Company Law : Understand the appointment process, tenure, and reporting obligations for auditors under the Companies Act, 2013. Key rules, forms...
CA, CS, CMA : एनएफआरए ने बीएसआर एंड कंपनी और लोधा एंड कंपनी के आ...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover the distinctions between due diligence and statutory audit. Learn their essence, components, and how they impact decision...
CA, CS, CMA : Discover essential steps for an effective bank branch statutory audit, from initial preparation to finalization of reports. Explor...
CA, CS, CMA : Unlock your auditing potential with our practical guide for first-time statutory branch auditors in the banking sector, covering R...
Company Law : NFRA inspection of PwC firms (PWCA & PW& Co CA) reveals deficiencies in related party transaction verification and documentation, ...
Company Law : Summary of NFRA's audit quality inspection of Lodha & Co., highlighting key deficiencies in audit documentation, independence poli...
Company Law : NFRA's 2023 inspection of M/s BSR & Co. LLP highlighted improvements in audit practices, independence policies, and documentation ...
Company Law : NFRA's 2023 inspection of MSKA & Associates highlights audit deficiencies, governance issues, and non-compliance with standards. D...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI Audit Quality Maturity Model v2.0 is mandatory for firms auditing listed entities, banks, and insurance companies. It assesse...
CA, CS, CMA : Read the full NCLT judgment/order on Union of India Vs CA. Ramaiah Nataraja. Bengaluru CA barred from statutory auditor role for c...
Income Tax : Read the full text of Madras High Court's judgment on condoning the delay in income tax return filing by Kalvadangam Primary Agric...
Company Law : Challenge to constitutional validity of section 140(5) of Companies Act, 2013 fails and it is observed and held that section 140(5...
Company Law : The company has stated in its application that the auditor was not able to conduct the audit in timely manner also the auditor was...
Company Law : Various acts of IL&FS like over borrowing were prejudicial to the public interest which had cascading impact on various sectors ...
Company Law : NFRA imposes Rs. 5 lakh penalty and 5-year debarment on CA Neeraj Bansal for professional misconduct during Religare Finvest Ltd's...
Company Law : The National Financial Reporting Authority imposes penalties on Deloitte and auditors for misconduct in the ZEEL audit, resulting ...
Company Law : CA Chirag Doshi faces a ₹5 lakh penalty for professional misconduct in the statutory audit of Ushdev International Limited for F...
Income Tax : NFRA imposes penalties on Venkatesh & Co. and debarment of partners for negligence during the audit of Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd,...
Company Law : NFRA reiterates that auditors shall understand their responsibility under CA 2013 and SA 600 with their concomitant responsibiliti...
The importance of Audit of an organization is perhaps as same as what is oxygen for human being. It is a 360 degree review of all the organization working and to speculate whether the organization can expand or if there is some cost cutting to do.
Overview: As per sub-section (1) of Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013 (Act), “every company shall at the first annual general meeting, appoint an individual or a firm as an auditor who shall hold office from the conclusion of that meeting till the conclusion of its sixth annual general meeting and thereafter till the […]
Mystery of Zero Audit Fees of 1.81 lacs Companies As per NFRA Report The answer is Big No? In No way It is possible to get Audit done work done without paying any single rupee for Audit!! Does any logic certify that? So How NFRA computed that – Wherefrom they have taken this data? NFRA […]
It is quite clear that to recommend abolition of audit for certain companies is not covered u/s 132(2) and therefore not within the scope of NFRA. So, any recommendation by NFRA to abolish of audit for certain companies is ultra-virus. NFRA should not have included this aspect in its Consultation paper at all.
Reply To NFRA On Consultation Paper On Statutory Audit And Auditing Standard For Msmc You have recently issued a consultation paper on statutory Audit and Auditing standard for MSM Companies. You have framed 4 questions for the comments of stakeholders including Chartered Accountants: You had issued the consultation paper for relaxation of compulsory audit to […]
1) Most important point is the existence of Very nature of Limited liability concept, which exposed the creditor with unlimited risk who are highly remain unsecured, that includes Govt also. So, it gives the unlevered power to Promoters to expose the business to high risk and leave the liability of the company unsettled and yet […]
what NFRA wants to convey is that since fee charged by auditors is less than Cost so Audit should be abolished. What kind of baseless conclusion is that?? Also, another criteria for this conclusion is the % Indebtedness. So, if a company is Debt free so that Company can’t commit financial fraud. Is that so??
Consultation Paper on Statutory Audit and Auditing Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Companies (MSMCs) India is unique among the big economies of the world in statutorily mandating compulsory audit for all companies, irrespective of their size and characteristics. In view of the significant role played by companies in India in the economic growth and […]
KIOCL’s accounting policy for Foreign Exchange (Fx) Forward Contracts is erroneous and it is in non-compliance with the classification and measurement requirements of Ind AS 109, Financial Instruments (Ind AS 109).
The initial appointment of SRBC & Co LLP, and the continuation of SRBC & Co LLP, as statutory auditor of ITNL, was prima facie illegal and void. Nevertheless, NFRA has proceeded to examine compliance by the Audit Firm with the SAs, in their performance of this Engagement, without prejudice to this finding.