F.No. HRD/AD/802/3/2017-18/736
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
Date: 03.05.2017
The CBDT has considered the work allocation of the attached Directorates on functional basis and has approved the following changes in the existing functions and reporting structure for the Directorates attached to the CBDT:
I. DGIT (Admn. & TPS) will report to the Member (R) for all matters.
II. DGIT (Risk Assessment) will report to the Member (IT).
III. DGIT (L&R) will report to the Member (A&J)
IV. DGIT (Systems) will report to the Member (IT)
V. DOMS will shift to the Directorate General of Income Tax (Administration and TPS). Consequently, following ADGs will report to the DGIT (Admn. & TPS) as under :-
(a) ADG (TPS-I)
(b) ADG (TPS-II)
(c) ADG (PR,PP,& OL)
(d) ADG (DOMS)
(e) ADG (Recovery)
VI. R & S wing headed by DDG will be placed under the Directorate General of Income Tax (Administration and TPS).
VII. Directorate of Audit will shift to the Directorate General of Income Tax (L&R). Inspection related work will shift to the Directorate of Income Tax (Audit) and will be looked after by ADG (Audit). Member (A&J) will look after all the work of Directorate of Income Tax (Audit) through the DGIT (L&R). The post of ADG (Audit) will be re designated as ADG (Audit & Inspections).
VIII. ADGs (TPS) will look after all the matters relating to Tax Payer’s services including grievances as well as the Citizens Printing of the Citizens Charter would continue to vest with ADG (PR, PP & OL).
IX. TDS related functions would shift from Directorate of TDS & TPS to Directorate of Income Tax (Recovery). ADG (Recovery) will, in addition to existing functions, also look after functions related to TDS. Grievances related to TDS would, however, be handled by ADGs (TPS), ADGs in the re designated Directorate of Income Tax (TPS) would consequently be designated ADG (TPS 1/11) and ADG in Directorate of Income Tax (Recovery) [to be re designated Directorate of Income Tax (Recovery & TDS)] will be designated ADG (Recovery & TDS).
X. Directorate of Income Tax (Exams) will shift to the Directorate General of Income Tax (HRD) and ADG (Exams) will report to the DGIT (HRD). All the work related to official language (OL}, including management of the official language cadre would shift from ADG (PR,PP &OL) to ADG(Exams). The post of ADG (Exams) would be re designated as ADG (Exams & OL).
XI. Work related to promotion of ITOs will shift from ADG (PR, PP&OL} to ADG (HRD I) under DGIT (HRD).
XII. The work of cadre management of EDP cadre will shift from Directorate General of income Tax (System) to Directorate General of Income Tax (HRD) and will be looked after by ADG (HRD-II).
XIII. Work related to 1% incentive scheme will be look after by ADG (Infra-II).
XIV. The post of ADG (PR,PP&OL) would be re designated as ADG(PR. P&P) [Printing, Publication and Publicity].
2. Following changes will also be effected in the functions and reporting structure of Directorates and Divisions of the CBDT:-
(i) FT & TR Division and PCCIT (Int. ) will report to the Member (L&C).
(ii) The Director General of Income Tax (Investigation) will look after all work relating to the Benami Properties Act and Black Money Act in their respective regions.
3. A chart showing revised structure is enclosed as Annex ‘A’.
4. The proposed changes will take effect immediately from the date of However, no physical shifting of the offices shall take place at this juncture and all the offices would continue to operate from existing premises without any dislocation.
5. Hindi translation of the order will follow.
(Manoj Kumar)
Addl. Director General of Income Tax (HRD)-1
CBDT, New Delhi
Annex-A Revised Structure of the Directorates of CBDT