Public Notice No. 43 (RE-99) extends application deadlines and revalidation dates to 31st December 1999 and beyond due to disruptions in regional licensing.
Public Notice 42 (RE-99) details amendments to cotton yarn exports, cotton waste, and spices/cashewnuts in the Export and Import Policy (1997-2002).
Public Notice No. 41 (RE-99) updates the classification of betel nuts under the Import Policy, removing certain codes and adjusting descriptions.
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy, 1997-2002, as notified in the Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part – II Section 3 – Sub-section (ii) vide S.O. No. 283(E) dated 31.3.1997, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes following amendments in the Handbook of Procedures (Vol. 1) (RE-99), 1997-2002.
The consignments of imports and exports shall be cleared on the basis of the updated information collected through the above mechanism. In case the information furnished by the importer/ exporter does not match with the information available on the website, the Customs may not allow clearance on or after 1.1.2000.
In exercise of the powers conferred under paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy, 1997-2002, as notified in the Gazette of India Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-Section (ii) vide S.O. No. 283(E) dated 31.3.1997, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments in Public Notice No. 18(RE-99)/1997-2002 dated 1st July, 1999 as amended by Public Notice No. 25(RE-99)/ 1997-2002 dated 28th July, 1999.
Minimum essential Medium (MEM) Powder with Hanks Salt L-Glutanime and with out Sodium Bicarbonate Tissue Culture Flask with Cap. Foetal calf Serum (Foetal Bovine Serum) Suitable for Cultivation of Human deployed cell line free of Mycoplasma free of bovine viruses.
An application for sale of goods and rejects above 5% in DTA as per paragraph 9.9 of the Policy by the EOUs shall be submitted to the Development Commissioner of the EPZ concerned in the form given at Annexure-A. The application shall be certified by the independent Cost/Chartered/Cost and Works Accountant and endorsed by the Bond officer of Customs/Central Excise having jurisdiction over the unit.
Public Notice No. 35 (RE-99) corrects product descriptions and DEPB rates for various export items under the 1997-2002 Export and Import Policy.
Similarly, in such cases where the goods are handed over to the customs authorities before the expiry of the export obligation period but actual exports takes place after expiry of the export obligation period, such exports shall be considered within the export obligation period and taken towards fulfilment of export obligation.