Trade Notice No. 14 dated 29th July, 2011
Subject : Stay on operation of Trade Notice No. 13 dated 27.07.2011 for export of non-Basmati rice.
Division Bench of the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi (Justice S.K. Kaul and Justice Rajiv Shakdher) in their interim order in Writ Petition No. 5237/2011 Kannu Aditya (India) Ltd. Vs. Union of India, made on 26th July, 2011 have ordered:
“It is directed that no allotment shall be made till the next date of hearing”.
2. This order was delivered in the Office of DGFT at 3.00 p.m. on 27th July, 2011, by which time the allocation of quantities for export of rice had already been made vide Trade Notice No. 13 of 27th July, 2011. Since the process of allotment was already completed by the time the interim order had been received, we are seeking further directions in the matter.
3. In the meantime, operation and implementation of the allocation made in terms of Trade Notice No. 13 of 27.07.2011 is stayed in view of the order passed by Honble High Court in the above writ petition and will be subject to outcome of the case.
4. This issues with the approval of DGFT.
(Daya Shankar)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
(F.No : 01/91/180/775/AM10/EC)