Finance : Learn how to pay taxes with a credit card, its benefits, drawbacks, and factors to consider. Discover if it’s the right option f...
Income Tax : Learn about of e-payment of direct taxes and its mandatory and optional aspects. Discover benefits, requirements, and steps for m...
Finance : Explore advantages and disadvantages of various tax payment methods, including online, over-the-counter, mobile banking, and net b...
CA, CS, CMA : Simplify your tax payments in India with ESBTR Challan payments. Explore how this digital method enhances convenience, reduces err...
Goods and Services Tax : IGST, CGST, SGST & UTGST: Learn about the different types of GST and the Payment of Tax under GST Part I by Sri. Raju of Chennai....
Income Tax : Comprehensive list of 30 banks available at the e-Filing Portal's e-Pay Tax service. Find out the new and migrated banks, along wi...
Income Tax : Income, expenditure, and tax payment history of BCCI over last five years. Understand BCCI's financial data, income tax payments, ...
Corporate Law : Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley inaugurates the Non-Tax Receipt Portal (NTRP); Portal provides a one-stop platform to citizens/...
Income Tax : The last date of payment of December 2015 installment of advance tax for both corporate and non-corporate taxpayers in the State o...
Income Tax : Income Tax Rules provide that the following persons shall pay tax electronically (i.e. internet banking facility or through credit...
Income Tax : The last date of payment of December 2015 installment of advance tax for both corporate and non-corporate taxpayers in the State o...
Fema / RBI : Agency banks doing Government business alone will be permitted to present instruments in the Special Clearing on other participati...
Fema / RBI : With a view to facilitate collection of advance taxes for Income Tax and Corporate Tax and meeting the probable rush of tax-payers...
Fema / RBI : These special clearings are exclusively for Government receipts and is in addition to the normal clearing operations conducted on ...
Fema / RBI : Accordingly, it has been decided that all Agency banks shall keep the counters of their designated branches conducting Government ...
Arjuna, June month is the month of monsoon. Everyone would be keeping an eye towards rainfall from 7th June onwards. Now the government has made shower of various changes in tax laws this year. Only God knows that when rain will come and how much, but all these changes in tax laws will be effective from 1st June. So it is important that each and every taxpayer carries on his transactions after understanding the new changes and the new scheme.
Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley inaugurates the Non-Tax Receipt Portal (NTRP); Portal provides a one-stop platform to citizens/corporates/other users for making online payment of Non-Tax Receipts to Government of India;
The last date of payment of December 2015 installment of advance tax for both corporate and non-corporate taxpayers in the State of Tamil Nadu and Union territory of Puducherry has been extended from 15.12.2015 to 31.12.2015 in view of unprecedented rainfall and floods in these areas.
Most of us are unaware about the payment of income tax online. We have to go to bank and deposit the tax which takes a lot of time. So here’s an easy guide to e payment of income tax online. To deposit the tax, please refer below mentioned steps:
An Assessee has to fill GAR-7 Challan [ Download GAR -7 Challan ] and payment can be made through bank. Now, the banker shall stamp the acknowledgement of GAR-7 with CIN- Customer Identification Number containing- BSR Code, Date of Deposit, Serial No of Challan, which can be the proof of tax payment.
Income Tax Rules provide that the following persons shall pay tax electronically (i.e. internet banking facility or through credit/debit cards) on or after the 1st day of August, 2008: i. A company; and ii. A person (other than a company), to whom the provisions of section 44AB of the Income-Tax Act 1961 are applicable. As […]
CA. M. Lakshmanan While paying direct taxes such as advance tax, self assessment tax, TDS and tax on regular assessment in the NSDL site after PAN and all other relevant columns such as assessment year, name, address, type of payment etc., are filled in and before we are directed to the Bank portal, the name […]
Gross Direct Taxes Collections during April-September of the Current Financial Year 2014-15 is up by 15.00 percent and stood at Rs. 3,46,144 crore as against Rs. 3,01,063 crore Collected during the same Period Last Year
Challan correction mechanism Considering the fact that several mistakes were being reported which occurred on account of wrong punching of data in the OLTAS by the banks, the CBDT introduced a new challan correction mechanism for paper based payments of income tax. The said system has been appreciated by the assessees. Since, inadvertent mistakes can […]
Agency banks doing Government business alone will be permitted to present instruments in the Special Clearing on other participating banks. Other member banks of the Clearing House (including the presenting banks) are required to keep their inward clearing processing infrastructure open during the Special Clearing hours and maintain sufficient balance in their clearing settlement account to meet settlement obligations arising out of the Special Clearing.