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Trade Unions- A Small 5 Point analysis

Corporate Law : Generally, 'Trade Union' means the formal association of the workers or employees in an organization, a group of trades or profess...

March 24, 2017 1287 Views 0 comment Print

Impact / Dangers of Loose-talks

CA, CS, CMA : Life is impossible without communication through speech, writing or gestures. The progress and development of the society are the ...

January 19, 2017 6778 Views 1 comment Print

Your Life Alone is Not Tough

CA, CS, CMA : Everybody faces hardship of life. Life is simple, though appears to be complex. It's interpretation and handling of life that matt...

December 11, 2016 3664 Views 4 comments Print

Three ‘I’s For Success in Life

CA, CS, CMA : Everybody likes success in their life. However, Success is not a fairy tale that revolves around the element of miracle and imagin...

November 10, 2016 4099 Views 0 comment Print

Common Sense: The Most Scarce of All Natural resources

Income Tax : Generally, with the rise in literacy and income levels, the standard of living should go up. This is not so with the present socie...

September 29, 2016 4078 Views 0 comment Print

10 tips to Boost your Image

August 9, 2016 25124 Views 0 comment Print

Everyone wishes to show their presence by projecting their qualifications and skills in their own ways. As there are no defined standards for reference to facilitate a person in shaping his/her image, a sincere attempt is made here to list them. The following are the practical tips for cultivating a positive personality.

Don’t Bargain Under These Circumstances

August 3, 2016 20026 Views 0 comment Print

Bargain means a method to strike a deal or settlement through an interaction involving two or more persons. It’s a negotiation made to arrive at a mutual answer or agreement. Bargain is very popular among the business communities for generating profits. However, it is very common in daily life.

Don't Shy Away From The Truth

June 21, 2016 3586 Views 1 comment Print

Truth always remains the same unaltered whatever the tricks one may take to conceal. Most of the people think they are smart when they play a double game of hide and seek to serve their selfish motives. Some dress gorgeously and smile elegantly, but sporting enmity and jealousy within.

These Misbehaviors Cannot Be Corrected, Unless…

June 3, 2016 2056 Views 0 comment Print

An ideal world without mistakes or wrongdoings cannot be even imagined. Because, if everything is perfect, life on the Earth will be boring and unchallenging. Nature intends competition and conflicts among its subjects to decide their progress and strength.

How To Live Happily Within Means

May 19, 2016 4234 Views 1 comment Print

In the modern world, the pulls and pressures are more for spending whatever one earns. The consumerism and materialism are the main culprits behind this pathetic situation. Even if an individual attempts to rein in the expenditure within the limit of his/her income, the lifestyle of the people in the surroundings would tempt and induce towards wasteful and extravagant expenses.

Strange system of Laws and Courts in India: Revamping Desirable

May 11, 2016 2080 Views 0 comment Print

Laws are peculiar in their own ways and for the reasons best known to the judicial system of India. The experiences faced in the real life are presented to understand the gravity of the above question. In a cheque bounce case, the court postponed the hearing on several occasions for one or other reason. Each time, the banker promptly attended the case as a witness to the duel.

Who Are the Real Builders Of A Nation?

May 1, 2016 2557 Views 0 comment Print

No, Not the planners, financiers, engineers, architects, managers. They are one of the inputs in the production process. These groups sit in their posh air-conditioned offices and strain their brain to do their work. Their job involves mental strain only.

Don't Get Cursed Through These Actions

April 23, 2016 2110 Views 1 comment Print

Mohan Thulasingam Life is full of challenges right from the day of birth till the departure from the face of the earth. That too, in the modern world, it becomes very tough and highly competitive due to various factors like scarcity of resources, population growth, greed, polity, religion, etc. In the olden days, people used […]

12 Common Silly Behaviours of Humans

April 17, 2016 5758 Views 3 comments Print

The behavior of human beings tends to vary depending on the age, situation, education, and status in the society. An individual display different conduct when alone as compared to his demeanor in a group. Some people are timid at home and act fearless in other places.

Your Destiny Is In Your Hands

April 13, 2016 4534 Views 0 comment Print

Reap what you sow. One should plan the precious time to win his future and earn enough money and wealth. A farmer tills the soil, sows seeds and does all that is required for getting a good crop. Hard work yields knowledge, experience, and happy life. Ants and bees store the food through toil and time. Lazy and wayward student loses the future. One can wait, but time doesn’t.

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