We have uploaded below ITR one in Excel Format. The form can be used by Individuals who are earning Salary Income to File Income Tax Return For Assessment year 2012-13 or Financial year 2011-2012. the Calculator is in Excel Format and also have a data input sheet in which you can fill all the income and deduction details and it will auto calculate tax and fill ITR with Income Tax Return Acknowledgement.
As provided by Income Tax Notification No. 14 14/2012 [F.No.142/31/2011-TPL]/S.O. 626(E), DATED 28-3-2012 This form can not be used by the following individuals :-
1.who are having income exceeding Rs. 10 lakh as has made it mandatory for individual having income more then 10 Lakh to file there income tax Return Electronically from A.Y. 2012-13.
2. Who are having assets (including financial interest in any entity) located outside India; or signing authority in any account located outside India are also required to file there Income tax Return Electronically.
3. It Is further provided in the notification that these Individual can file there Income tax Return only in ITR 2,3 or 4 as applicable in any of the following two mode:-
(i) furnishing the return electronically under digital signature;
(ii) transmitting the data in the return electronically and thereafter submitting the verification of the return in Form ITR-V;
Read more on this at below link:-
Individual – HUF having Foreign Assets to File Return Online & not in ITR -1 or ITR 4S
Download Link is Given below
Disclaimer – Although All care been Taken in Preparation of This Tax Calculator Cum ITR I Preparation Utility but neither the website nor the author will be responsible for any error caused to anyone who uses this calculator.
Developed by – Pranab Banerjee