Goods and Services Tax : Steps and key details to file the GST Annual Return (GSTR-9) for FY 2023-24, including exemptions and reconciliation requirements....
Goods and Services Tax : जानें जीएसटीआर 7 से संबंधित प्रमुख सवाल-जवाब, जैसे...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand the special procedures under Section 16(5) of the CGST Act, 2017, for rectifying ITC claims. Learn eligibility, filing ...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn how Form DRC-03A resolves GST demands paid via DRC-03 but still reflected as outstanding. Simplify adjustments and avoid dup...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn how India’s Invoice Management System (IMS) streamlines Input Tax Credit (ITC) tracking and helps reduce tax discrepancies...
Goods and Services Tax : Functionality for Aadhaar Authentication and e-KYC where Aadhaar is not available, has been deployed on GST Common Portal w.e.f. 6...
Goods and Services Tax : FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) ON GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST)-3rd Edition: 15th December, 2018- (Note: Changes announced in G...
Goods and Services Tax : ICAI has come out with revised publication titled FAQ's and MCQ's on GST. It provides a comprehensive coverage of GST in easy to ...
Goods and Services Tax : ICAI has come up with an FAQ on E-way Bill under GST in which it discussed 100 Practical issues and possible solutions on E –...
Goods and Services Tax : Taxpayer is not able to reset and file GSTR-3B. Error report shows YOU HAVE ALREADY OFF SETTED GSTR-3B, but CESS liability is yet ...
Goods and Services Tax : Taxpayers are now required to report their ITC availment, reversal of ITC and ineligible ITC correctly as per new format of Table ...
Goods and Services Tax : What change has been made with respect to packaged and labelled commodity with effect from the 18th July, 2022 and What is the sco...
Goods and Services Tax : The government has now decided to resume the blocking of EWB generation facility on the EWB portal, for all the taxpayers in terms...
Goods and Services Tax : Field formations have reported that they are facing several issues while issuing EWB-06. A detailed FAQ has been prepared and encl...
DGFT : Is there any difference in tariff or customs preferences if the wholly obtained (WO) criteria is used instead of the product speci...
The process of preparing and filing of annual return in GSTR 9 for FY 2018-19 under GST has started and there have been a number of doubts arising as to how to reconcile the output tax liability under various tables pertaining to the FY 2018-19, because the GSTR 3B filed for 2018-19 contains rectifications for […]
1. Waiver of Late Fees:No late fee will be charged for non-filing of GSTR 3B during the tax period from July, 2017 to January, 2020 if there is no tax liability. Provided that GSTR 3B returns are furnished between July 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020. 2. Reduction in Late Fee:Reduction in late fee will be […]
What is an important test to determine whether GST is leviable on services provided by directors? How are services provided by a managing director to a body corporate covered under GST?
All about Filing Nil Form GSTR-3B through SMS Q 1.When can Form GSTR-3B be filed as Nil? Ans. Form GSTR-3B can be filed as a nil return if there are no outward supplies as well as liability (including reverse charge liability) in the month, for which the return is being filed for. This form can […]
Form GSTR-3B can be filed as a nil return if there are no outward supplies as well as liability (including reverse charge liability) in the month, for which the return is being filed for. This form can be filed nil, in both online mode and in offline mode (by SMS).
FAQs on Filing of Form GST ITC-02A Q.1 What is Form GST ITC-02A? A person having multiple places of business in a State or Union territory may be granted separate registration for each place of business. If a registered person, who has obtained separate registration for multiple places of business in a State/UT and intends […]
Dear Friends, as we all are aware, due to COVID-19 impact our economy is running very slow and as per economist this year our GDP growth rate will be very low. During this lockdown period various queries are received from GST registered MSME Units related to GST registration cancellation on voluntary basis, due to business […]
FAQs on Filing of Form GST ITC-02 Q 1. What are the pre-conditions for filing of ITC declaration in FORM GST ITC-02? Ans: The following conditions must be met for being eligible to file the FORM GST ITC-02: 1. In case any registered entity undergoes sale, merger, de-merger, amalgamation, lease or transfer, the acquired entity […]
GST REAL ESTAE TRANSACTION:- In this Article We will discuss here mainly GST implication on Affordable housing Scheme (AFS) and other than Affordable housing Scheme (AFS) in Real Estate Sector. A number of issues have been raised and taxpayers have different opinion regarding the new GST rate structure notified for real estate sector effective from […]
In this period of economic difficulties, it is imperative for each business to evaluate possible measures to reduce the cost. One should closely look at all expenditure where input tax credit has not been taken in the past to evaluate if there exist possibilities of availing due to change in the law or judicial developments.