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CA Atul Modani


Non Functioning GSTN portal, Indifferent CBEC, Taxpayers face hit in GST regime” –How to lodge complaint with Higher Authorities.

GST the biggest reform tax Reform since independence have become operational with effect from 1st July 2017. There were expected teething troubles in the operation of the same initially. However the technical difficulties and failure of GSTN to address the same in a time bound manner is creating various legal, operational as well as technical hassles for taxpayers. Over and above technical difficulties and non-availability of solutions to address the issue is giving sleepless nights to taxpayers as well as various GST consultants as it will affect them via burden of late fee, penalty and Interest as well as legal hassles in future.

There are number of varieties of difficulties faced by taxpayers while fulfilling their legal duties which are shared across domains of social media under GST. Prominent being as below.

1) Non receipt of GST Number, ARN irrespective of application/migration since many weeks.

GSThelp desk

2) Non availability of amendment window into registration and composition which is affecting business of the taxpayers and also leading him to consequences of non-compliance and cost in case of difference in levy of tax rates (i.e. routine Vs Composition)

s k sarda sikkim

GST Tech

rafi manzoor

3) Because of Delay in registration and migration approval by GSTN, many taxpayers are not able to file GSTR 3 B for the month of July 2017 which is due on 20thAugust 2017

nisarg shah

4) Technical snags in GSTN which denied to opting of composition scheme. No option on the GSTN portal for registration cancellation for automatic migration cases where assessee does not want to continue being his turnover or receipts are below threshold limit of 20 lakhs. There is no clarity by GSTN whether such cases who needs to be opted out of GST but are not able to do so because of non-availability of functionality on its ports needs to file GSTR 3B as due date is for same is approaching. It is worthwhile to note that GSTR 3 B is to be filed even in case of NO or NIL transactions , non filing of which will lead to Late fees / penalty as per provisions of section 47.

Tushar Pandey

5) No rectification is allowed in Form GSTR 3B despite of rectification provisions in Section 37(3) and 38(5) it deprives taxpayer to rectify and omissions or errors as this being 1stReturn under GST and the contents to be filled are huge and varied.


6) Non updation of GSTN portal for over a week which suggests delay in incorporating basic functionalities promised by them on Twitter in replies to various queries.


Main Page



Rajeev Rawat


7) High volume of errors and non-functionalities, low staff to address so many grievances let the call center helpline flood with grievances

GST helpdesk

While issues are diverse and many in volume and last minute changes by Finance Ministry as well as GSTN portal is leading to create a hollow situation which is overriding many sections/rules of act in process of this mayhem.Even Official Twitter handle of the GST is flooded with hundreds of grievances/ queries/ technical issues, they are not able to address each and every issue due to volume.

This is creating a situation of vacuum for the taxpayers as well as GST consultants. To address such situation, and to convey the grievances directly with CBEC help of www.pgportal.gov.in can be taken.

www.pgportal.gov.in is a Government of India Portal aimed at providing the citizens with a platform for redress of their grievances. If you have any grievance against any Government organization in the country, you may lodge your grievance here which will go to the Ministry/Department/State Government concerned for immediate redress.

1) The grievances can be lodged online on pgportal.gov.in

In cases where internet facility is not available or even otherwise, the citizen is free to send her/his grievance by Post. There is no prescribed format.

The grievance may be written on any plain sheet of paper or on a Postcard / Inland letter and addressed to the Department at following address:

Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances, 5th floor, Sardar Patel Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi – 110001. Website: www.darpg.gov.in Tele fax –91-11- 23741006

2) Click on Please lodge grievance here.



select an option


public Grievance

5) Write Your name, address, mobile number, e mail address and exact grievance in less than 400 words. You can also attach a file with the same which may contain screenshots of errors or evidence of grievances and Submit.

6) Ensure that your grievance is self-explanatory and concise based on facts.

7) The grievance is acknowledged online or by post. A unique registration number is given to each grievance once you submit it. You will receive the number via e mail as well as SMS.

8) Your grievances  may be tracked on the pgportal by clicking view status and entering the unique registration number generated.

What happens to the grievances? How are the grievances dealt with in Central Ministries/Departments?

Every Central Ministry / Department has designated a Joint Secretary or a Director / Deputy Secretary, as its ‘Director of Grievances’. He / She is the nodal officer for redress of grievances on work areas allocated to that particular Ministry / Department.

The Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances is the chief policy making, monitoring and coordinating Department for public grievances arising from the work of Ministries/Departments/Organizations of the Government of India. The grievances received in the department are forwarded to the Ministries/Departments concerned. Redressal of grievances is done by respective Ministries/Departments in a decentralized manner. The Department periodically reviews the status of redressal of public grievances under CPGRAMS of Ministries/Departments for speedy disposal of grievances / complaints.

You can also lodge reminders or clarification in case your grievances is not addressed/not satisfied with the disposal of grievance. Refer FAQs regarding PGPORTAL

There is a high chance that the grievance submitted via pgportal is addressed as it is tracked till the final response is sent to the complainant. You can see the response to your query online or you get an e mail to the same when it is addressed.

You can lodge complaint/ grievances in respect of any Ministry or Departtment of Central as well as State Government.

While it is important to perform your constituitional duties, it is your right to ask for the better infrastructure and redressal of grievances from the government. Hence it is important that you send your grievance to pgportal.

The Author can be reached at atul@caclub.in

Other Articles by Author

1) Income Tax E Filing Website Crashing issue – Letter to PM by a Citizen/CA on Press Release by CBDT

2) Not able to opt for composition scheme under GST for FY 2017-18? Then read this

3) AADHAR CARD– PAN Linking, Supreme Court Decision & Way forward

4) Taxation & Legal Rumors on Social Media – Avoid In Financial & National Interest

5) IT Dept seeks Clarification on cash deposited during Demonetisation

6) Demonitization of Old Notes : Few Legal & Income Tax Aspects


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  1. Biswajit De says:

    We had supplied insulation materials to a customer on 31.3.24 and accordingly raised invoice to them. The said is registerred with GST and our referred invoice accounted in their system and also taken input tax credit against our referred invoice. But they are reimbursing us the GST amount till date. What action we can take against the said customer to recover our GST amount. should we lodge complain to the concern GST Authority against that customer as they have been reimbursing our GST amount against which invoice they have taken input tax credit.
    Please Advise us ,



    9 3 3 o 6 9 8 6 4 3

  2. Ahalya Ballasan says:

    Dear sir,
    I have rejected by 4 times, applying since December 2022 for new gst number, my ARN number is..AA270423056335B.

  3. Santosh Rai says:

    GST tax evasion officer demand me Tally date for Year 2017- to 2022 in telephonic. it is legally right. I shall provided data or not.

  4. Subash Chandran says:

    We Aadarsh Aircon from Chennai had received gst notice for some error we made on our portal as of our demand we made some mistake like wrong filling GST header, please give us some options

  5. Brijesh says:

    My wife want to do online selling buisness, I have given letter of concern in notorized form which allows her to use my space.
    GST officer query for unnecessary question such as why you want to do buisness, what you were doing earlier etc., it is none of his buisness, two attempt he rejected, what to do next. Its very hard to do fair buisness in India.

    1. Sam says:

      Hi Brijesh,
      Same situation is here. They ask silly questions like what is grand father name, provide experience proof, etc. It looks like the authorities are sleeping and any person becomes so called officer. How a person can comply if the gst is not issued to them.

  6. Ihsaan nazir says:

    For j&k against new gst registration there are too many queries raised by tax officers for sub -registrar rent agreement mandatory even I have notarized rent agreement and electricity bill of landlord why not sufficient as a principal place of bussiness

  7. Ihsaan nazir says:

    If digital India why not gst registration only on the basis of adhaar and pan card and no other document for small taxpayers because many tax officers rejected gst registration on the basis of valid rent agreement and most of the people does not have rent agreement signed by sub-registrar and only rent agreement notarized but they want to continue a bussiness even they did not have any own property the landlord does not want to waste the time to get sub-registrar agreement

  8. Vishwakrma munnar says:

    The details related to this Registration Number has been reset and new username has not been created. Please create a new username and password to proceed further.In case you do not have your login details, please contact your Jurisdictional Tax authority

    1. Vishwakrma munnar says:

      The details related to this Registration Number has been reset and new username has not been created. Please create a new username and password to proceed further.In case you do not have your login details, please contact your Jurisdictional Tax authority

    2. Vishwakrma munnar says:

      The details related to this Registration Number has been reset and new username has not been created. Please create a new username and password to proceed further.In case you do not have your login details, please contact your
      Jurisdictional Tax authority
      Plz help

  9. Deen Dayal Agrawal Advocate says:

    Advise regarding GST Amendment for Pvt. Ltd. Company in case of “passing away managing director of the company”
    Dear Sir
    In above mentioned subject, the Pvt. Ltd. Firm name is “M/s Katex Dyeing & Printing Mills Pvt. Ltd.” Having GSTN 09AAACK4928J1ZA.

