Income Tax : Explore what’s taxable and non-taxable in salary, including allowances, perquisites and deductions. Learn key components and tax...
Income Tax : CBDT Circular No. 03/2025-Income Tax on Salary TDS : New Rates, Exemptions, and Compliance for 2024-25 Summary: The CBDT has intro...
Income Tax : Explains tax compliance under the Income Tax Act, 1961, focusing on employees' non-liability for employer's TDS deposit failures, ...
Income Tax : Learn about Form 12BAA, introduced for employers to credit TCS for employees, ensuring accurate TDS calculation and easing tax com...
Income Tax : Treatment of income from different sources Each income has different source of earning and so the provisions for its taxability. I...
Income Tax : Learn about the proposed amendments to Section 192 of the Income-tax Act, allowing salaried employees to claim credit for TCS and ...
Corporate Law : Article explains TDS Rates for Financial year 2022-23 i.e. Assessment Year 2023-24 under Income Tax Act, 1961. Article contains TD...
Income Tax : SalaryTDS - Monthly Calculator helps in Precise calculations of monthly TDS values for each employee based on their annual income ...
Income Tax : BCAS made a Representation to CBDT regarding error in stating due date for Filing of Quarterly TDS Statements for Financial Year 2...
Income Tax : Income Tax Department to directly communicate deposit of tax deducted, through SMS alerts to salaried taxpayers, at the end of eve...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi dismisses Revenue's appeal against order of Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals) regarding valuation of perquisites and...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court rules in favor of employee, stating the employer is responsible for TDS deposit. Petitioner exempted from tax lia...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi's decision in the case of Sumaitri Bima Distributors Pvt. Ltd vs. ITO regarding non-applicability of S.40(a)(ia) for TD...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi rules on tax refund adjustment. Employers not depositing withheld tax can't be set off against refunds owed to employee...
Income Tax : Section 192 provides deduction of tax ‘at the time of payment’. Admittedly there was no payment of the salary etc, which was f...
Income Tax : Key updates on income tax deduction from salaries under Section 192 for FY 2024-25, including amendments, surcharge rates, and new...
Income Tax : CBDT vide Circular No. 04/2023-Income Tax clarified that Each year, employer shall seek information from each of its employees r...
Income Tax : No.2/4/2022-E.IIB Government of India Ministry of Finance Department of Expenditure *** North Block, New Delhi. Dated the 30th Dec...
Income Tax : CBDT issued Income Tax Circular No. 04/2022 on 15th March 2022 and explained all provisions related to deduction of Tax At Source ...
Income Tax : Furnishing of evidence of claims by employee for deduction of tax under section 192 for the FY 2021-22 and AY 2022-23. (For Assess...
Furnishing of evidence of claims by employee for deduction of tax under section 192 for the FY 2021-22 and AY 2022-23. (For Assessees other than those who opted for New Tax Regime)
Nirmal Rani Provincial House Vs. Union of India (Kerala High Court) Facts: 1. The appellants submitted that the salaries received by the nuns and priests and made over to the religious congregations were not chargeable to income tax, and tax was never deducted at source from the salaries paid to them. They relied upon circulars […]
1) Who is responsible to deduct tax u/s 192 of Income Tax Act, 1961? All persons paying salary are responsible to deduct TDS on income chargeable under the head “Salary”. In other words none of the payer of Salary is excluded; Individual, HUF, Partnership firms, companies, cooperative societies, Trust and other artificial judicial persons have […]
Salaried individuals are issued form 16 from their employersat the end of financial year. The details mentioned thereon are helpful in filing income tax return. This article attempts to explain everything a tax payer should know about form 16 before filing income tax return. It is to be noted that form 26AS is of utmost […]
Hexagon- MIDCO India Private Ltd. Vs CIT Appeals (ITAT Mumbai) Learned Sr. DR fairly agreed that in case the holding company MIDCO Limited has deducted the TDS on salary paid to these employees no further requirement of TDS on principle but assessee has to produce evidence before the Assessing Officer. Hence, on Principle, we are […]
CBDT revises Form No. 12BA (Statement showing particulars of perquisites, other fringe benefits or amenities and profits in lieu of salary with value thereof), Part B to Form 16 (Details of Salary Paid and any other income and tax deducted) and Annexure II to Form No. 24Q vide Notification No. 15/2021-Income Tax dated 11th March, […]
CBDT issued Income Tax Circular No. 20/2020 dated 03rd December 2020 which contains provision for TDS on Salary for the Financial Year 2020-21 under Section 192 of the Income-Tax Act, 1961. Text of the Circular is as follows:- GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF FINANCE (DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE) CENTRAL BOARD OF DIRECT TAXES DEDUCTION OF TAX […]
TDS: Tax Deducted at Source was established for collecting tax from the income sources according to the Indian Income Tax Act of 1961. TDS is helpful in minimizing tax evasion by taxing the income at the time than at an after date. The deductor who is responsible for making payment of income to the deductee […]
How can I update a salary record? You can update salary details viz; Name and PAN of employee, salary amount, deductions etc. Steps for updating salary record are as under: Identify the salary detail record by its sequence number as per regular statement or Value in the field ‘Gross total Income’ as per regular statement. Update the salary details as required Along with updated values, Gross Total Income as per regular statement should also be provided in the correction statement.
Article explains How TDS is deducted on Salary, What is the Rate of TDS, How is TDS deposited to Govt. Account, How to know that TDS has been deducted, When you are required to make Direct Payment of Tax, How salary can be received without deduction of TDS or with Lower TDS, How to deduct […]