Mohan Thulasingam

1. Passengers hustle to board the train though they have the confirmed tickets. Some people climb over the wheels and squeeze through the windows of the buses to get seats during the festival seasons.
2. Residents fight each other for collecting the relief materials distributed by the government agencies. Some people don’t appreciate the services being rendered to them during the deluge due to heavy rains but insist for variety in the food donated by the volunteers. They demand butter and jam and refuse to take the bread served.
3. Some people take selfies in sober situations when the leaders and celebrities visit to condole the deaths or funerals of their friends or relatives.
4. Relatives expect hospitality and formalities during emergency situations like hospitalization, death, etc.
5. Some people approach for financial assistance to meet their emergency without bothering about the difficulties of others.
6. Selfish attorneys fleece the debt-ridden families by charging exorbitant professional fees when these families receive the insurance money settled for the accident and death claims.
7. Agencies and officials siphon off a part of the grants and subsidies provided by the government and charities and disburse the balance to the people. That too after a considerable delay.
8. Many people lustily gaze at girls and women forgetting their age and onlookers. Some secretly watch the channels like Fashion TV and admire the serials like Baywatch. Many seniors cherish in passing obscene remarks the women in the public places.
9. Rich people cornering the benefits of government schemes meant for the poor and needy.
10. Many individuals keep reminding others for settling the money owed to them. They pretend forgetfulness for not repaying the debts incurred by them.
11. Some enjoy the benefits and advantages from others, but blame and backstab the benefactors..
12. Many pamper and sing all praises in front of a person, but accuse the latter in his absence.
At the top of all these silly attitudes, a person will go to any extent to justify his or her mistakes. Nonetheless, the same person will blow up such issues when they belong to another person. Unless people understand the value of honesty and righteousness, Silly behaviors will continue to haunt the society.
Sir very good article..we are living in a hypocratic world….where 1) when we talk about gender equality we say ‘ek beti sau beto k barabar’…2) asking for dowary is a crime but fighting for alimoney is fundamental right of any lady even if she earns more than her husband. 3) People kill their daughter if she love someone and have intimate relation but they never kill a man who rape their daughter.4) Where a dalit and or a muslim is always poor, innocent and victims and others are always accused.5) Where a minor can rape but can’t work to earn his livlihood.6) where abusing pakistanis and insulting chinese is the real patriotism.7) We feel proud when we say US have this much of Indian doctors and engineers but we always precive a Nepali as a Chowkidar.8) You can loot the country in Kurta payjama and saari but cant work for country wearing a jeans.your loyalty will be judged by your clothes. 9) Where we show like we will die of hunger if we stop killing animals….but when a leg of a horse is broken, entire country pray for it.(never thought of chicken you eat everyday). 10) Where a porn star is professional but a rape victim is characterless. 11) Where rape is a heinous crime(done by man) but the kotha owners who abduct and force the girls from 12-13-14 to till they can be used to sleep with n number of man they are never charged for rape and even police cant enter their area…what they can do is take their hafta and get lost.
If something of abive hurts anyone I am sorry for that but it was straight from heart.