CA, CS, CMA : एनएफआरए ने बीएसआर एंड कंपनी और लोधा एंड कंपनी के आ...
Corporate Law : ISA 600 draft may impact small audit firms in India by concentrating audit work among larger firms. A balanced approach is needed ...
CA, CS, CMA : एनएफआरए सूचीबद्ध कंपनियों में वित्तीय धोखाधड़ी ...
Company Law : The Order No. 002/2024 Date: 05.01.2024, centered around CA Anil Chauhan, the Engagement Partner (EP) of Anil Chauhan & Associates...
Company Law : Explore the implications of recent debarments by the National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) on Chartered Accountants and fi...
Company Law : Apply for Chairperson and Member positions at NFRA. Eligibility: 20-25 years of experience in accountancy, auditing, finance, or l...
Company Law : NFRA inspection of PwC firms (PWCA & PW& Co CA) reveals deficiencies in related party transaction verification and documentation, ...
Company Law : Summary of NFRA's audit quality inspection of Lodha & Co., highlighting key deficiencies in audit documentation, independence poli...
Company Law : NFRA's 2023 inspection of M/s BSR & Co. LLP highlighted improvements in audit practices, independence policies, and documentation ...
Company Law : NFRA's 2023 inspection of MSKA & Associates highlights audit deficiencies, governance issues, and non-compliance with standards. D...
Company Law : Delhi HC examines NFRA's jurisdiction in issuing show-cause notices to Engagement Quality Control Reviewers (EQCRs) under Section ...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court refuses interim relief against NFRA penalties imposed on CAs and CA firm in the Reliance Capital audit lapses cas...
Corporate Law : Delhi High Court halts NFRA proceedings against CA Unnikrishnan Menon, challenging show cause notice for irregularities in Quess C...
Company Law : NFRA imposes Rs. 5 lakh penalty and 5-year debarment on CA Neeraj Bansal for professional misconduct during Religare Finvest Ltd's...
Company Law : National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) has penalized CA Chetan Desai and CA Rakesh Rathi, partners at Haribhakti & Co. ...
Company Law : The National Financial Reporting Authority imposes penalties on Deloitte and auditors for misconduct in the ZEEL audit, resulting ...
Company Law : CA Chirag Doshi faces a ₹5 lakh penalty for professional misconduct in the statutory audit of Ushdev International Limited for F...
Income Tax : NFRA imposes penalties on Venkatesh & Co. and debarment of partners for negligence during the audit of Coffee Day Enterprises Ltd,...
Classes of companies and bodies corporate governed by the NFRA: (Rule 3) (a) companies whose securities are listed on any stock exchange in India or outside India; (b) unlisted public companies having paid-up capital of not less than rupees five hundred crores or having annual turnover of not less than rupees one thousand crores or having, in aggregate, outstanding loans, debentures and deposits of not less than rupees five hundred crores as on the 31st March of immediately preceding financial Year;
Ministry has came up with Rules with respect to National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA). The rules will come into force on the date of Notification in Official Gazette. Reading this article, you will come to know Applicability of these Rules and How Disciplinary Powers have been segregated between NFRA and ICAI now.
MCA has notified the National Financial Reporting Authority (NFRA) Rules, 2018, which inter-alia includes provisions relating to Classes of companies to be governed by NFRA along with its Functions and duties, ICAI to Recommend and NFRA to monitor and enforce compliance of accounting/ auditing standards. Besides, NFRA has been empowered to issue directions to any auditor for taking appropriate measures to improve audit quality, etc.
Committee of Experts on regulating audit firms and net- works set up by Ministry of Corporate Affairs in response to the issues raised by the Honorable Supreme Court in the judgement of S.Sukumar Vs. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India(February 23, 2018) submitted its report on October 25, 2018. It deals with steps to be taken to strengthen the legal regime of auditors and promote audit as a profession. I am here through this article to express my views on audit profession in India with my vast decades of combined audit experience in India as well as U.S.A.
NFRA (National Financial Reporting Authority) has been notified in terms of Section 132 of the Companies Act, 2013. By reading this concise article, you will get to know about the Global Overseeing System (in America, UK and China) and the powers given in India to NFRA.
Committee of Experts submits its report on Regulating audit firms and the Networks The Committee of Experts has submitted its report on Regulating audit firms and the Networks to the Government of India through the Secretary, Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The Committee was constituted on April 20, 2018 pursuant to the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court […]
Till now ICAI used to make recommendations to the Central Government on the formulation and laying down of accounting and auditing policies and standards but, from now onwards ICAI will act as advisory to NFRA and NFRA will recommend to the Government.