Income Tax : Why does tax evasion still thrive despite all the efforts to stop it? And more importantly, what can be done to fix it? This blog ...
Income Tax : Learn the key differences between tax avoidance and tax evasion in India, legal provisions, real-world cases, and government measu...
Income Tax : One of the most infamous tax evasion cases in India is the Sahara India tax evasion case, which highlights the legal implications ...
Income Tax : This blog will examine the causes of tax evasion in India, the effects it has on society, and possible remedies to guarantee a mor...
Corporate Law : Updating circle rates to match market value can reduce tax evasion, black money, and cash transactions in real estate, ensuring tr...
CA, CS, CMA : Government surveys tax evasion, improves services, and details state-wise tax collections, highlighting growth in direct and indir...
Goods and Services Tax : Details of GST evasion cases by cryptocurrency exchanges in India, including investigations and actions taken by the Government of...
Goods and Services Tax : DGGI reveals over 6,000 fake ITC cases, ₹57,000 Cr GST evasion, and 500 arrests from April 2020 to September 2023. Explore the f...
Goods and Services Tax : We need to better utilize AI, data-analytics, IoT and other technologies to identify fraudulent practices, such as detection of ta...
Goods and Services Tax : Centralized suspension of registrations pertaining to registered persons who default in timely filing of returns is being carried ...
Goods and Services Tax : Saurabh Jindal & Yashik Jindal Vs Union Of India (Rajasthan High Court) In a significant legal development, the Rajasthan High...
Custom Duty : Explore the detailed analysis of the judgment in Babulal Qazi vs Union of India by Rajasthan High Court. Learn about the legal int...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the full text of the Rajasthan High Court judgment on Mohammad Shadab Kadris bail application amid GST Act violations. Leg...
Goods and Services Tax : Explore the detailed analysis of the bail granted to Mohammed Ali Akram Khan vs Union of India by Rajasthan High Court. Learn abou...
Income Tax : Since the penalty was reduced from 300% to 100% of the tax sought to be evaded, assessee was entitled to the benefit of Section 27...
Goods and Services Tax : CGST, Vadodara, upon intelligence developed through data analysis, have booked a case of issuance of fake invoices valued at Rs. ...
Goods and Services Tax : DGGI arrested a managing Director (MD) of a company Following intelligence developed by the officers that fake invoices were recei...
Goods and Services Tax : The officers of Daman Cornmssionerate have detected a case of default in GST payment against Mrs Radha Madhav Corporation Limited ...
Goods and Services Tax : The registration procedure under Goods and Services Tax Act is simplified with the objective of ease of doing business. After onli...
Excise Duty : Circular No. 1009/16/2015-CX Whoever commits any of the offences specified under sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Central Exci...
♦ Tax Avoidance is one of the most important method resorted to by the taxpayers as here they try to look after the loopholes present or existing in the tax law may be in the form of lack of proper jurisdiction to hear case or in the form of lack of proper stringent and vigil […]
Parveen Jain Vs Directorate of GST Intelligence (Rohtak Court) In this case the firms which played vital role in issuance of fake invoices are registered at New Delhi. The complainant department has not shown so far that the six firms located at Rohtak (mentioned in Para no 3 of Reply) or their proprietors have been […]
The authorities will release the applicant only if he is not required in connection with any other offence for the time being. If breach of any of the above conditions is committed, the Sessions Judge concerned will be free to issue warrant or take appropriate action in the matter.
Chahya Devi Vs State of U.P. (Meerut District Court) The present bail application has been moved by accused Mrs. Chahya Devi wife of Vijay Kumar Arya, proprietor M/S. Prabhat Zarda Factory (Oversease) R/0 J16 Sector 11] Noida 2012301 in case no. 167 of 2020 under Section 132(1)(a) 132 (1) (b) read with Section 132 (1) […]
DRI Vs Vishesh Jain (Patiala House Court) There are specific allegations against the applicant/accused that he is involved in duty evasion of about Rs. 13.0 crores by under valuing the imported white paper. The case of duty evasion on account of under valuation needs a very deep and thorough probe as it is spread across […]
There is a great need and importance of introducing CFC i.e. controlled foreign corporation legislation in Indian tax law, as it is one of the biggest measures to avoid payment of income tax in India by the resident persons of India. In the current scenario, there are no such provisions existing in income tax act, […]
Present petition is filed to seek bail to the person accused of establishing bogus firms & issuing only invoices without actual supply.
In McDowell it was held that if a transaction was carried with an intention to avoid taxes it was up to the judiciary to decide whether the same ought to be regarded. In other words, the duty to decide the validity of the transaction was left to the court.
MP High Court Grant Bail to Pakistani National who accused of GST evasion of Rs. 225 Crores alongwith furnishing a personal bond in the sum of Rs. 5,00,000/-
Anticipatory Bail Granted against GST Evasion by considering Clean Criminal History of Applicant along with furnishing a personal bond of Rs. 50,000/- with two sureties.