Income Tax : Learn about income tax exemptions for universities, hospitals, and educational institutions under Section 10 of the Income Tax Act...
Income Tax : Learn about the amendments to Section 92CA concerning references to the Transfer Pricing Officer for determining arm's length pric...
Income Tax : New transfer pricing rules allow arm’s length price (ALP) determinations to apply for two consecutive years, reducing compliance...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2025 allows multi-year Arm’s Length Price determination for similar transactions, reducing repetitive proceedings i...
Finance : The Finance Bill 2025 proposes multi-year ALP determination to reduce compliance burdens in transfer pricing. Learn about its fram...
Income Tax : CBDT sets transfer pricing tolerance range at 1% for wholesale trading and 3% for other transactions for AY 2024-25, providing cla...
Income Tax : From April 2025, TPOs can determine ALP for SDTs not initially referred or reported. This ensures accurate adjustments and complia...
Income Tax : What is the procedure to approve Form 3CEB? Form uploaded by CA shall be available under For your action tab in Taxpayer’s Workl...
Income Tax : ICAI Releases Exposure Draft Guidance Note On Report Under Section 92E Of Income-Tax Act, 1961 (Transfer Pricing) Based on the la...
Income Tax : Association for Corporate Advisers and Executives (ACAE) made a Request for Extension of Due Dates for filing Tax Audit and Transf...
Income Tax : Advocate Amardeep Soni & Advocate Harsha Soni Gemplus India Pvt. Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Bangalore) A Case Study of ITAT BANGALORE...
Income Tax : Bangalore ITAT overturns AO's PE classification of QlikTech India, orders fresh review based on TPO order, addresses TDS and inter...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore sets aside AO's decision in Qlik Tech International AB vs DCIT, addressing PE classification, TDS credit, and tax r...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi directs inclusion of Magma Advisory Services Ltd. in Honda R&D's comparable list, rejecting TPO's reasons and DR's func...
Income Tax : ITAT Bangalore deletes AO’s protective addition in LM Wind Power case, citing settled MAP proceedings on IT fees and commission ...
Income Tax : CBDT sets 1% tolerance for wholesale trading and 3% for other cases under Section 92C for FY 2024-25. No adverse effects from retr...
Income Tax : Stay informed on the latest Income Tax Rule changes with Notification No. 104/2023 by the Ministry of Finance. Learn about amendme...
Income Tax : Read how CBDT's Notification No. 58/2023 amends Income-tax Rules, extending Safe Harbour rules to AY 2023-24. Insights from Minist...
Income Tax : Notification No. 46/2023-Income-Tax Dated: 26th June, 2023 regarding deemed arm's length price for assessment year 2023-2024. Le...
Income Tax : In exercise of the powers conferred by the third proviso to sub-section (2) of section 92C of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961...
JDIT-OSD(IT) Vs. Harvard Medical International USA (ITAT Mumbai) The payment in question was purely for the purpose of advising, recommending and assisting in relation to healthcare projects. It was also for conducting education and training programmes. It was also for the purpose of review and giving feed back of various aspects and new cardiac hospital to be set up, recommendation on planned patient care delivery system.
Bindview India P. Ltd. Vs. DCIT (ITAT Pune)- In light of Pune bench’s decision in the case of Starent Networks (I) P. Ltd. Pune v. DCIT, the assessee’s claim for +/- 5% in order to compute arm’s length price in terms of erstwhile proviso to section 92C(2) of the Act is accepted. Provisions of sub-Rule (4) of Rule 10B are quite explicit and provide for analysing the comparability of an uncontrolled transaction with the international transaction in question on the basis of the data relating to financial year in which the international transaction sought to be tested has been entered into.
ACIT vs. Maersk Global Service Center (ITAT Mumbai) -The Special Bench of the Tribunal in Mahindra & Mahindra Limited Vs. DCIT [(2009) 122 TTJ (Mum.) (SB) 577] has laid down the proposition to the effect that the Departmental Representative has no jurisdiction to go beyond the order passed by the A.O. It has further been observed in this case that the scope of argument of the Departmental Representative should be confined to supporting ordefending the impugned order and he cannot be permitted to set up an altogether different case.
HC decides at what stage it can be held that there had been an international transaction between taxpayer and its Assocaited Enterprises
Now a days, during transfer pricing assessment , the TPO are coming with unique ideas like valuation of intangibles , corporate guarantees, ratings provided by CRISIL etc. this all leads to corporate in a mysterious situation. Below are the summarized form of the latest judicial pronouncements on transfer pricing which will help corporate in better benchmarking of their international transactions with their foreign associate enterprises.
International Business Machines Corp v Comm of Taxation (Federal Court of Australia)- SLA grants to IBMA such IP rights as are necessary for distribution of the relevant products by IBMA. It is not a distribution agreement which confers distribution rights independently of the grant of IP rights. The detail of the SLA concerns the definition of IP and IP rights. There is no such detail with respect to distribution rights. In the language of Article 12(4) of the Treaty, the Payments are either ‘consideration for… the right to use any copyright, patent, design or model, plan, secret formula or process, trademark or other like property or right’ within the meaning of Article 1 2(4)(a)(i) or, to the extent that the Payments do not fall within Article 1 2(4)(a)(i), the Payments are for either ‘technical… or commercial knowledge or information’ supplied by IBM (Article 12(4)(b)(i)) or for ‘the supply of any assistance of an ancillary and subsidiary nature’ to enable the application of the rights referred to in Article 1 2(4)(a)(i) or the knowledge/information referred to in Article 1 2(4)(b)(i) (Article 1 2(4)(b)(ii)). The rights/content granted by the SLA are, in each case, rights/content of a kind contemplated by Article 12(4).
Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee will inaugurate two day high level International Seminar on “Adopting Tax System and International Tax Rules to the New Global Environment: A Shared Challenge for India and the OECD” tomorrow at Vigyan Bhawan. In the two day International Seminar , discussions would be held in separate sessions on the issues pertaining to transfer pricing, global trends in tax reform, implications for international tax arrangements, international dispute resolution and elimination of double taxation among others. This is for the first time that such high level international seminar is being held in India in association with Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). About 150 representatives from about 30 member countries of OECD along with those of International Monetary Fund(IMF), World Bank and tax officials from India are expected to participate in this two day international seminar.
Union Finance Minister Calls for Strong Measures to Reverse the Ongoing Trend of Illicit Outflows from Developing Countries and Exploitation of their Natural Resources Through Abusive Transfer Pricing Schemes; Inaugurates two Day High Level International Seminar on ‘Adopting Tax System and International Tax Rules to the New Global Environment: a Shared Challenge for India and the Oecd’; India Oecd to Strengthen Ongoing Cooperation on Tax Related Issues Through three Year Partnership Programme.
The Delhi bench of the Income-tax Appellate Tribunal recently pronounced its ruling in the case of Haworth (India) Private Limited v. DCITwherein it upheld Revenue’s contention that arm’s length price can be determined under transactional net margin method even with one comparable company. Besides, the decision also deals with several other important aspects of the manner of application of TNMM, viz. method of making adjustments to the results, use of current year data, benefit of +/- 5% range and functional comparability.
Data of the rate charged to unrelated parties should be available. 01. Transfer Pricing provisions are not attracted in the case of transfer of the shares of the company when due to DTAA provisions, capital gain on such shares are not taxable. 02. TNM method requires comparison of net profit margins realized by an enterprise from an international transaction and not comparison of operating margins of enterprises as a whole.