Income Tax : Explore our analysis on including Company Secretaries as Accountants under the Income-Tax Bill 2025. Benefits include improved com...
Income Tax : Understand key reporting requirements for Tax Audit Reports under Sections 44AA and 44AB, including forms, clauses, and disclosure...
CA, CS, CMA : Find out who needs to file a Tax Audit Report by September 30. Learn about the criteria, deadlines, and penalties for non-complian...
Income Tax : Learn about tax audit under Section 44AB, including objectives, requirements, forms, and penalties for non-compliance....
Income Tax : Explore the distinctions between business and profession, and how sales, turnover, and gross receipts are defined under the Income...
Income Tax : More than 30.75 lakh audit reports, including 29.5 lakh Tax Audit Reports, were filed for AY 2023-24 by the September 30 deadline,...
Income Tax : Explore the latest 2023 revision of the ICAI's Guidance Note on Tax Audit under Section 44AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Learn ab...
Income Tax : Exposure Draft of Revised ‘Guidance Note on Tax Audit under section 44AB of Income-tax Act, 1961’ is issued by ICAI Direct Tax...
Income Tax : Representation to extend the due date of filing of Audit reports under Income Tax Act, 1961, from 30th September, 2022 to 31st Oct...
Income Tax : Members may to raise any issues related to Tax Audit where elucidation, clarification or further elucidation is desired at email i...
Income Tax : Allahabad High Court in the case of CIT vs. U P Hotels Pvt. Ltd. has held that in case assessee has not claimed any deduction in r...
Income Tax : Karnataka High Court grants another opportunity to C.T. Raghu to submit documents after his Tax Audit Report was rejected for unsi...
Income Tax : Discover how Chennai ITAT's verdict affects assessments. Learn how a typographical error in Form 3CD impacts additions to an asses...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai order on ITO vs. Sambhav Shelter, where books of account withstand scrutiny despite an inadvertent mistake in the tax ...
Income Tax : Analysis of the ITAT Ahmedabad's ruling on Bharatbhai Makwana Vs PCIT. Delving into the implications of incorrect terminologies in...
Income Tax : Stay updated with CBDT's Form 3CD Tax Audit Report Format, Form 3CEB & Form No. 65 revision. Learn about changes in tax audit rep...
Income Tax : CBDT extends the due date for filing of various reports of audit for Assessment Year 2022-23 from 30th September, 2022 to 7th Octo...
Income Tax : The due date of furnishing of Return of Income for the Assessment Year 2021-22, which is 31st July 2021 under sub-section (1) of s...
Income Tax : CBDT has vide Notification No. 28/2021-Income Tax inserted new clauses in Form 3CD (Tax Audit Report) and also notified that Tax A...
Income Tax : The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) deferred the Tax Audit Clause 30C and 44 till 31st Mar 2022 due to COVID-19. F.No. 3701...
Section 44AB of the Act, stipulates that the accounts are to be got audited by an accountant and furnished in the prescribed manner before the ‘specified date’. The ‘specified date’ under Explanation (ii) to that section has been defined to be the ‘due date’ for furnishing the return of income under subsection (1) of section 139. Therefore, the extended ‘due date’ as per CBDT order dated 9th September, 2016 would also apply for the purpose of section 44AB of the Act.
Due date for filing return & TAR for assessee whose due date for filing income tax return is 30th Sept (being Company,firms,and other required to get accounts audited under income tax act or other law and working partners of such firm) is extended to 17th October 2016
The Article discusses Legislative History behind enactment of Tax Audit Provisions , Imposition of Restriction on number of Such Audit to be Conducted by Chartered Accountants (CAs) by Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI), Decision of Honorable High Court and Supreme court on the issue, Report of CAG on Violation of ICAI guideline , Disciplinary Proceeding by ICAI against erring members and Stay by Kerala High Court against Such action till disposal of their representation.
Every tax audit assignment involves numerous steps since commencement to its completion. Further, during tax audit season, various tax audit assignments remains in process in our offices at a similar point of time. Similarly, various staff persons remains involved in doing different steps of tax audit work.
This article had been presented before you all with an intention to provide clarity in relation to correct disclosure in Tax Audit regarding Clause number for Provident Fund contribution and Due date to be mentioned in those clauses.
Increase in threshold limit for audit for persons having income from profession Under the existing provisions of section 44AB of the Act every person carrying on a profession is required to get his accounts audited if the total gross receipts in a previous year exceed twenty five lakh rupees. In order to reduce the compliance […]
Suggestion For Union Budget 2016-17 For Amendment In Section 119(2)(A) To Give CBDT Specific Powers For Granting General Immunity From Penalty U/S.271B (As An Effective Alternative Remedy For Extension Of Due Date For Obtaining And Furnishing Of Tax Audit Reports)
It is recommended that the threshold limit may be revised from the present one crore rupees to two crore rupees for assessees carrying on business and from the present twenty-five lakhs rupees to rupees one crore for assessees exercising a profession.
It is generally expected that the Income Tax Return (ITR) forms and Tax Audit Report (TAR) form and utilities for uploading them on the website of the Income Tax Department should become finally available for public use, as on the Ist day of the Assessment Year e.g., for AY 2016-17 on 01st April, 2016 and, thereafter there should not be any changes therein. The changes if any required should be incorporated only in the forms and utilities for the subsequent assessment years.