Notice No. 20220427-2 | Notice Date- 27 Apr 2022 | Category. Circulars Listed Companies | Segment -Equity
Subject- Format of the Initial & Annual Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a “Large Corporate”
Dear Sir/Madam,
This circular is with reference to the SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/DDHS/CIR/P/2018/144 dated November 26, 2018 (“SEBI Circular”) and in continuation to the Exchange Circular dated April 11, 2019 and March 03, 2020 with regard to fund raising by issuance of debt securities by large entities.
The Companies which are identified as Large Corporate under above mentioned SEBI Circular are required to file the Initial Disclosure through “Annexure A” as well as Annual Disclosure through “Annexure B1” for Financial Year 2020 and 2021. Further, from the Financial Year 2022 onwards the Annual Disclosures is to be submitted as per the format mentioned in “Annexure B2”.
In this regard, the Exchange has introduced a facility in the Listing Centre for filing of Annual Disclosure (Annexure B2) and have also modified the existing tabs for filing the Initial & Annual Disclosure as mentioned in Annexure A & B1 respectively.
All companies are required to file the Initial (Annexure A) & Annual Disclosure (Annexure B1 & B2) through the Corporate Announcements Module of the Listing Centre following the paths mentioned below:
Corporate Announcement > Compliances > Format of the Initial Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate: Annexure A.
Annual (B1):
Corporate Announcement > Compliances > Format of the Annual Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate: Annexure B1.
Annual (B2):
Corporate Announcement > Compliances > Format of the Annual Disclosure to be made by an entity identified as a Large Corporate: Annexure B2.
Further, kindly note that as per above mentioned SEBI Circular, the filings in respect of Initial Disclosure has to be done by listed entities identified as large corporate (LC) within 30 days from the beginning of Financial Year & for Annual Disclosure must be filed by the listed entities identified as Large Corporate (LC), within 45 days of the end of Financial Year.
The listed entities which are not identified as large corporates must submit a confirmation in this regard to the Exchange in the mode as specified above.
For further details in this matter, you may write to
The listed entities which are not identified as large corporates must submit a confirmation in this regard to the Exchange in the mode as specified above.
In furtherance to above please advice tis is to be given every year or one time when the circular was released.
I to be given every year then please share the relevant para wherein the above compliance is mentioned.
can u please suggest me in which tab we need to made a disclosure of “not as LC” point.