    Mr. Suresh Chand Kanaujia (Managing Director of the company) passed away dt. On 11.01.2021 & his DSC also expired before his death. Now at present, Board of the directors has appointed his wife Mrs. Meera Kanaujia as the managing director of the said company after the death of Mr. Suresh Chand Kanaujia (previous M.D).
    Now, The Company Director as the managing director, Mrs. Meera Kanaujia submitted a submission offline to GST Authorities to amend in primary Authorized Signatory in the said firm.

    In the reply from GST Authorities in the said above application to amend primary authorized signatory, that they have fulfilled the application on the dept. portal.

    After that, Assesse checked the same on self GST Login portal but it is found that there is no change on the portal. Portal reflected as earlier such as Mr. Suresh Chand Kanaujia as the first primary Authorised Signatory of the said company.

    After that, we informed to GST Authorities for the same but they had no solution about that.

    We have also raised a ticket ID Number 202102053587177 dt. On 05.02.2021 for the same problem but there is no response till to date.

    For your kind information, In the matter of Pvt. Ltd. Company, Any GST Return filling or any GST proceedings can be proceed by DSC only but in other than Pvt. Ltd. Company, same may proceed by EVC or DSC both.

    Please suggest advice on above matter.

    Deen Dayal Agrawal (Advocate)
    mob : 9412277717

  10. Nitesh Vaghela says:

    Dear Sir,
    We have filed the Refund Application vide ARN No: AB240918740969A under Refund of ITC on Export of Goods & Services without payment of Tax (Under LUT) but there was filling Mistake done by us that the claim amount is “0” zero instate of actually claim amount is 246304/- ( Two Lakh Fourty Six thousand Three Hundred Four Only – ) regarding above matter we have personally meet the RPO then he told us that you should have to send written application to reject the same refund application and after you will do fresh Refund Application for the period. Then as per the instruction given by the RPO we have already give an application for reject the Refund Application of above ARN to the RPO, Kalol. After that the RPO give us manually RFD-06 on Date:19-03-2020 for Claim Amount of “0” Zero. The RPO told us that your application has been rejected by us now you can re apply for the same. But, the above Refund application is not reject in our portal. When we trying to re apply for the same we found the error that you have already file the refund application for the same period. In RPO portal our application is not shown, but in our portal we have seen the same and that’s way we are unable to do the fresh refund application for the same period.

  11. Sujata Nair says:

    I have registered under GST in July 2017 but I have done Nil business since then as my husband has undergone a major operation.. I was not aware that NIL returns has to be filed. I have been told by CA to pay around 25000 fine amount. I had closed my business since last 9 to 10 months. I feel so helpless, Kindly help

  12. RAVI says:

    I have purchased some dress in LEVIS STORE_Pondy Bazaar, T.Nagar, chennai 17
    their GSTIN33AAJFB1219P1ZF MY BILL NO 534 dt of transaction 14th june 2018. I think some discrepancy in the billing.

  13. renuka choudhary says:

    I have been trying file my returns since November 2017. But I have been unable to do so due some technical error.

    – In payment of taxes it shows balance liability of 50 Rs, whereas there no liability because of which i am unable to file returns from October 2017 onwards. Even the helpdesk is not able to provide a solution have written to them so many time, all the solution they are providing are still unable to solve my problem.

    Please advise

  14. Renuka says:

    I have been trying file my GST returns since November 2017. But I have been unable to do so due some technical error.

    – In payment of taxes it shows balance liability of 50 Rs, whereas there no liability from my side its already paid. Because of this constant error i am unable to file returns from October 2017 onwards. Even the helpdesk is not able to provide a solution have written to them so many time, all the solution they are providing are still unable to solve my problem.

    Please advise.

  15. DEBASHIS SAHA says:

    GST website states that Cancellation of migrated taxpayers service will be made available by end of July 2017, but nothing has been done yet which should have done before last date for filing GSTR 3B.
    The tax payer being an Advocate, was registered under Service Tax regime and migrated to GST,
    As the Advocates are now outside the ambit of GST will it be necessary to file GSTR 3B.

  16. M K U VARMA says:


  17. parthasarathy says:


    There is huge traffic and unable to login government has to address the issue this should not be an issue again as there will be serial of forms to be filed from the Ist week of sept government should have to consider the problems faced by the dealers,tax professionals before making due dates

  18. Akshay Patni says:

    site technical problem….my cess payable amount not taken after click of submit button..no edit option is available….
    what i do sir now…
    reply must
    thank you

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