that in case of commercial training and coaching institutes, the exclusion shall apply only to the sale value of standard textbooks, which are priced. Any study material or written text provided by such institute as a part of service which does not satisfy the above criteria will be subjected to service tax. On the basis of this clarification, the demand has been confirmed against the appellant.