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Form-16 in Excel Format AY 2012-2013

April 5, 2012 218991 Views 71 comments Print

Download Automated Form-16 for Financial Year 2011-2012 and Assessment Year 2012-2013 – This Excel utility is fully automated. Just put the data in Data input sheet and it will prepare the Form-16 automatically. User can also take printout of Form 16 prepared through this utility. Format if form 16 is latest and applicable from A.Y. 2012-13 and F.Y. 2011-12.

ITR 1 In Excel with Tax Calculation FY 2011-12

April 2, 2012 21656 Views 0 comment Print

We have uploaded below ITR one in Excel Format. The form can be used by Individuals who are earning Salary Income to File Income Tax Return For Assessment year 2012-13 or Financial year 2011-2012. the Calculator is in Excel Format and also have a data input sheet in which you can fill all the income and deduction details and it will auto calculate tax and fill ITR with Income Tax Return Acknowledgement.

Prepare Form 16 for FY 2011-12 in Excel

April 1, 2012 4726 Views 0 comment Print

This File prepare Form 16 for 50 Employees in one go. All we have to do in enter the detail of salary of employees in input sheets and the software automatically prepares form 16 for up to 50 Employees. other benefits of the utility is as follows:-

Provident Fund Calculator for Govt employees

March 26, 2012 5348 Views 0 comment Print

This Excel utility prepares GPF Ledger of all the Employees and Statement of general Provident Fund Account for all Government Employees of State and Central Government.

Calculate your Portfolio in real time on Excel

March 25, 2012 11539 Views 0 comment Print

This Excel Sheet calculate your portfolio in real time. Benefits of the sheet is that you have a complete scenario of your portfolio (total Gain/loss at the moment, total brokerage actual gain/loss including brokerage etc.) at a glance with out opening any site, where you need to check the prices of your stock one by one. its also show whether your stock is todays gainer or loser by changing its current price column colour (Green of gainer & red for Loser). This Sheet requires Internet connection & takes automatic updates in every 2 minutes.

Section 89(1) Salary Arrear Tax Relief Calculator

March 23, 2012 104717 Views 76 comments Print

We have uploaded Calculator to calculate relief Under section 89(1) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 in respect of Arrears of salary received during the financial year 2011-12. The Calculator will calculate relief if any which Assessee can claim U/s. 89(1) in respect of salary received in Financial Year 2011-12 pertaining to years prior to that. Calculator will calculate the Relief for Arrears received pertaining to the period from from 01.04.2005 to 31.03.2010 The Calculator also automatically Fills Form 10E with its annexure and Table A Automatically.

Income Tax Calculator for AY 2013-14, AY 2012-13, AY 2011-12

March 19, 2012 11002 Views 0 comment Print

Income Tax Rates Chart cum Calculator covering AY 2013-14 (proposed rates in Budget 2012), AY 2012-13 and 2011-12. Contributed by- http://www.meraconsultant.com- Download File- Simple Income Tax Calculator for for AY 2013-14, AY 2012-13, AY 2011-12

Income tax / TDS Calculator for AY 2013-14 / FY 2012-13

March 18, 2012 28558 Views 0 comment Print

We have uploaded below the Income tax Calculator for the Assessment year 2013-14 or Financial year 2012-13 for Salaried person. the calculator is been prepared after considering the recent amendment by Union Budget 2012-13. Automated  TDS / Income tax Calculator for  Financial Year  2012-2013 or Assessment year 2013-14 Developed by-  Pranab Banerjee  ALSO READ S.NO. […]

Income Tax Calculator for Salaried – FY 2011-12, 2010-11, 2009-10

March 13, 2012 79632 Views 0 comment Print

Download Income Tax Calculator for Salaried Employee for Financial Year (FY) 2011-12, 2010-11, 2009-10 / Assessment Year 2012-13, 2011-2012, 2010-2011 in excel format category wise , Male/Female/Sr Citizen Age 60=80 Years.

Overview Of The PMLA, 2002, PML Bill, 2011 & Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Bill, 2011

March 3, 2012 946 Views 0 comment Print

Money is the root cause of many evils like corruption, black marketing, smuggling, drug trafficking, tax evasion etc. The more developed the nation, the more the standard of living of the people. People want more money to cater to their needs and at a point of time they don’t hesitate to have money from any source i.e. black or white money. This is the point where the concept of money laundering enters and then prospers.

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