Goods and Services Tax : Steps and key details to file the GST Annual Return (GSTR-9) for FY 2023-24, including exemptions and reconciliation requirements....
Goods and Services Tax : जानें जीएसटीआर 7 से संबंधित प्रमुख सवाल-जवाब, जैसे...
Goods and Services Tax : Understand the special procedures under Section 16(5) of the CGST Act, 2017, for rectifying ITC claims. Learn eligibility, filing ...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn how Form DRC-03A resolves GST demands paid via DRC-03 but still reflected as outstanding. Simplify adjustments and avoid dup...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn how India’s Invoice Management System (IMS) streamlines Input Tax Credit (ITC) tracking and helps reduce tax discrepancies...
Goods and Services Tax : Functionality for Aadhaar Authentication and e-KYC where Aadhaar is not available, has been deployed on GST Common Portal w.e.f. 6...
Goods and Services Tax : FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) ON GOODS AND SERVICES TAX (GST)-3rd Edition: 15th December, 2018- (Note: Changes announced in G...
Goods and Services Tax : ICAI has come out with revised publication titled FAQ's and MCQ's on GST. It provides a comprehensive coverage of GST in easy to ...
Goods and Services Tax : ICAI has come up with an FAQ on E-way Bill under GST in which it discussed 100 Practical issues and possible solutions on E –...
Goods and Services Tax : Taxpayer is not able to reset and file GSTR-3B. Error report shows YOU HAVE ALREADY OFF SETTED GSTR-3B, but CESS liability is yet ...
Goods and Services Tax : Taxpayers are now required to report their ITC availment, reversal of ITC and ineligible ITC correctly as per new format of Table ...
Goods and Services Tax : What change has been made with respect to packaged and labelled commodity with effect from the 18th July, 2022 and What is the sco...
Goods and Services Tax : The government has now decided to resume the blocking of EWB generation facility on the EWB portal, for all the taxpayers in terms...
Goods and Services Tax : Field formations have reported that they are facing several issues while issuing EWB-06. A detailed FAQ has been prepared and encl...
DGFT : Is there any difference in tariff or customs preferences if the wholly obtained (WO) criteria is used instead of the product speci...
1. What is utilization of cash/ ITC for payment of demand or any other amount due about? It is about payments of non-return related liabilities created through generation of Demand ID which may be reference number of the order or application, appearing in the Electronic Liability Register (Part-II).
A. FAQs on Electronic Liability Register under GST Q.1 What is an Electronic Liability Register? Ans: All return related liabilities accrued are displayed in the Electronic Liability Register: Part I: Return related liabilities. Payments made from the Electronic Cash Ledger and/or credit utilized to discharge the liabilities are also shown in the register. Liabilities pertaining […]
A. FAQs on Electronic Credit Ledger under GST Q.1 What is an Electronic Credit Ledger? Ans: In the Electronic Credit Ledger, all credits accrued on account of inward supplies made by a taxpayer within a tax period are accumulated. The ledger is maintained Major Head-wise, i.e., IGST, CGST, SGST, and CESS. Q.2 Who maintains the […]
FAQs on Filing and Viewing Form GST PMT-09 Q.1 What is Form GST PMT-09? Ans: Form GST PMT-09 enables any registered taxpayer to perform intra-head or inter-head transfer of amount as available in Electronic Cash Ledger. Thus, a registered taxpayer can now file Form GST PMT-09 for transfer of any amount of tax, interest, penalty, […]
The Electronic Cash Ledger contains a summary of all the deposits made by a taxpayer. In the ledger, information is displayed major head-wise i.e., IGST, CGST, SGST/UTGST and CESS. Each major head is further divided into five minor heads: Tax, Interest, Penalty, Fee and Others.
A. FAQs on My Account – View User Profile Q.1 How can I view details of my profile? Ans: The View User Profile is a post login functionality that allows you to view your profile details as registered with the GST System. Q.2 How can I check the status of the field visit conducted at […]
General Q.1. What is Accounting and Billing Software on the GST Portal? Ans: Accounting and Billing Software download functionality is made available for the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) having turnover less than Rs. 1.5 crores. This software allows a taxpayer to run his daily business by providing day to day billing and accounting […]
FAQs on Advance Ruling for Unregistered Dealers (FORM GST ARA-01) Q.1 Who can I apply for Advance Ruling? Ans: Application for Advance Ruling can be filed by any person who is registered or is desirous of obtaining registration under this Act on the matters prescribed under the GST Act with payment of the prescribed fee. […]
GST Practitioner is a tax professional who can prepare returns and perform other activities on the basis of the information furnished to him by a taxable person. However, the legal responsibility of such filings remains with the Taxpayer.
To declare and file claim of ITC prior to registration/ on withdrawal from composition scheme/ on exempt supply of goods/ services becoming taxable on the GST Portal, perform the following steps