No. 01/12/2014- VS (CRS)
V.S. Division, West Block —I, R.K. Puram, New Delhi — 110066
Tele-fax: 26177330, E-mail: drg-crs.rgi@nic.in, manojlSS9.rgi@nic.in, Dated- 03-05-2017
Sub: Non-display of Aadhaar/UID numbers in birth and death certificates i.e. in form no. 5 and 6 respectively.
Your attention is invited to this office letter number 1/12/2014-VS (CRS) dated 20-01-2015 vide which instructions were issued for inclusion of column of Aadhaar/UID number of parents in birth certificate and UID number of deceased, parents of deceased and spouse (if deceased is married) in death certificate i.e. in form no.5 and 6 respectively.
2. It is clarified that Aadhaar/UID numbers can be used as an optional document for the purposes of seeking the identity of the parents and need not he considered a mandatory requirement. Further, Aadhaar/UID number, if obtained, should have the consent of the concerned person for the aforesaid purposes. It is also clarified that all other documents for the purposes of identity being used by the State Governments are also valid and the State Governments. being the implementing agency in respect of birth and death, may follow the rules framed by them and also the provisions of the IT Act and Aadhaar Act, 2016. Wherever the State Governments are prescribing the use of Aadhaar/UID number, it is their responsibility to ensure that there is no display of Aadhaar/UID number in any form, impacting the individual’s privacy which is a punishable offense under the Aadhaar Act, 2016. It shall be the sole responsibility of the State Government to take necessary measures in this regard.
3. It is also to inform that in view of the above facts, the Aadhaar/UID number has now not been displayed in the birth and death certificates generated through the centralized CRS online birth/death portal i.e. www.crsorgi.gov.in. Taken into consideration the aforesaid facts, you are requested to take necessary steps in the matter on priority basis and ensure that Aadhaar/UID number should not be displayed in the respective birth and death certificates. This office may be appraised of the action taken in this regard.
(Manoj Kumar)
Deputy Registrar General (CRS)
The Chief Registrar of Births and Deaths of all States/UT’s.